يدري إن اسباب ضعفي نظرته ..
يدري إني ما أقاوم ضحكته..
يدري إن الروح ماتغلى عليه ..
لو دعاها جت تلبي دعوته..
نايله من رقة احساسه هوى..
I misssss thaaat voice!!!!
El9out elthegeeel elhaaady ely luw enagez 7amad ma yo9al muwa9eelah!!!
Fegadt kelshaaaay fehhh!! Fegadt wujouda 7ananah ou gheerta 3alaaaay!!!
Hamad: ha tegdereen?
Bandar turned around and rushed to his restaurant..
I nodded: ok!!
Hamad: tra 3aady malech sheghel feeh alzam ma 3alaich 9e7etech!!
Me: la 3ady im fine!!
7assait enna he needs me!!!
I have to support him and stand by his side!!
He deserves all the best!!
Wallah a7ebbbbbba!!!!!!
I left the car and went inside with Hamad..
Hamad: et'hagain sa3oud we9al?
Me: minu sa3oud!!
Hamad: okhouy! Shfeech!!
Me: madry
Where's Bandar!!!
Ekhtefa mu mawjoud!!!
Talal: RANAAA??
Me surprisingly: ohhh hiiii!!
Talal: mu chethy yekhtefoun!!
I smiled: enshaghalt
Hamad: ma ta3arafna!
Me: eeh hatha Talal alflany a friend weyay beldawam
Hamad: hala hala
Talal: hala feek! Enta her husband!!
Hamad sarcastically: ee her husband
Talal stretched his hand to shake Hamad's: nice to meet you
Hamad: teslam, rana emshay
I smiled to talal and left..
Hamad: shhal thaim??
I smiled: wallah he's the sweetest creature ma yga9er
Hamad: latta3awedain trafjeen chethy ashkal
Me: 7aram thalamtah
Hamad: sheftay 7alja shloun 3away? Etgooleen bent! Ay bent entay adfash menah!!
Me: awch
Hamad smiled: enty eljamal ou elreqqa klha wallah
I smiled: ok
Suddenly a waiter came with a tray in his hands filled with mini ravioulli squares..
Hamad: ladies first!
Me: wow! They look amazing!! Bs thank you i dont want
Hamad: laishhh
Me: mu meshtahya!!
Kel zawya belma63am etthakkerny bshay!!
Bnafs hal mukan kanat awal marra eeda talmes eedy!!
Bnafs hal mukan kanat our first hug!!
Our romantic talks..
Our best moments!!
Bo sh'hab: E7MAID BKUBRA???
Where in the world is Bandar!!
Mu men kuber elma63am!!!
I went toward the kitchen to see someone's getting out from the bathroom (which was right behind the kitchen) and that someone was Bandar..
I froze in my place..
And my heart's beats accelerated!!
Bandar: ekhty tabeen 7amam?
Ekhty? This is the most painful word I've ever heard from Bandar..
I hate how formal he acts with me!!
Me: ma ansa youm getly enny bakoun awal shakh9 ta3zema 3ala halma63am
Bandar: mu min 7aggy a3zm mert refeejy 3ala efteta7 ma63emy
Me: ya3ni shqasdek? Laish t7amelny thanb mu thanby!!
Bandar: shtaben miny al7een?? lanna 7amad yay tara!
Hamad: haaaa sh3endehum??
Me: kent ga3da as'ela chum su'al 3n his restaurant 3ashan akteb 3anna b instagram
Hamad: kafuu wallah! Tra ana mthab6ek yayeb merty tsaweelek da3aya ne9 lekwait mtab3at'ha
Bandar: teslam yakhoouy!!
Hamad: 3ala 6ary yakhooy mashouf sa3ouud ma ya?
Bandar: dag e3tethar egool merta ta3bana bewadeha elmustashfa!!
Hamad: afa2!! Eshfeeha om 3abdu!!
Bandar: walla masa'alt
Hamad: mashy!!
Bandar: thegt sheghelna?
Hamad: eee wallah mu 6abee3y!!
Bandar: el7emdella min fathl allah!
Hamad: ella ta3aal wain el7ub? 3azemha?
Bandar tewattar!!
Bandar: ay 7ubb!!
Hamad: ely thakelyom beldewaneya tsolef 7g sa3ood 3anha!!
Bandar: ent etakhayyal?
Hamad giggled: rano tara meste7y mennech bainy ou bainek kalam 3ugub
Me: 7amad emsh ba9awer!!
Hamad: en7arjat haha, yallah
Hamad maynooooon!!!
----: HIII, entay Rana Alflani? Ou enta Hamad Alflani?
Hamad: entay esh shayfa?
----: haha im just asking lanna you two look sooooo cute together allah ykhaleekum 7g ba3ath can I take a photo please?
Me: entay minuu?
----: sorry ma3araftkum 3ala nafsy! Im the person behind "***** blog" abe a7e6kum eb my account
Hamad: ta7at ay 3nwan?
----: umm social media best couple? Or maybe ely taboon?
Hamad: ana mabe a9awer
Rana: wala ana!!
We turned around..
Hamad: shhal 3ahat?
Rana: ee thaaim!!
----: RANA!!!
Me: ohhh manooora
Mnera: yaahalaa!! Mabrook elmelchaaa 7ady fara7t lech
Me: allah ybarek feech
Mnera: mashallah your outfit mal 9oura 3ady a7e6ech eb my account?
Me: eee akeed!!
Hamad: elwas6at shaghalaa
Me: haha la tqaren manayer bhatheech
Hamad went a few feet away from me ..
Mnera: yalla cheeeeese
I smiled..
Bandar: ekhty la t9awreen banat eb my event
Mnera: la ent fahem ghala6 she's my friend and I took her permission already
Bandar: qa9dy 9awraw el akel awla
Mnera: 9awwarna!
Bandar: ee ya3ni hal9oura malt elbnt e7tafthy feha la tanshereenha
Hamad giggled: okhouy shfeek dash 3arth? Eta3alaj?
Bandar whispered: hatha yezay? Mabeha tansher 9war elbnt
Hamad whispered: e7na ratheen khalha mestansa 3ala lebs merty
Bandar whispered: ok mala da3y wayeha ou seeganha!!
Hamad whispered: yakhe kaifna!
I faked a laugh and said: ee kaifna!!
Bandar gave me a death stare and went away..
7arny!!! Mesa3 akalma ygoly shinu tabeen miny wal7een msawely feeha yghar!!
Ok I have to admit that I still ADORE him and his gheera bs magdar ma aredlayaha!!!
Me: 7amad?
Hamad: hala 7ayatee
Me: refeejek 9a7eb elma63am e7eb?
Hamad: eee weya wayha!!
Me: minu y7eb?
Hamad: ma adry wallah!! Bs shakla mu 3azemha la'anna 6oul el event ma shefta ma3a banat ghair hal mashaheer
Me: ymkin elly e7ebha mash'hoora?
Hamad: la matwaqa3!!
Me: laish?
Hamad: mu no3a!!
Me: aha!
Hamad: laish meshta6a 3alaih?
Me: anaa? Laish ashta6? bas as'al lanna mesa3 ent getla 7ub ou madry shinu!!
Hamad giggled: enzain enzain shfeech
I smiled..
Hamad: hatha bait 3ammy yalla nanzel
Me: ok
We got out of the car and went inside..
Wella it was an outdoor gathering..
7a6een 6awla 6eweela 3ala 6oul el7oush m9affefa feeha le97oun ou waraha boufaih..
Ou kan feeh outdoor's sofas 3ala janb ga3deen feehum ahalah..
Awal ma dashaina elkel kan era7eb wehallel..
"Asfarat wanwarat westahallat wam6arat"
"Halaa bel 3ersaaan"
"Taw ma nawwar elbaait"
"7ayyallah el3ethu elyedeeed"
Kanaw 7ail 7laiween 7addy estanast 3alaiihum awal shay..
Sallamna ou we sat down..
Elbanat ely kanaw min 6aggety kaanw mellaq ga3deen ou ytesaseron!!
Ashkara y7eshoon!!
Hamad kan 7ail meftekher feeny!!
Kan mestaanes ou lazeg feeny ou e3arefny 3ala his family!!
Hamad whispered: jamalech!
Me: tawek testaw3eb?
Hamad: laa mu tawni bs lail7een ma sheba3t!
I blushed: ok
I think I was the prettiest!!
His sisters and cousins kanaw 3adeyyeenn!!
7etta their outfits most of them were boring!!
Hamad was placing his arm on my shoulders and whispered in my ear: et9adgeen enty a7lahum?
I smiled: mashkoor
Most of the girls were staring at us chenhum awal mara yshofoun new married couple!!
Makent mestansa 3ala 7arakat 7amad!!
I still didn't love him ou ma abe abayen 7g elnas 3aks el9ej!!
El9ej enna ohwa ma yjeesny wala ygarreb!!
Madry laish jedam ahala ga3d esawy hal 7arakat!
It wasn't comfortable bs ma 7abait a7reja ou awakher!!
Suddenly Saud came..
Saud: alsalaaam 3alikum!!
Everyone: w3alaikum elsalaaam!!
"Matshoof shar om 3aziz"
"6ahoor enshallah"
Hamad: Shesalfa?
Saud sadly: sara 6ayya7at ely eb ba6enha!!
Hamad: laaa!! Matshouf shar enshallah!!
Saud: thag khelgy wallah!! Brou7ha bel yalla e7malat!!
Hamad: eyye ghaira allah kareem!!
Saud: enshallah allah yesma3 menek!!
Hamad: tawni kent 3nd bandar eb ma63ema el deera!! 3ad sa'alta 3anek gally ena mertek ta3bana!!
Saud: ee wallah t3abat!! Rana shlounech?
Hamad smiled: allah belkhair
Saud giggled: tawni ashofha wllah
Me: im fine el7emdellah!
Saud: shloun el efteta7
Hamad: wallah kan mrattab ou el akel 6ayyeb!! Yestahel bandar ta3ab ou lega!!
Saud: allah ybarek la feeh ou yzeeda men fathlah kaser kha6ry hal bandar!!
Hamad: laishh!!
Saud: wain ma y6eg'ha 3ouya!!
Hamad: etha bandar wain may6eg'ha 3oya ana shinu?? 3enda thalath ma6a3em naj7een wain el3away belmawthoo3?
Saud: ent 7maar?? ETHKER RABBEK!!
Hamad: mashallah mashallh!
Saud: kaser kha6ry men na7yat zawaj ou esteqrar!! Be9ek el 30 ou laima al7een ma tezawaj!!
Hamad: khalla y3eesh 7ayata ou meta ma 3azzam yetzawaj ely e7ebha!
Saud: ent ma tadry??
Hamad: shinu?
Saud: taqadam laha ou erfethoh!!
My heart skipped a beat..
Hamad: la wallah?
Saud: wallah!! Fee a7ad yarfeth bandar? Yakhe hal ensan mukh tadry shinu mukh!!! Ou 3nda khaaair ou galbah kbeeer ou 7anoon la ygharek el9amt elly ohwa feeh
Hamad: laish erfethoh!!
Saud: egool mustawa ahalha elmady a3la bwayed min mustawa ahalah!! Shhal tafkeer!! Shaku eb Ahalaaa!! Aham shay mustawah elmady a3la min mustawaha!!
Hamad: min benta ehy?
Saud: mu rathy egoolly!
Hamad: shda3wa kho bs el3ayla!
Saud: kaifa 3nda nathreta! Bs walla 7maid luw tshofa shloun kan met3alleg feehaa tro7 bnafsek tkalem obouha!!
Hamad: eee athker!!
Saud: a9lan fatrat 7ubhum kan wayha shaater ou kella mestanes!! Ma 7a6 eb bala ena byenrefeth
Hamad: khatwally!! Ely mayabeh la yabeeh!! Yelga a7san minha!!
I grabbed hamad key and rushed to his car and burst into my tears!
He doesnt deserve me!!!!!!
Gaaalby 3awwarny!!!
Kalamhum thakkarny eb ayyam mabe athkerhaaa!!!
Etha gelt 7g 7amad enna ana ely bandar kan e7ebny bekhalleeny???
Byertha y6alegny?
Me: raddat 3alay chabdy!! 3ady nred?
Hamad: akeeed!! Awadech elmustashfa??
I woke up really early..
Wore those..

Got into my Aston and rushed to Bandar's restaurant..
The waiter: good morning ma'am one person?
Me: where's mr. Bandar?
The waiter pointed: he's there
I went to him..
He was staring at his laptop..
Me: e7m! Good morning!
He froze in his place for seconds and then he raised his head to see me..
Bandar: hala!
Me: madam enny lail7een ma nesait ou ely bgalbe lek ma mat ana met'akda enna enta nafs 7alty!
Bandar: ay 6awla tabeen?
I pulled a chair and sat down..
Me: YOURS!!!!
Bandar stood up..
Bandar: rana la ete9arefain chenech yahel!! Ana mu lech ou entay mu ley mala ma3na teyeeny hny ou tkalmeeny about hopless cases!!
Me: maku shay esma hopeless!!!
Bandar: rana ely ga3da tsaweena kheyana!!
Me: ohwa elly khaaan!!! Khanek!! Khatha 7abeebtek ou 3umrek!
Bandar: 7amad ekhoon? Maskeen!! Ma yadry luw yadry ma garrab menech!!
Me: 3ayal goullaah!!!
Bandar: rana!! Ana ma3ndy wagt 7g a7lam elyaqatha!! Please khalleeny akamel sheghly ou etha eshtahaitay takleen min ma63emy rou7ay fer3 elbede3 aw elmangaf please!!!
Me: 6arda?
Bandar: kabry 3aglech!!
His words were a bit harsh!!
Mu met3awda 3alaih chethy!!!
Met3awda 3ala bandar el7anoon elly la tekallam tekallam b7ub!!
Dania: 9erty azyad min ely nesma3 3anhum!!
Me: minu ohma?
Dania: ely min yamlechoun yekhtefoun
Me: ahhaa shut up!!
Dania: lech wa7sha
Me: temanait Bandar egouly haljumla!!
Dania: WEJA3!!!
Me: khansawy shay!!
Dania: yallah shinu?
Me: nroo7 real food eldeera?
Dania closed the line..
Hamad: shrayech awadeech b6arrady?
Me: not in the mood
Hamad: shfeech 9arlech esbo3ain mu 6abe3eya!
Me: thayeg khelgy!!
Hamad: ehaaaba ytheeg wana hny!!!
Me: jad Bandar ya3ni lamma you got attach to someone and he does too faj'a y9eer shay ou t9eroon chenkum mat3arfoon ba3ath WALLA IT HURTS!!!!!!
Hamad: awal shay jedamech 7amad mu bandar!! Thany shay latgoleen ena you're talking about your past?
My heart's beat accelerated..
Shloun gelt esmaaa!!!
Me: madry!!
Hamad: golelly sh9ar!!
Eblees rekabny marra thanya and I went to bandar's restaurant again!!
Me: where's mr. Bandar?
The waiter: he's not here!
Me: i mean Bandar the owner!! He always sit here!!
The waiter: but he's not here!!
Me: is he at Almangaf? Or Al bede3?
The waiter: no!
Me: then he should be at his office?
The waiter: he's not in Kuwait!
I gasped: WHERE DID HE GO?
The waiter: nobody knows he didnt tell us!!
Me: is it a business trip?
The waiter: I dont think so!!
What in the world is going on!!!
Khala9 its official now!!
I have to tell him!!!!!
Me: 7amad
Hamad: hala!!
Me: bagolek shay bs stay calm e7na bmukan 3am!
Hamad: goulay!!!
your comments tfare7ny wayed! fa abee afare7kum ou ared bs kella ma3endy wagt ou ared met'akher..
fa fakkart bshaayy enna ***The best comment will get a gift*** Elgift 3ebara 3an shbe9eer next post briefly..
Allah 3laich allah ya lam lam ♡ entay 3ajeeeeba w fa'9e3a w mako minch athnain w rabii♡ ana mgrait ilpost bass wallah min ilwansa lman shift inch mnzla seeda nzalt baktiblich comment♡♡♡ allah yfar7ich denya w akhra mithel mitfar7eny eb kil ur posts jad♡ a3jaz agoul inch 3ajeeeeba waaaaay still mw ra'9ya atkhyal rana bdoun bandar;( bass bagra w bashouf shy9er basa 3afya la 6awleen 3laina lam lam♡♡♡♡ ILOVEU TO BITS UR THE BEST OUT THERE JAD;**
Allah 3laich allah ya lam lam at3ab agoul inch 3ajeeeb w fa'9e3a w mako minch w doom mfar7tna allah yfar7ich denya w akhra yarab w 3eedich mbrak w t8bal allah 6a3tich w ana lel7een mgrait ilpost min ilwansa bass nzalt w katblich comment♡♡♡♡ waaaaaay lam lam t3lay abii a36ich hug please♡♡♡♡ waaaaay entay an6a3 mkhal8 rabii eb hal wjoud ♡♡♡♡
Hathe awal mara aktblch comment i dont read blogs w chi except for urs a7b ur blog wayeeeed wallah kel youm adsh asawe refresh cause ma 3nde twitter afaker b bandar w hamad w kelman the way u write w shlon dayman t5alena mshta6en 7ag ur next post wallah entay 3ajebaaa❤️❤️❤️ A7bch wayed wayed wayed w a7b ur blog akthar wallah ymkn garya ur whole blog fog el 5 marat w dayman a3eda i love all ur stories i wish ene a9er talented mthlch mu g3d agolch hal kalam 3ashan the best comment wla shay bs lama gret glt laish ma aktblaha comment ena entay wayed tt3ben bel ktaba fa we have to support u beauty queen w plz lat6wlen 3alena plz
Hajar alali
W nabe bandaaar ana TEAM BANDAR MANABE 7AMADDDD HAMAAD MALEEEG -hajar alali
Omg omg omg plz 3afya 3afya la 6awleen 3laina tukfain;'( madrii laish 7asa their is 5% hope w mabii atf2al 3ashan khala9 madrii a7is their not meant to be;'( bass yallah bnshouf shra7 y9er 3afya la 6awleen 3alina wallah 3war galb hal athnain;'(
A7la blog garait'ha b7yati.. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY FAAAV!! Jad youre the best! T3rfeen lma t7been shay? W kel ma tegrain shay 3ana wna you want to read moree?? Che ana when it comes to urr blog!!❤️ Min 2012 w ana a3abir bas wala mara 7asait ena thats enough! Lanich testahlain akthar!! When i read ur posts a7es mat3ub 3alaihum✋ 9ij ena u just think and write bas la the way you think ghairr uniquee!!❤️ Wallah enty ghair eldenya kelha a6yab w ajmal ahalha�� ya3ni shufay ay blogger taktib ay shay ma3a elhabat bs 3ashan tkhalle9!! Entayy el3akss�� wallah malich metheel!! Lo aqaren ay blog ib yours weeeh farg faargg shyab elgamaar 7ag elnjouum??!! W ur personality shaayyy thanee��✋ wallah ur blog changed me! W im sure ena mu bas ana!! Kel ur posts fehum shay 9ij 3ajeb wallah�� lo at7acha men elyoum le ba3ad 8 sneen makhalli9 wla awafi b7agichh!! Wallah you deserve more! Words cant describe how i feel now!! Mu bas now kel mara i want to describe you! Wallah im speechless✋ i will never forget you jadddd ya a7laa lamlaam���� w i will always be one of ur supporters ya aghlla shayy�� - DalalJassem
Im gonna cry toooo please post ASAP����������
Madrii shagoulich w shloun a3bir 9ij iny b3ad kil post aktblich comment 6weeel w aktib q9at 7aytii w andmij;$$ atw8a3 3rafteny ily kila andmij:::: trademark::: bass b3ad hal post jad madrii shagoul i dont want to get my hope up wla akoun down;( ban6ir w bashouf w i was always team bandar bass hamad is not bad bass bandar will always win againest him so madrii let see what will happen;'( w inshouf shino khashtlna;p w please la 6awleen 3laiba l2na mafeny 9abir i wana know w jad jad jad plz make them get bk together l2na eyha jzfat MARTAIN 3ASHANA!! Mara bil sfar w el7een so yarait ykoun worth it cuz wagtha jad bakoun worthless itha radha!!! So waiting to see what is instored for us loveu♡♡♡;**
Baaabchy pls pls pls post mu gadra an6er
Looooved it loooooved it soo much but I don't think Hamad deserves it 7aram I honestly think that Hamad is better of with Rana than bandar #teambandar
Y3ny when Hamad 5a6bha she refused but her father didn't let her and she had this attitude towards him w 9aber he is the one that loves her bs in the second place it's true that she loves bandar and he loves her back but I always feel that he doesn't love her the way that Hamad loves her or treats her bandar always gets jealous and mad and makes a big deal out of something but Hamad won't take anything or do anything that would make Rana dissapointed
And if Hamad truely loves her he won't get mad and divorce offcourse he will get frustrated at first but won't divorce her I think it's better of for her telling him the truth than keeping it all behind his back and for him to it by himself Hamad doesn't deserve it i truely feel Hamad is better with Rana
Cant wait to see what will happen ♡♡♡
BAA99EEE7!! LAA 9J 9J BA9EEE7!! Aghh ya bandar a7baaa ya5yy :"( UPDATEE!!!!!
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