Saturday, November 29, 2014

The rushed decision .. Part36

Getting married is not everything in this life!!!

I prefer to love Bandar till forever than living with someone else!!!

I shouldnt give up this easy!!

I loved him and I still do and will love him forever!!!!

إمّا نكون اللي نبيه ولا عسانا ما نكون..

Hamad: rana shfeech mu ga3da takleen!! Tabeen netrayyag bmukan thany?

Me: la! Ka im eating berries

Hamad: rano shrayech nrou7 kannes? Eldarb yemkin 5 sa3at mu wayed

Me: kaifek

Hamad: elyoum a7jez online aw 3n 6areeq el fendeq ennam layltain ou nred

Me: kaifek do whatever you want

Hamad: rana? 3asa ma shar?

Me: 7amad! You asked me ams etha abe Bandar aw la!! 

Hamad froze in his place..

Hamad: eeh?

Me: and I didnt answer your question!!

Hamad: lanna elsekoot 3alamat elretha?

Me: no! To give myself time to think!

Hamad: ou fakkartay?

I nodded: 6oul el lail!

Hamad: ou elnateeja?

Me: i chose him! I prefer to be with Bandar!! 

He gave me a death stare and SLAPPED me on my face..

Me shocked: AWWW!!!!!!!

Hamad: qellat 7ayaaa!!!!! Ana gaaayel!! Min galatly fara7 enech msafra ma3a baandar wenty 6ay7a min 3ainy!!! QELLAT 7AYAAA!!!!!


Hamad: roooo7y zain!!!!

And He left the place..

My thighs started to shake and my eyes started to tear..


"6e7ty min 3ainy!!"

His words kept on repeating in my mond over and over..

This was a bit harsh!!


Me: a7es enny 3ala 3al mujtama3!! Ma7ad e7ebny ma7ad yabeeeny ma menny faaayda!!! A7es enny maqmooota!

Dania: enty ely ekhterty hal shay!!

Me: shinu ely ana ekhtarta!!!

Dania: ekhtartay enech matkouneen sa3eeda! Reba6ty sa3adtech eb ensaaan!! Ou hatha akbar ghalaaa6 lanna ma7ad dayem la7ad!!

Me: lanny ma sheft elsa3ada ella 3enda! Ma7ad 3a6any elsa3ada ghairaaah!!! 7etta ma tegasamha ma3ay 3a6anyaha kelha dania!

Dania: elsa3ada mawjooda 3endy ou 3nd 7amad ou 3ndech bs entay ely ma tabeenha ela men bandar!!! Enseeeh khalaa9!! Enty akbar min 6aqtaah! 7eta luw obouch retha bandar mara7 yegdar yakheth wa7da kanat mert refeeja!!! 

Me: mu lazem yakhethny!! Bs 3allaqal ma akheth ghaira!

Dania: rana elfera9 teyye marra bel3umer!! 3ugub la 6e7ty bchabd ahalech beta7asefaain!! 7emde rabech enna 7amad rathy feeech lanna malaffech aswaad ou m9ayyen

Me: elzawaj mu kel shay!!!

Dania: 9aaa7!! Bs halkalam egolouna elnas ely 3ndehum hadaf bel7ayaat mu hadafhum bandar!! Khaalaaaa9 ensay e97aay!!!

Me: daniaa!! 3ady a6lebech 6alab?

Dania: anything!

I told her my order and closed the line..

I chose those to wear them and went out..

I went to the champs elysees park, sat in one of the corners and started to do yoga..

"Enhale, exhale.."

I need to calm down..

Nothing worths my tears!!

Nothing worths my sadness!!

I have to be happy!!

I have to smile and just forget everything!!


Yarab as3edny..


Me: hi!

Hamad: wain kentay?

Me: bel 7adeeqa!

Hamad: emm, ana 6ale3 6elby 3asha min elma63am 3ala e7saby aw kaifech ro7y ay mukan!

Me: arou7 brou7y?

Hamad: aw madry etha bandar aw a7ad men ma3arfech hny ro7y ma3ah ma yemna3

Me: seriously!

Hamad: kho 3ady 3ndech el7ayat 7elwa

Me: please e7terem nafsek!! Ou ba3dain mala da3y t3aseb!!! You're the one who asked me to choose between you and Bandar!! Fa lamma I decided to choose bandar mala da3y t3a9eb!!

Hamad: ma hagait ennech eb hal mustawa! Mahagait enna 3ainech geweya ou nakra lel jemeeel!!


Hamad: watch your manners first! Faman allah!


Kel mala ou ya9demny akthar..

Ok a3teref enny sawait aghla6!!

A3teref enny la7agt galbe bedoun tafkeer!!

Bs may7eglaaa may7egla yhaze'ny chethy!! 

I wore those and went out..

I placed my headset and started to walk along the champs elysees..

Kelsh mu meshtahya akel shay!!
*استكثرك وقتي عليّ و غدا بك.. عادة زماني كل ما طاب هوّن. ليت الذي ودّاك يا زين جابك تشوف عقبك ايش الايام سوّن*


Estemarrat 7alatna ana ou 7amad chethy 3 ayyam!!

3 ayyam ma n7achy ba3ath..

Wala nakel ma3a ba3ath..

Elwath3 7ail ethayeg!!! 

I have to do something!!

He was applying some cologne..

And I was laying on the bed..

Me: 7amad?

Hamad: hmm!

Me: ok i have to admit that I did many wrong things ou badda3t b7ayatee bs may9eer t7asbny 3ala shay ra7!! Elly fat mat sheela men balek!

Hamad: lamma entay tsheeleena men balech ana basheela!

I froze in my thoughts..

Hamad: shfeech sekattay!!

Me: ana ma kallamtek 3ashan ared at'hawash!! 7amad im sorry! Im sorry for everything i did since the day you engaged  me!!

He gave me a cold stare..

Me: 7amad wallah karaht nafsy bhal 3 ayyam!! Please same7ny ma7eb chethy

Hamad: 3ayartech walahty 3alay!!

7asait mara7 tabred chabda ella lamma agoolla ee walaht!!

I nodded: akeed!

He went closer to me and sat down the bed..

Hamad: 6ab edeeny bosa?

I smiled in a shyly way and kissed his cheak..

He hugged me tight: 3umry wallah!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The rushed decision .. Part35

Akalem bandar?

As'ela sh9ar?

Wella an6er Hamad egoully!!

I took my mobile and sent bandar a whatsapp message..

"Is everything ok??"

He read and ignored!!

I tried to call him several times but he was ignoring!!!


Doesn't he miss me??

I checked his instagram account to see a picture's been uploaded few seconds ago..

It was him sitting in one of Zurich's benches..

And the caption was:

مادام بعدك منكتب في مصيري إن قلت لك بصبر على البعد كذاب.. اللي خلقني خالق أحباب غيري و اللي خلق حبك خلق غيرك أحباب.. #missing

I kept on staring at the caption for minutes..

I know its for me!!!

And I knew it from the beginning, no body would love me more than bandar does!!!!

Waaalla luw alef el3alam ma alga a7ad e7ebny nafsaa!!!!

Elnas tshouf enna Hamad perfect ou e7ebny ou kelshay!!

Bs ana adry ou galbe adra ena musta7eel a7ad be7ebba nafs bandar!!

I know he's dying to be with me!!!

And i know he would never ever has "a7bab" ghairy!!!


After a few minutes Hamad went out of the bathroom..

He walked silently to his side of the bed and layed down..

Me: 7amad? Eshfeek??

Hamad: mafeeny shay!!

Me: Embalaaa feeek!!! Wayhek makh6ouf ou ma sallamt ou 7altek 7ala ou tgool mafeek shay!!

Hamad: SHEHEMMECH??? 6oul 3umrech 7agraaatny ou maa hammaaitech sh3endech em7ancha elyouuuum!!!

My eyes popped out!!!

Me: la wala hatha mu esloubek!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!

Hamad turned around and covered himself with the blanket..

Me: tara 3aaaibb chethy ta7gerny!!

Hamad ignored my sentence!!!


Faj'a gaaalabbb!!

Me: ok e7gerny!!

I switched the lights off and slept!!!


I slowly opened my eyes..

It was dark, i stretched my hand to reach my mobile to see the time and it was 9!!

I turned around to check about Hamad wella he wasnt there!!!

La jad sh9ayerrr!!!!!

Be6aggag ok! 

Medam za3al bkaifa khal yertha bkaifaa!!

I left my bed and went to the bathroom..

I did my jod, wore those:

And went out..

I tied my hair in a high bun and went out..

I was walking along the champs elysees and punching on my mobile to notice a whatsapp message from bandar..

"Rana, 3ashany enseeny!! Ou jably raylech tra fara7 allah yhadeeha kharrat lah el aku welmaku!! La t7ateen 7amad mara7 esawy loya ana a3arfa bs jableeh 6alabtech"

Kent dayman agolla 6alabatek awaamer!!

Ou kent atkhayyal elmusta7eel nafs "age6 ro7y min fog lay ta7at" ou agoul ee 3ady ra7 a6ee3a!!

Bs ma kan baly met9awer ena elmusta7eel byo9al lay hadaraja min elmusta7eel ou ya6leb minny ansah!!!!!!

Ou ajabel refeeeja!!!

"Fara7 atwaqa3 yjouz thab7ha!!!! Bandar hamad ams kallemek shgaaal????"

He ignored 6ab3an!!!

Ou i tried to call him but he ignored too!!!!


----: ha sh3endech tamsheen bro7ech wain raylech? Shaklech mza3leta

Me: su'al? Entay ma3ndech sheghel? Malech salfa ella tsafreen ou tkharbe6een ou tkharbeen byout el awadem???

Farah: ana akhareb byoot el awadem? Shakuu

I took few steps toward her and held her shirt from the top..

Me: shoufay!! 3elmen yo9lech ou yta3addach yal hailegeya elwa9khaa bandar 7abeebe ou betem 7abeebe ou e7ebny luw bainna kawakeb ok??? Ou salfat enna y7ebech hathy ENSEEEHA!!! Ou hamad betem rayly ely yabeeny ou luw tgooleella kalam minny lay bacher muho m9adgech FAHMAAAA!!!

Farah: hedddeeeeny yal wa7shaaa


Farah: faahma effff

I released her shirt..


And she went away..

Me: hah 


Me: zain shefnak!!

Hamad: taghadaitay?

Me: mhayetny hny brai7aty wain atghadda!

Hamad: betfahmeeny enech ma 6ala3tay?

Me: bala 6ala3t and i met farah

He froze in his thoughts..

Hamad: shgalat?

Me: enta ely goully shgalat lek!!

Hamad: sewad wayh!! A9lan many gader atkhayyal ely galeta!! Bandar?? BANDAR??? 3aib!! Walla 3aib

My throat became dryer than ever..

Madry shagool maku kalaaam!!

Hamad: testaghfelouny? Eteshawefon min waray? Denya tkhare3!! YAYBATNY HNY 3ASHAN TSHOFEEENA? ENTAW SHINU MIN BASHAR!!!!

All the words jumped to my tongue and I split everything..

Me: LAAA!! Ana maadry madry ena ohwa hny ou ohwa ba3ad ma yaaadry!!!! WALA 9EDFA!! Faraaa7 chathaba la t9adeg'ha!

Hamad: 7asbalech ay bent bteyeeny min elshare3 ba9awrrha? Bs ehya warratny 9oura feha entaw el athnain hny eb Paris taf9elkum inchat!!!!!!! Enqemat galbe!!!! Bandar? La 7asha ma ysaweehaa!! Yan ou estakhaf!!!

Me: 7amad!! Bandar mala sheghel!! Ana ely re7t lai 3enda! Ou luw el7aqeera msam3etek voice note chan 7a6aita foug rasek ou gelt san3!!!!! 7amad bandar e3arefny min gabel la ent t3arefny!!! Ohwa el7abeeb ely kalamtek 3annah!

Hamad: bs la tkamleeen bss allah ykhaleech sektay!

Me: many sakta la'annek wayed thalamtaa!!!!! Min awal ma taqadamt ley wakhar 3nny!!!! Luw ghaira chan aqal shay esaweh enna ma ykalmek!! Bs ohwa laa ohwa arqa min chethy!! Tadry elyoum shinu dazly??

Hamad gave me that interested face: shinu?

I gave him my mobile..

Me: egra!!

Hamad: ee! 3ugb elzaffa ely ams zaffaita!

Me: ou ham zaffa ba3ad? Allah ysam7ech!

Hamad: 7ubech lah 9a3eb!! Ana raylech ya bent raylech!!!

Me: adry! The ugly truth!

Hamad: mashkoura! Eye menech akthar!

Me: sorry mu qasdy enta el ugly!!

Hamad: rana! Min el akher entay tabeeny wela la? 

Me: may I ask you the same question?

Hamad: mu kha6abtech? Mu yeet baitkum ou 6alabt eedech? Astaghreb minech!! 3umrech shefty miny tag9eer?? 

Me: la! Bs 3ugub ely galeta lek farah!!

Hamad: ana en9edamt min refeejy mu minech!! Bs elmessage shway barrad chabdy!! Etha tabeen bandar ana mwafeq!! Rou7y ekhtheeh!! La'anny 3araft enech luw ma tabeeny ma tabeeny musta7eel eghayrech 6eeby ou ta3amly!

I took a deep breath: ye3t!

Hamad: Yalla goumy net3ashaa

I wore a jacket and we went to Bread and roses to eat our dinner..

Hamad: 7awly etshoufeen elly 3endech ou testamte3een feeh ou tqadreena gabel la yrou7 minech!!

I was staring at him: ga3da afaker shinu 3ndy?

Hamad: ana?

I giggled: you are the one who should enjoy and appreciate!!!

Hamad: entay mkhalya feeha enjoy? Kella safhatny!!

Me: akoun ma aq9ed! 7amad enta kebart b3ainy el9ara7a!!

Hamad: shloun?

Me: 3ala salfat fara7!! I was expecting things to get worst!

Hamad: i have a past too!! Ely ba6 chabdy salfat enkum eteshawefoun wana weyakum bnafs eldeera!!!! Bs 6akhait 3ugb elmessage ou ana na6er ayshay e6akhekhny lanna fee shay dakhly egoul maysaweeha bandar!!!

So, Bandar is that perfect man elly every girl dreams of!! 

Elly ma nshoufa ella bel fairy tales..

Is it really the end? 

Am I going to accept Hamad and just leave Bandar for my dreams?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The rushed decision .. Part34

Hamad: KHARA ZAIN!!!


Hathy awal marra asma3a yseb feeha!!

Uff jad mu nag9eta!!

I took a quick shower and wore those:

I went out of the bathroom..

Me: 7amad?

Haw where did he go!!!!

I went out of the hotel..

I was really starving so i went to Le brioche..

Me: do you have anything with fromage

The lady: mozzarella?

Me: ok and a cappuccino please

The lady: sur

She gave me my order and I sat down..



That smell!!

I took my mobile, instagram, Bandar_Alflani , no new post!!!

Its been a routine, to go through his account every single day to know about him because I miss him...

I miss every little thing in that MAN!!

I miss his face, i miss his shape, I miss his heart, i miss his voice, I miss his kindness and  i miss him by my side!!!!!

I started to drink my Cappuccino and remember his details..

His words and his smiles..

Its like a big part of me has been gone!!

And I cant live with the small part left!!

I need a miracle!!!

A miracle that could bring him back to me to throw myself on his lap and hug him..

*ana at3ab ana bel7ail at3ab ou luw galaw a7ebba gelt a7ebba.. 3ala el3eshaag mafeh shay a93ab min frag el a7ebba lel a7ebba..*


I was walking along the Champs Elysees and talking to Dania..

Me: ou shinu el list?

Dania: abee arou7 sky diving ou arkab wake board ou arketh min baitna lay baitkum ou arkab el 9a7an ou aghanny ou arou7 lembarekeya eb 3abaya ou berga3 ou emmm

Me while laughing: eshdaaa3wa ely yesme3ech egoul bedesheen sejen mu betezawejain!

Dania: wallahh ana adry ena elzawaj feeh shay men elqamta fa batnaffaahh

Me: ok tamreen amer im in

Dania: ou bagool 7g rayoum ou bayoub ou mahuu

Me: eeee ou min al7een agoulech mahu is out haha

Dania: adry thba7atna chena ma7ad metzawej ghairha

Me: hahaaa enzain mita kel hatha?

Dania: umm madry a7es a7la gabel elmelcha so i will try eny a'ajel elmelcha lain teyeen ou we do those things ba3dain amlech shrayech?

Me: this is 7amad!! Akalmech 3ugub

Dania: eff okay!

I closed the line and went closer to Hamad..

Me: 7amad

Hamad: zain 6ala3tay

Me: im sorry! 

Hamad: 6af!! Bs tra mafeeha shay lamma ashrab shay hathak kan yeshreba!!!! Ma kefart wallah!!!

Me: i know getlek im sorry!

Hamad: la t3eedeenha

Me: ok

Hamad: yalla 3ayl emshay ma3ay

I smiled: 3ala wain?

He hugged me from the side: wain tabeen?

I wasnt comfortable at all!!

3aks lamma bandar elemny!!

Mabeeh ehedny ou I feel safe and comfortable!!!

Me: anywhere!

We took a Taxi and went to Disneyland..

I miss thaaat place!!

It feels like youre in one of disney's cartoons!!

The weather was amazing and the atmosphere is to die for!!

The music took us 20 years back!!

Everyone there acts like a child!!

I wore minny mouse's head band and disney's hoody..

Hamad wore the same hoody I wore..

We played many AMAZING rides such as the elevator, its a small world, nemo's, rattatolie's, tea cups, buzz's and many more!!

We ate that DELICIOUS chicken burger for lunch and tasteless micky pizza for dinner..

We took pictures and ate popcorns..

We watched the afternoon's show and the night's show and they were BREATH TAKING!!

We did shopping at their CUTE shops!!

We really enjoyed our time and I forgot all the pain..

Me: akhh i wish i could live there!!!

Hamad: 9erna azyad min elyahhaal

Me: jaad!!

Hamad: enshallah enyeeb 3yalnaa 3ugub!!

I ignored his sentence!!

Wedy agoul allah la ygool!!

Fekrat el erteba6 eb ghair bandar 6oul el3umer etkhawefny!!

Me: dekhhht

Hamad pulled me closer to him: namay 3ala ma no9al!

I tried my best to keep my eyes opened!!

I dont want this to happen, to sleep on his shoulder!!!

He was running his hand on my hair..

Me: stop doing this!!

Hamad: laish sha3rech kha6 a7mar?

Me: madry!!

Hamad: walla la awakher kel hal3uqad ely feech

He kissed my cheek and whispered: a7ebech

Madry meta he will started giving up on me!!!

I smiled: merci

Hamad: there is no a small tiny a7ebek akthar? Aw rathy eb 7etana a7ebek!!

Me: haha! 


Hamad: 3ala ma tqasleen ou tbadleen ana banzel ashtery may!

Me: t7eb elshega!! Laish ma ta6leb men el hotel!!

Hamad smiled: ra7 tolheen 3aly?

Me: hahah ra7 akoun bel 7ammam either ways!

Hamad: yalla enshallah awal ma tkhal9een ana raad!!

Me: enshallah!

I went inside the bathroom to take a shower and changed into my pajama..

I went out and sat down my bed to apply some cream on my body..

And all of a sudden hamad came back and placed the water's bottles down, took his t-shirt off and went to the bathroom..

He didnt even say hi!!

Wayha kaaan makh6ouf!!!

I knocked the bathroom's door..

Me: 7amad?

Hamad: hmm?

Me: whats wrong?

Hamad: maku shay!


I am hundred percent sure that there is something wrong!!!

Shakla kelesh mu 6abee3y!!

I took his phone hoping to find something leads me to the truth!

A message or a phone call maybe!

Last message was from his bank..

But surprisingly the last phone call was from BANDAR!!!!!

My heart skipped a beat..


Saturday, November 8, 2014

The rushed decision .. Part33

I jumped in my place..
I was really surprised madry men wain 6la3at!!
Farah: en9admay! Yamalech men el9admaat!! Hatha ou entay metzawja chethy tsaween? Bs shagouul tebga el7uthala 7uthala!
My eyes popped out: shhal kalemaaat!! 3aib 3alaich wallah!!! El7uthala elly makhtheen their friend’s ex!!!!
Farah: enty ely 3aib 3alaaiiichh ely tsaweenah 7etta bshahar el3asal laa7ga bandar!! Shma3na Paris haaa???
Me: 6a3 minu yetkallam!! Allah yaster 3alaich bss kel youm ma3a wa7ed shhal 3eesshaaaa!! Shhal gaaalb ely shayel kel shabab eldeera!!
I stood up to leave..
Farah: Rana walla la a6ale3 7arety feech
Me smiled: huha! Do what ever you want!
I gave her my back and left..
Hamad: 3ayal wain re7tay?
Me: sheftek nayem gelt anzel atmasha 3aala matgoum
Hamad: chan gawamteeny amshy ma3ach
Me: la brou7ek nayem met’akher
Hamad teased me: 9a3ban 3alaiky?
I smiled: so what are your plans?
Hamad: elly tabeen
Me: anything
Hamad: lebsech mu mal Disney land! Teyyen saint Germain? Ou bacher Disney?
Me: ok 
Hamad changed his pajama and we went down to eat our breakfast..
Hamad: al7een entay awal mayeena tgouleen reyoug’hum shay 3adel ou 7altech 7aala akhrat’ha mgazrat’ha rob ou tout?
Me: hahha ee lanna its hard to find fresh berries in the hotel’s restaurants
Hamad: ayeeblech min eljam3eya yuba!
Me: bs chethy a7laa!
He smiled: bel3afya yuba
Me: allah y3afeek! 7amaad
Hamad while eating his poached eggs: hmm
Me: lamma tezawejat 9eba shinu sawait?
Hamad: laish wayed tes’eleeny 3an 9eba?
Me: madry ya3ni I just wanted to know
Hamad: ya3ni akeed enhert!! 7abeebty trou7 men eedy jedam 3ainy akeed bastekhef khu9ou9an eny kent lail7een a7ebha
Me: ma 7awalt tsawy shay!
Hamad: ely khallany astekhef enna ma kan eb eedy shay! Shtabeeny asawy!! Tezawejat elbent! Agoul 7g rayelha 6aleg’ha ana abeeha?
Me: ba3dain?
Hamad: tammait chum sena muthreb 3an elzawaj ou 3n ay bent!! Lain 7asait enna ely 9ar kheera la’anna asasan omy makant ra7 tertha feeha!! Ou elbent 3ashat 7ayat’ha fa qarrart a3eesh 7ayaty
Me: ou ekhtartny!
Hamad smiled: eeh!
Me: ma3anna farg kbeer bainy ou bainha!
Hamad: la’anny 3agalt ou fahamt enha ma tnasebny taghayarat nathrety ou gemt ma adawer 3ala a7ad ghair!! Gemt adawer a7ad enasebny ou yefhamny!
Me: emm
Hamad stretched his hand to touch my cheek..
Hamad smiled: 3ad 7awlay tefhemeeny!
I stared at his eyes for seconds and said: yalla ngoum
He smiled that disappointed smile and said: yallah
Kaser khaa6ry!! Bs magdar magdaar!!
Ma3aref ajaamel wallah 9a3ba!!
Hamad: tabeen nrou7 eb Taxi wella ntemasha?
Me: la over khalna nrou7 eb Taxi
Hamad: ok
We took a taxi and went to Saint Germain..
In the taxi..
My mobile rang..
It was Dania..
Khalaita silent a7es mu wagt’ha!
Hamad: shfeech? Minu dag?
I received a whatsapp message “YA KALBA REDAY THARORYYYYY”..
Me: Danouy
Hamad: redday
She called again..
Me: ok
I picked it up..
Me: hi
Dania: ma teyeen ela bel3ain el7amraaa
Me: eshdarach eny 7agretech?
Dania: whatsapp last seen
Me: haha sh3endech? Matadreen eny im spending my honeymoon?
Dania: asheeekkkkkkk enna honey!!
Me whispered: shut upppp
Dania: ranooo mara7 t9adgeen?
Me: shinuu?
Hamad turned around and whispered: shinuu!!!
I whispered back while pointing on my engagement ring: enkha6bat
Hamad smiled: bel mbaraak
Me: minuuuuu
Dania: tekhayelaaay enna wa7ed min shellat shabab elshalaay!!!
Me whispered: min group ely 3endy??
Dania: eeeehh refeeejj 7amad!! Do you know what does that mean?
Me giggled: oh my godddd! Wallah machenech makh6oubaaa 7eta mafeech 7aya elmakh6oubeeen
Dania giggled: tarbeeetech
Me: yaa shagoooool
Me: tra 7etta bobo min rabe3hum
Me: 3agly ou galby ou 3athamy ou 3a9aby
Dania: yaa kalba e7tarmy elmazhareyya ely yamech 3alaqaal
Me: eshdaraha kho
Dania: akhh 7altech 9a3baaa!! Ou ham ta7gerny 3aysha eldour egoul esket al7een el3elaqat 6aybaa
Me: anyway meta beyoun elreyayeeel?
Dania: Monday enshallah
Me: 7asaaafa I will not be there!!! Enzain yomha kalmeeny tango ok?
Dania: ee sure enshallahh
Me: geltay 7g elbanat?
Dania: laaa bs bagoul 7g rayyoum la’ana luw ma shalaihha chan ma enkha6abt hahha!! Ou ham 3ashan ta36eeny drous bel mghazal
Me: hahahah mara7 efeed 9adgeeeny
Dania: yashagoooooool esh shayfatny!
Me: danouy chenna lazem ensakra? 
Dania: ee fashlaa e7teraman lel mazhareya
Me: hahha ee yalla bye
Dania: bye
Hamad: danouy enkha6bat?
Me: eeehhh
Hamad: min khathaha?
Me: et9adeg ma galat esmaa!!
Hamad: chenech sa’alteeha
Me: eee bs maradat tha3at elsalfaa
Hamad: shlounha mestansa??
Me: ya3ni akeeed
Hamad: laish entay kentay mestansa youm kha6abtech?
I stared at the window for seconds then..
Me: almost we9alna
Hamad ignored my sentence and sighed..
Hamad: ha ma ta3abtay men lefrara?
Me: 3adyy etha enta ta3abt ma3endy mane3 neg3ad
Hamad: mata3abt bs dekht neshrab gahwa shrayech?
Me: yaalla ok
We went to one of the coffee shops there and sat in the outdoor side..
Hamad: shteshrebeen?
Me: cappuccino!
I am not a cappuccino fan at all!! Bs I just drink it to remember the good memories! The lovely days with Bandar..
Hamad: na6leb macaroons? 
Me: ok!
Hamad: ay nak’ha?
Me: raspberry
Hamad ordered coffees and macaroons and they brought our order in 10 minutes..
Me: Paris means macaroons and croissant!!
Hamad: ou 3a9eer burtaqal ma3a 7ethalaa
Me: hhahhaa 9aaaa7!!
Hamad: khosh deera wallah
Me: 3ad a7es you guys hate shay esma Paris
Hamad: bainy ou bainech ehya te9la7 lekum entaw akthar bs weyach te7la eldeera
I blushed: you are too sweet
Hamad giggled: bs minu elly eqadder
Me: I can’t imagine myself being sweet with someone like me kella edagger!!
Hamad: ma shefty nafsech eb 3ainy!!
I smiled and whispered: sweetness
And all of a sudden I received a whatsapp message from an unknown number..
“Ana Bandar, kalmeeny meta ma gedartay wala 3aalaich amer”
His message kharra3ny ou I felt curious to know shinu yabee!!
7etta luw mayabe shay I need to hear his voice!!!
Me: fee 7amam minny?
Hamad: wallah madry as’allech?
Me: la khala9 ana badesh dakhel en ma legait a6la3
Hamad: ok
I went inside and called Bandar..
bandar: halaa

Me: hala feek!

Bandar: rana ana asef 3ala kel ely sawaita!! Ma ansa eb swaisra youm gelteelly la tet3allag bshay mu lek bs masema3t kalamech ou ta3allagt ou 3allagtech!! Lana ely khathaitech walana ely khalaitech t3eesheen 7ayatech!! Rana ymkin ekoun hatha akher ete9al bainy ou bainech bas 7abait agolech 7aleleeny ou enseeny!! 

Me: ou etha nesaitek? Enta ra7 tensany? Ra7 t3eesh 7ayatek?

Bandar: ana al7een raje3 lekwait mabe akhareb hal ayyam 3alaikum 

Me: ra7 tensany bandar??

Bandar: ana gader a3eesh 3ala thekraaach!!

Me: ra7 tetzawaj ghairy?

Bandar: eb 7elmy ma sawait'ha!

Me: then how do you want me to forget you and live with Hamad bhal suhoula!

Bandar: tegdereen!! 3afya 7awlay! Wella betem thameery e'anebny 6oul 7ayatee!!

Me: ent malek thanb!

Bandar: rana! 6ayarty bet6eer al7een! 6alabtech 3eeshy 7ayatech

I whispered: a7ebbek ou a7ebbek ou batem a7ebek elyoum ou bacher ou 6oul 3umry!! Mahma tkoun b3eed tubga greeeeb!!!

Bandar: faman allah

*faman allah ou 7efth allah ou tebga dayemen fee elbal.. Faman allah ya shakh9en ma3a 3umra khatha 3umry..*

Hamad: ha legaitay 7amam?

Me: eeh

Hamad: ee shkenna ngoul?

Me: madry

Hamad: elmuhem al7een shrayech nrou7 el louvre?

Me: la mala da3y

Hamad: 3ayal wain wedech tro7een

Me: el hotel!

Hamad: 3asa mashar?

Me: mashar

Hamad: engalab mazajech 3ugb el7ammam foug ta7at khair??

Me: maku shay 7amad khalna nred!!!!

Hamad: yalla enred enred!!


Hamad: laish a7esech tkhafeen minny?

Me: akhaf?

Hamad: kel ma agareb minech twakhreen

Me: la shda3wa kany mkhaleetek tnam yammy!

Hamad laughed: testahlain bosa

Me: hahha haw 9ejjj

Hamad: enzain 7ettana 9ej testahlain bosaa

I turned around: wain creamy

Hamad: shda3wa yuba!!!

Me: shinu ely shda3wa abe atdahhan!!

Hamad: laish etana7eshain menny!!! lai meta we7na chethy!!

Me: 7amad

Hamad gave a hesitating stare..

Me: a7es bkel shay asaweeh eny ga3da akhoun 

Hamad: tkhoneen ely kenty t7ebena?

I nodded..

Hamad: elkheyana enech tfakreen feeh ou mba3da 3n zojech!!! Ana raylech khalaa9! Lay meta betfakreen bhathak!!

Me: i knooow bs I just cant stop thinking of him ou a7es ayshay asaweh ma3ak kheyana 7agga!!

Hamad: lazem tfakreen enna he's not there anymore!!!!

Me: esmella 3alaih!!!

Hamad: aq9ed mabainkum shay!!

Me: eeh! Ou he told me to forget him ou to live my life with you bs mu gaaadra!!!

Hamad went closer to me and hugged me from the back..

I jumped in my place..

Hamad ran his huge hand on my shoulder to my arm and whispered: relax!

I turned my face to see him..

Hamad: i love you ok?

I whispered: i know!

Hamad: and I wont hurt you ok?

I nodded..

He slowly placed a kiss on my right cheek..

I closed my eyes and tried so hard to accept it!!

Hamad slowly pulled my hair down..

Me: nooo

He placed his hand on my lips: its beautiful this way i love it walla i love it and everyone would love it this way!!!

A tear dropped down my cheeks..

He slowly wiped it and kissed my head again!!!!

Hamad: shoufay!! It doesnt hurt!!

I nodded: i know

Hamad: 3ayal laish tabcheen!

Me: lanna you're forcing me to do things I hate!!

Hamad: you did them lanna you love me 9a7??

Me: la!! Bs fee shay dakhly e7ebbek!!

He smiled: that tiny love is more than enough!!!

I smiled..


Hamad: rana, ranouya

I slowly opened my eyes: shinuu

Hamad: yalla 7ayatee gomay elsa3a 12

Me: ollaah!!

Hamad: la mu olla e7na eb ejaza!! 

Me: 3ayal laish mga3edny!!

Hamad: walaht 3alaich

I smiled: is that a breakfast?

Hamad: ee getlehum eyeebona lena foug

Me: yaaay! 

Hamad: yalla goumy qaslay 3ashan nakel

I smiled: ok

I washed my face, brush my teeth and went back to our bed..

Me: shinu hatha?

Hamad: cappuccino!

Me: 7g minu?

Hamad: 7aggy!!

Me: esh7agga!!!!! 

Hamad: rana shfeech!! 

Me: enta kella ta6leb americano shaku al7een 6aleb cappuccino!


Me: la t7awel to9al rub3a ok?

Hamad: rube3 minu shfeeech m3a9ba min el9eb7!!!

Me: mu m3a9ba!!!

I left the bed and went to the bathroom to change my pajama!!

*knock knock* 

Hamad: rana shfeeeech!!!