Saturday, January 25, 2014

The rushed decision .. Part4

Me: qarrart enny ashteghel weyyak bs bshar6

I felt his smile when he said: goulay

Me: belkhash weldas! Lanna luw we9al obouy khabar eny ashteghel 3endek 3ady yetbarra menny

Bandar: akeed akeed

Me: adry enek mestaghreb menny shloun wafaqt bhalsehoula 3ugub ma kent thed elfekra neha’eyyan bs golabt’ha eb mukhy ou legait enna sheghlek shakla sahala ou arya7 men sheghly fa bajarreb halmarra ou en 3ajabny bakamel ma3ak ou bahed sheghly

Bandar: getlech entay thakeyya

Me: thakeya bs bhalsuwalef

Bandar: meta teyyeeny? 3ashan awathfech?

Me: bacher 3ugb eldawam ana fathya! Ayyek caribou?

Bandar: 3endy maktab

Me: wain? 

Bandar: el3enwan mawjoud bel business card

Me: ahh ok magarait’ha sorry

Bandar: dezzeelly ur cv 3ala emaily ou bacher 3al 3:30 ashoufech eb makteby 3ashan aqablech

Me: ok enshallah


Ahhh what a lazy morning!!

I wokeup at 6:30 and started to stare at my closet until I chose this:


Talal: chenna galbe 7as enech btyeen 7adda 7adda fa sharaitlech a skimmed late men caribou

Me: waaaay 6alal thank youuuuu!

Talal: no worries! 

Me: ufff im toooo lazy to work 6alal shooflena ejaza allah ykhalleeek!

Talal: rana teyyen nroo7 ma9er? Meshtehy ashof 7atharat'hum

Me: ay 7athara 6alaal khuf 3alaina ana abe aroo7 mukan yefta7 elnafs i need to go to switzerland

Talal: la mabe too much nature

Me: haha men gal eny baroo7 ma3ak


Me: aloo

Dania: hi khala9tay dawam?

Me: tawni ga3da athef gashy

Dania: sh3endech?

Me: umm wala shay!! 

Dania: yallah ta3alely ana eb someday right in front of your office

Me: yalla ok coming

Talal: minu?

Me: danooy

Talal: salmaay 3alaiha wayed

Hahhahha poooor talaaal..


Me: goulelly shloun ga3da mbacherr

Dania: ranoooy la ta7rejeeeny 3 mu mbacher tara

Me: bs entay matgoomeeen hal7azzaa!

Dania: rana la3at chabdy men elba6ala ou elnoma elme3taafsaa!! Mallaaait a7es maku sheghel agoom 3al magharb aroo7 yoga ma3ach nta3asha ared as'har 3ala aflam ou kalam fathy

Me: eshtaghly bedaaaly!!

Dania: akalmech jaad!

Me: magdar afeedech your life benesba ley is heaven!!!

Dania: 6al!

Me: khansaafer!!

Dania: yaaallah!! Wain?

Me: swiss!!

Dania: mathmen lech ahaly bs ba7awel feehum ou en ma9ar nroo7 ay mukan bs ekhthay ejazaaa!!

Me: will do lat7ateeen! 

Dania: way rano khan7eb lena a7aad! Mallait wana as'har 3ala aflam 3allaqal as'har ma3a el7ubbb

I gave her a cold stare: 9ej wallah?

Dania: eeeh wallah shoufay reem 3aysha 7ayat'ha 3umri ma sema3t'ha tgool malal!!

Me: ay 3aysha 7ayat'ha kel laila bachy wenwa7!! Ba3dain ana mu meste3eda arkhe9 bnafsy ou sum3ety 3ashan 9bay ou 7ub ou kalam faaathy!!

Dania: 3eshtaaaw!! Gal sum3a gaaal ou elly erafej gay mat6ee7 sum3eta?

Me: masawait ma3ah shay ghala6! Kel ely yarbe6na 3elaqat zmala be7dood! Ohwa gay 7g nafsa ohwa ely sum3eta t6ee7 mu sum3ety!! Kaifech dania bet7ebbeen 7ebbay bs walla this is too cheap!

Dania: laish mageltay 7g reem hal7achy?

Me: mat'hemny! Bs entay t'hemmeeny! Dania madry shloun fakkartay bchethy shay TAFEH!! Theglaay theglaay!

Dania: ufff la tloomeeny rana men elmalal!

Me: saweellech business

Dania: la yubaaa! Ana a3aref nafsy ghabeya bhasuwalef 3ady yakseron kha6ry ou abee3hum eb balaash!!

Me: 9ajaa!! 

Dania: ranaaa kalmay oboouch yetwasa6ly 7g diwan elmu7asabaa!

Me: no waaay! Mabe a6leb min obouy shay maly khelgaa!!

Dania: ufff!!

And all of a sudden my mobile rang..

Dania looked at my mobile screen before i did..

Dania shockingly: BANDAR??? Ay bandaaar???

I jumped in my place!!

Me: BANDARRRR!! Omg i tooootally forgot about himm!!!

I grabbed my bag and rushed to my car!


I answered bandar's call..

Me: hi!

Bandar: 1 hour late! 

Me: abaih wallah im really soooorry 7adddy nesaait ra7 3n baly wallaaah!!!

Bandar: anyway! El leqa' tekansal

My eyes popped out: na3aaam?

Bandar: elly sema3teeh!

Me: bandar! You dont have the right to talk to me that way ok? E7teremny please!

Bandar: I did! Entay ely ma7taramteeny ekht rana! Luw maw3edy muhem ou men awlaweyatech chan ma nesaitay!! 7eta makalaftay 7alech t7e6een alarm!! 

Me: khala9 khala9 cancel el meeting who cares!!!

Bandar: ma3assalama

Me: allah ysalmek! 

I closed the line..

I was tooo nervous!!!

Mu men 7agga y7acheeeny chethy!!!

Dania was calling..

Me: Ha dania haaa!

Dania: goooolelly minu bandaaaar!!!

Me: kany yayyetech!!

I went back to Dania and told her everything!

Dania: entaaay saway sheghlech el asaasy 3ashan t7e6een lech sheghel zyaaada!

Me: gelt ajarreb ou en yazly ahed sheghly lanna sheghla aryaa7!!

Dania: enzain elmuhem khanroo7 yoga?

Me: eee baroo7 bs emshay baitna babaddel

Dania: yallah ana yayba hdoomy ma3aay

We went to our house and i went to the bathroom to take a quick shower..

Dania was waiting for me in our living room..

And all of a sudden I heard her screaming..

I went out with my towel wrapping my body: DANIA SHFEEECH??

I rushed to the living room to see dania's standing in the corner of the living room and mimi's doggy is barking right in front of her..

And I burst into laughter..

Me: la dania mu men 9ejjech *laughs*

Dania: ranaaa pleaseeee wakhry 3annyy

Me: dedeee come

Dania: deedee ba3aaad???? Muuuuch hateeee

Me: hathy deedee mimi's doggy

Dania: doggy? Hatha chalb ou ekheb 3alaaaihh!! Wakhryh 3annyy


Dania: tra sayarat'ha mu hny!

Me: shakelha still beljam3a! Danooya 7abebty tara deedee semeetech fa mara7 tsaweellech shaaay

Dania: tkhaaasy laaa! Wadeha bait'ha reb6eehaaa!

Me: shrayech entay ely tredeen baitkum 3afasteenaa

Dania: qaleeelat adaabbb!!

Me: 7araaam 3alaichhh!! Wait agool 7g elsayeg emasheeha

Dania: betro7een 7g elsayeg chethy???

Me: la mayestahel eshoofny chethyy!! Bagool 7g maria tgoollah 

Dania: 7asbaly ba3aad

I went down stairs to give Deedee to Maria .. 

Dad: RANAAAA!!!! 9e3daaay fog jeddamyyy

I turned around to see my dad with ...


*Leave a comment please*


Anonymous said...

I seriously can't wait !!! The way you write makes stuff very interesting !! Keep going <3 - much love from Dubai

Anonymous said...

I LOVVVVE THE STORY! Bandar tha7aaaaakne one hour late!
I was going to ask today if Talal is gay@@

Posssst sooon <3


Anonymous said...

BANDAAAAR??? Ga3da an6er 3ala nar

Anonymous said...

Laykon bandar na6ra 3alla nar♥♥

Anonymous said...

moooreee! this is too amazing <3

Anonymous said...

Omg ynaarfizz :))

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! Can't wait to see who it is!!! Amazing chapter!!!! I've been reading ur stores for the past 2 weeks and I'm in love with them!!!! But there is one thing I want to tell you, in all ur stories u always write nervous and u think it means angry. Well actually nervous doesn't mean angry, nervous means something like scared like when u say I'm nervous for a test. I'm not trying to say anything wrong about how u write I'm just telling u this because no one already has. So as I said nervous does not mean angry. And I wish u don't take this the wrong way, I hope I see that in the next chapter u write angry. As I said amazing chapter!!! And I can't wait for the next one!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love how work oriented bandar is, Time = Money great business ethics !

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOL ba3ad ehyaa allah yhadehaa temashaa belbait belfo6a😂😂

Anonymous said...

Yallaaaaah lamlam post waiting!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING post!!!!!!!! wallah ma agdar an6er akthar mi chithy ;$ lazm a3arf mo ily yam oboha!!!!!!! yallah post!!!!! kilna na6reen 3ala nar !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lpostich ser w kamal elzain rasmah😊😊😊😊 a7la post mn a7la katkat bldenya❤ i know u miss my comments😊❤ stop it i know😏😏😏 3ajeeeb jad nafs eli katbeetaa!!😍😍😍 wallah jad makuu methliichhhh!!!😭😭😭❤❤❤ shay 3ajeeeebbbb qasaaaammman 3athaamaaan😭😳❤❤❤ keeeeppp it upppp😍😍😍 shakilha 3ajeeeebaaa 7aaaillll😭😭😭😭😍😍😍 maku when will i be yours???😳😳😳😭😂😍 jaaaddd 3ajeeebbb fantaaaassstiiiccc!! chena nouuufa w faris😊😊😊 a7laaa blooooggggeerrr😍😍😍😍😭😭😭😭!!! manen7erimshh mn hal postat w eli kateeebhuummm😍😍😍❤❤❤ idk what to say bs ur amazinggg!!!😏😍 w bandaaar ynarfezzzz 7aaailll akthaar shay bldenyaaa wayyy😭😭😭👌 -DalalJassem

Anonymous said...

loooooove the story!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Im in love with the story literally hooked i don't like bandar at all tbh he annoys me tbh haha

Anonymous said...