Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The smile of my life.. Part18

Othman froze in his thoughts..

Noura smiled widely: 3ethmaaaan!! El7emdellaah!!!

Othman smiled: el7mdellaah!!.. Ya36eech el3afya dektora

The dr.: allah y3afeek!

They left the hospital..

Noura: 3ethmaan khanroo7 el avenues

Othman: sh7agga?

Noura: madry khanshouf shinu aku bel souug khantesawag 7g yousiff eljameel

Othman: noura! 7abebty tawech belshahar elrab3 la testa3yeleen benazlon shaghlat a7la 3ugub

Noura: enzain akheth khebra 3n ma7allat elyahhal

Othman: la maku da3y erta7aay bro7ech 7amel ou tawch radda min eldawam

Noura: atmanna ena 9ej qa9dek ra7ty!

Othman: ya3ni shbekooon qa9dy? 

Noura: ma adry! 

Othman ignored her sentence..

They went back home..

He wore his pajama and laid on his bed..

She took her bathrobe and went inside the bathroom..

Othman started to think of Basma..

"Noura 7maalat! Ou eb ba6enha walad! Ou btharf 5 shhour beyye 7g haldenya!! Ou bedal elmas'oleya elwa7da be9er ley mas'oleetain!! Ou btakhethny denyety 3an basma.. Abeeha! Mayyet 3alaiha bs metwahheg!!! Noura shasawy feha? A6aleg'ha? Atzawaj basma 3alaiha? Magdaar!! El thulm thulumat yom elqeyama!!! Staghferallah el3atheeem.."

Noura went out of the bathroom wearing her nightie..

She sat down next to Othman, she interrupted his thoughts..

Noura: tfakker eb waladna?

He rolled his eyes to see her belly and smiled: chenna kebar?

She smiled and held her belly: ee wallah! Many 3arfa anam

Othman: allah ykon b3onkum! Min shwaya eljanna ta7at aqdamkum

She took a deeo breath and smiled: ee wallah! 

"Ta3abt wana at7assaf!! Ta3abt wana agool luw enna basma ely ga3da yammy al7een mu noura.."

Noura smiled: 3ethmaan ga3d yet7arrak!!

Othman smiled: 9ej?

Noura: eee elmesss!!

He slowly moved his hand to touch her belly.. 

Othman smiled: ohh ee wallah! Ma y3awrech?

Noura: la 7aram 7abebee


She was reading their convos..

His night messages..

"I need this love! Me7tajeta al7een!! Akthar min gabel.."

"Mu gadra ansa shloun bedat 3elaqatna.. Mu gadra ansa shkethr kent ma anaam theech el ayyam.."

*Othman: basmooo

Basma: na3aam!

Othman: 3a6eeny raqmech bser3aa

Basma: raqmyyy??? Laaish shtabe feehh

Othman: bser3a 3a6eeneyaah ma3ndy waagt!!!

Basma: enzaain laaaishhh!!

Othman: 3a6eeeny wagoolech!!

Basma: ok 999*****

Othman gave her a naughty smile: ok

Basma: yalla goool laishhh?

Othman: faman allah!

Basma's eyes popped out: heeeey wain raye7!!!!*

"Wala gadra ansa awal mukalama ou shlon kanat qemmat el e7raaj!!"

*basma: alo na3am?

Othman: la zain zain thegeela

Basma: 3ethmaaan?

Othman: eeh!

Basma: ba6ait chabdy!! Laish en7esht bedon la tgollly shtabe braqmy!!

Othman: la'anny en7arajt a3teref lech b7ubby face to face 3araftay?

Basma's eyes reached al3abdely!!!

Othman: eee basma ee a7ebech! Kelshay feech 7abaitaa! 9ej enech bent khalty men kent yahel bs tawni af6en 7g haljamal!! Shakh9eetech naaar!! Ou chethy a7esech onthaa raqem eslobech el dafsh! Fech shay ghair!! 

Basma: ent maynoon? Shinu tabe menny!!

Othman: 3a6eeny fer9a shahar!! Akalmech feh ou nta3arraf 3adel! 7abaitech mu gader!* 

"And that month extends to years.. Unforgettable years.."


Othman: shlonech yumma!!

Hayouna: as'al 3annek 7abebee!!

Othman: oh shhal 6awla? Yededa chenha!!

Hayouna: eee way shawegatny 3nd west elm walaw enha mu mafs roo7 el9ala bs wala many mkhaleet'ha bkha6rry

Othman smiled: zain sawaitaay!!

Hayouna: eee gabel la ansa tra hal esboo3 omy m7ar9a ena elkel eye lezwara betket noun 3ala basoma ou msawya 3asha 3ala salamat'ha

Othman froze in his place..

Hayouna: walla bainy ou bainek mawedy teyye! La'anny ma athmen 7arakatek bs 3ashan omek 3aysha m7ar9a!

Othman sighed: ay 7arakat yumma! Merty weyay shbasawy ya3ni? La ou 7amel!! Bainy ou bainech ana mawedy ayye! 

Hayouna: shouf ta3al shway ou rou7 6al3olekum ay 3ether goul noura ta3bana bs wee btestaghreb 3ala hal mfawal

Othman: 3ad noura nethamha tnashef reejy as'ela

Hayouna: bs ta3alaw met'akher ou bs ou egtheb nafsek

He nodded..

Othman: ana ba93ad ghurfety bakheth cham shaghlaa 3la ma eye obouy

Hayouna: ok

He went to his room..

He was searching for his old nokia 6600..

Until he found it..

"Ya zeeen ayyamek!!!"

He kissed his mobile automatically..

He put it in his pocket and left..

He called lujain..

Othman: hala lajoun wainech??

Lujain: ma3a khaled shtabe?

Othman: abe charger nokia 3ndech?

Lujain: ollah shtabe feeh?

Othman: abe shaghla men mobily elqadeem

Lujain: shouf eb dary bel yarrara el akheera malt e console feha box dakhla mobilat ou chargerat qadeema shof ymkin telga

Othman: ok!!


Joud: basmo baro7 asawy shopping bel avenues teyeen?

Basma: enzain chethy ysawoon shopping?

Joud giggled: aku a7la men chethy kheffa ou dalaal?

Basma: la walla ya3ni wayed g9eer eldress!

Joud: ufff! Khala9 3ad may9eer chethy basma kel ma shefteeny 3allaqtay!

Basma: enzain! Enzain sebgeeny 3ala ma abadel!

Joud: ok!


He opened his mobile..

"Ree7at elmathy.."

He went through his photos to see himself sitting on one of mama aisha's couches next to Basma with her tanned skin and brown hair, closing his eyes and directing his lips toward her cheek.. Basma was smiling in a shy way..

"9ej enha flying kiss bs 6a3amha ghair!"

He continued to see a video of basma..

Othman was the camera man..

*Othman: basomaa golay 7g e3yalna elmustaqbaleyeen shkether t7ebeen obouhum ely oho ana

Basma: e7m! Awal shay halkalam muwajah 7g bechry ywaisef!! Tra obouk mqa9ebny agool a7eba ma3alaik mena ymout 3al show

Othman: basoooomaaa!!! Hatha sabe3 video tkharbeena goly a7eba ad elba7ar ou bas

Basma smiled: weddy agool bs elba7ar shwayya 3ethmaaany

Othman: ya jema3a ana thebt fa9el wenwa9el*

"Memories, the best memories!!! Wana ashofhum a7es ena ams mu gabel sneeen!!! Ana ma 7abait basoma min nafsy! Basma 7asesatny bel 7ub chan a7ebha.. Abeeha"

Noura: elsalamu 3alaikum

Othman placed his phone on the drawer..

Othman: hala wa3alaikum elsalam shloun 3amity?

Noura: zaina tes'al 3anek!

Othman: tes'al 3nha el3aafyaa

Noura: et9adeg a7esny ta3bana? Ma3anna tawni bel rabe3 bs madry shfeny

Othman: awadeech el6abeeb?

Noura: la mu laihadaraja! Bs shakly bacher many mdawma

Othman: ee erta7ay shwarach

Noura: enzain tawha 9 gom khaneg3ad bel9ala wenshoof movie

Othman: la ana banam! 7eta entay erta7ay!!

Noura: eee khalty dagga 3alay tgolly hal esboo3 lezwara mat3oob 3alaiha fa ta3al ou 3ugub rou7 elshalay

Othman: ee enshallah

Noura: beketoon noun ou 6albeen 3asha 3ala salamat bent khalty sana esemha basma a3teqed

Othman: adry!

Noura: mashallah! 9ej many mestaw3eba shloun gamat 3ugub 11 sena! Ya3ni 11 sena ollah ana kent bel thanawy!! Kelshay taghayar!! Wedy a3aref shet7es feeh!!

Othman sighed: allah yhadeech youm shefteeny banam enkataitay bel suwalef?

Noura: asfa mu qa9dy!

Othman: 7eta entay namay ethach 9ej ta3bana!!!


She wore a jeans and a white shirt, left her hair down and went out..

"Laykoun mehy 6al3a elyoum?? Madry anzel a6eg eljaras!! Oh kahy!!"

He left his car and went to her..

She smiled: shinu?

Othman: 9aba7 elkhair!

Basma: 9abaa7 elnour

Othman: wAin betro7een

She smiled: chenek 9ayerly maba7eth

Othman: la bs abe min wagtech

Basma: walla ana ray7a el salon bs akansel elmaw3ed etha tabe

Othman nodded: yalait

Basma: 3ethman! Shfeek?

"Tefhaaamny min 3youni.. Ma anlaam!"

Othman: feeny elly feeech!!! 

Basma: we esmella 3alaaaikkk 3ethmany!!!

"Please don't make it harder!!!"

Othman: basoma terkebeen ma3ay?

She nodded: enshallah bs khangol 7g elsayeg ydesh


Othman: basoma ana luw ashra7 shkether a7ebech ou shloun ou laish mara7 akhale9! Wallla mara7 akhale9!! Bs ana abeech tefhemeeen shay wa7ed eny ma7abait wala ra7 a7eb a7ad nafs ma7abaitech!!! Basoma enty khathaity galbe min mukana wana ath7ak! 

Basma: ou galbek lail7een 3ndy??

Othman: lay bacher!!!! Bs.. 

Basma: ee?

Othman: ma abeech ete3elegain feeny akthaar

Basma's heart's beats accelerated..

She rolled her eyes to meet his: shinu taq9ed

Othman: noura! Zojty 7amel! Ba9eer obo greeb! Mas'ool 3n osra!! Ma agdar akalmech wana bhal wath3!! Ham entay mabeech twagfeen 7ayatech 3alay bel 3aks tezawejy ghairy ou allah ywafgech

A tear dropped down his cheek..

Basma did not split a word..

Othman: basma walla luw beeedy chan kammalt 7ayatee ma3aaach bs mu gaaader!!!

Basma: ma3thour! Redny elbait 3ethman

Othman: basoma 6alabtech

Basma: amer 3ethman

Othman: 3eeshy 7ayaaatech

She smiled: ay 7ayat? Ma ashoufha wainha?


Unknown said...

Jad jadd madry shaguul khal9aw klmaate😭💔

Unknown said...

A7saaan 7al hathaa a7iss , 3ashan noora ma tenthlm

Anonymous said...

mskeeena basoooma

Anonymous said...

Awwww Othmaaan he's so heartbroken

Anonymous said...

katkoooota 3wrty glooobna

Unknown said...

He's doing the right thing ❤️❤️

Anonymous said...

noura malaha shghel adre!! bs tnarfzne yakhe ma7ebha! ou 3ethman tawa yestaw3eb ena kilish mala da3e ytgarab mn basma akhthar mn mahu greeb! dam mayabe y6aleg murta wala ytzawaj basma! 7saita ananyy anyways..poor basoma.

Anonymous said...

A7s othman by6lg noura wla by9er feha shay w bytzwj basoma w she'll take care of yousif

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite story so far

Anonymous said...

Wla chapter greta without dropping a tear! My heart hurts wallah:( one of the best stories you have ever wrote! Plus mashallah mashallah your posting continuously!❤️ Love you loaddss! Thanks for giving us your time💕

Anonymous said...

Im feeling mean to say this bs enshallah the baby dies, that would fix quite everything:( I dont hate noura but I hate that she's taking Basoma's place/life. Basoma was supposed to be Um Yousif! The one and only Um Yousif❤️

Anonymous said...

Bs Basooma btn'9lm! Its her life not noura's! Even Othman byn'9lm! He doesn't love her and his heart isn't with Noura.. They both wont be happy if they were apart. Anndd the babiess! Shthnbhum if their dad doesn't love their mom?!

Anonymous said...

Omg no he's nottt! He's breaking Basooma's heart

Anonymous said...

القلب وما يهوى..

Anonymous said...

OMG YES PLEASEEEE! Bs I prefer that y9edha shay cause 7ram tchoofhum happy with her baby and she's not.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is!

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...


4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Endlessly summer: eeeeh 7addaa!!

Sparkle: eee 9a7 men eldenya hatha ne9eebhaa!! Bs 3ethman maykoon thalem a7ad!!ham ba3ad 3ethman bynthelem men eldenya mu men a7aad!! Exaaactly bs at the moment! Yemkin belmustaqbal ykonoun happy!! Maa adryyy;/

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...


4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

7addaa wa3alayyaaaa;/

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Mes7oooha bwayheee:(

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

FA: bethaaab6!!

Anonymous: mu ohwaa eldenyaaa ely it breaks her heart!!

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Anonymous1: ee akeed tnarfezech la'anna you meet basma first fa your heart belongs to her faaaahmetech❤️! Oho mestaw3eb men awal bs la'anna waaayed kan walhan fa kan yabe eshofha ygolaha shinu 9ar ou 3ugub 9ara7ha!! Maa a7esa anany bel3aks luw anany chan 6allag noura men mbaacher!!

Anonymous2: akeeeed❤️

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Anonymous1: mumkennn bs shna6er laish ma 6alag'ha laish he broke up ma3a basmaa madam fe neyyat 6alag? elwed weddeeech::::

Anonymous2: LOOOOOOOL wayed 3alaichhh:::::

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

This is my favorite comment❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Awwwwhhh!!! Sorry for thaaat:(!! Thaaaanks a loooot!!! Eeee la7athtaaay? Allah ytaammem::::!! Loooove you tooo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Testaaahlooooonnn!

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Abaaaih 7araaaammm::::::!!! Eee abaih fahmetech atwaqa3 elkel nafsech!! 7adddaaaaa:((!!

Unknown said...

9a7 kalamich w asasan dayman iloola tin7ab akthar Lena bi3yoon il nas ihya ilba6ala Bas sometimes lazim nkoon realistic w inshoof ildinya b3yoon was3a w with indifference. Not everyone is gonna have their perfect ending with their first love. W ham hatha min ni9eebich قدر الله وما شاء فعل

Anonymous said...

حرااااااامممم لااااا مايصيييرر والله حرام عليكم شدعوه لهدرجة نورة قاثتكم والله حراممم البنت فقيييرة وقلبها طيب