Nouf's eyes popped out..
She was too shocked to believe her eyes!!
*He was standing right in front of me!! Taf9elna inchat!!! 3ugub ghaibat 3 shhour makent metwaq3a hal mash'had kelleshh!! Yay lai 3endi beryoulaaa!! Tedodaht madry shagool ou madry shasawy!! Alemma? Agoulla sorry!! Agolla I miss you? Abeeek? Madry shagooool!!!*
His stares brought all the memories back to nouf's head..
She swallowed her tears and turned her face around..
Faris: umm
And all of a sudden Ghalia came..
Ghalia froze in her place the moment she saw Faris..
She was pushing Dalola's stroller..
Faris gave baby dalal a look and smiled..
Faris: mabrook ma yach
Ghalia was really shocked enna shyayba 3nd nouf!!
Ghalia: allah ybarek feeek!
He smiled again to Dalal..
Faris: ya 7alat'ha!!
Ghalia smiled: mashkour!!
Faris: yalla faman allah!
And he left..
Nouf: ENTAY 7MARA???
Ghalia: wayhech!!!
Nouf: DAYMAN TKHARBEEN DAYMAAAN!! 9arly saaa3a an6erech y3ni 7alaa teyeeen belwagt ely kan begolly feeh shaaay!!!
Ghalia: ESH 9AYER???
Nouf: MA ADRY!!!! Faj'a yally 3a6any nathraaa akhhhhh akhhhh nathra tbachy tnaggez elmashaa3er ou ah yay byetkallam chan 7athretech tsharfeeeen!!
Ghalia: waaih ya3ni shbegoul? Ma 6afech shay sadgeeny 3nda raqmech ou ygdar ydeg!!
Nouf: WAY! Luw bedeg chan dag menzeman efff e7tarraaaait!!!
Ghalia: madry esh shayfaaa feeh 6aweel elteeelaa!!
Nouf: min el akher? WALAHT!!!
Ghalia: ou ohwa? Et7eseena walah nafsech?
Nouf: ohwa? Madry!
Ghalia: hmmm
Nouf: 7asaita baaared!! Ya3ni ana lamma shefta elsany enreba6 ou 7asait eldenya shahar 6 min el7ar!!! Bs ohwa la ma7asait ena bega feh netfat masha3er 7aggy! Estanast bshofta bs bnafs elwagt thag khelgy!!
Faris entered his car..
His mobile phone was ringing..
He picked it up..
Faris: khair!!
A7mad: shfeeek wain re7t!!
Faris: mag3adkum yenmal
A7mad: enzain minu hathy ely re7t laha??
Faris: ent laish malgouuf??
A7mad: la walla mu legafa adry enha nouf alflany bs ent sh3arefek feeha!!
Faris's heart's beats accelerated the moment he heard his wife's name on his friends tongue!!!
Faris became nervous: SH3AREFEK FEEEHA!!!!!!!
A7mad: had a39aaabek ya qais ya 3antar ya jameel bothaina
Faris: dawam?
A7mad: eeh shfeeek!!
Faris: min metaaa!!!
A7mad: shinu ely min meta ta7ach nafs elawadem!!
A7mad: 9arlaha mudda ya3ni jereeb el shahrain ba3dain latfaregh a39abek feeny e3gel!!
Faris: metzawja?
A7mad: shakelha la'!!
Faris's heart broke into million pieces the moment he heard Ahmad's la', he felt that she officially kicked him out of her life..
*Luw takhayyallek gheyaby la tgool enny nesaitek 9addeg e7sasek ou galbek ana men galbe hawaitek ou enta fee baly el awal ou el akheer ou luw tegheeb shway to7ashny ketheer.. Wesh yenaseeny wana 3asheg wagheer?*
She was rolling on her bed for hours..
"Yayyeta lai 3ndy elyoum 9a7atny men elghafla ely ana feeha!! 9ej enny ma nesaita ou kelyom afaker feeh ou I stalk his accounts bs yayyeta khallatny a3eed 7sabaty!! Ou arja3 3 ashhur wara ou athakkar el sebab eltafeh ely farragna!!! Dear my ego, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!"
Faris: ta3abt 3abdallah ta3aaabt!!
Abdullah: ent tabe chethy!! Ma7ad sawahaa metzawjeen ou ma tadroon 3an ba3ath!!
Faris: abeha t7es eb ghal6at'ha abeha etanazal 3n ghuroorha la'anna hal ghurour oho elly mwadernaa!! Walla luw bs etdeg 3alay rannna ayyeha raketh!
Abdullah raise his eyebrows: esma3!!
Faris: makhtha galbe!
Abdullah: wathe7!!
Faris: et'haga bs nesatny?
Abdullah: la kelsh!! Luw nesetek chan 3awarat rasek bel ma7akem 3ashan t6aleg'ha! Maku bent ya3jebha teg3ad m3alega
Faris: ams sheft'ha eb somu!!
Abdullah: la walla?
Faris: wallah!!
Abdullah: sh9aar??
Faris: re7t laha la shu3ooreyan!!
Abdullah: shloun kanat radat fe3elha yom shafetek?
Faris: masawat shay bs wathe7 men 3yoonha enha kanat mertabka!!
Abdullah: 3ayal erged ou amen ma nesetek
Faris smiled automatically: yal khebraa
Abdullah: madam ertabkat ya3ni fee bgalbha shaay ou madamek garait 3younha ya3ni ma nesetek
Faris could not stop smiling..
Khalloda: noufa!
Nouf: hala yumma
Khalloda: khaltech nabola 3azmatna 3ala shalaihhum hal yem3a 3ala takharruj walad'ha 3addoul
Nouf: mashallah!! Meta takharraj?!
Khalloda: tawa metkharej elyom belail yo9al lekwait 3ala golat'ha
*gabel 4 sneen hal7azza kan takharuj khaled ou bhathak elwagt ta3arraft 3ala faris ou.. Qaddar allah wela chan al7een ana wfaris bnafs elbait ou 3ndena baby!! I need him!!!*
Nouf: ee mashallah!
Khalloda: tezahebay mbacher mu t'akhreenna!!
Nouf: mara7 arou7!!
Khalloda: 3aib 3alaich ya mama!! Elkhelaf bainech ou bain faris shthanbha nabola ma teyeen 3azeemat'ha!!
Nouf: yumma!! Bait'hum kella 3abalah ena faris m6alegny!! Ou akeed kelhum ekrehouny ou tabeeny bkel gewat 3ain azoorhum??
Khalloda: ana abeeech tro7een choud yshoufech faris we7en galbaah!!
Nouf smiled: ams shayefny bel 9edfa!! Ma 7arrakt feh sh3ara!!
Khalloda: la 7awla wala quwata ela bellah!! Ya bnayty tabeen el 9ej? Trach enty elghal6anaa!! Elwalad ma sawalech shay 3atheem 3ashan tsaween swatech hathy!!
Nouf: yumma tadreen feeny ana ma7eb anazel 3umry 7g ayyan kan!!!
Khalloda: bs hatha raylech ou shareeech ou luw ohw ma yabeech chan 6alegech men zemaan!!
Nouf: shtabeeny asawy?? Aro7 lah agolllah redny???
Khalloda: madry 3nech shetsaween bs khally ghurourech etakky shway
Ghalia: noufo shoufay hal jouty eshawg??
Nouf: laa hailegy!!
Ghalia: way yakerhech!!! Kelshay hailegy 3ad men zeen thouqech 3ashan akheth rayech!!
Nouf: haha! Mu men galbech!! Enzain sem3ay
Ghalia: haa
Nouf: shalbes 7g yam3at elshalaih!!
Ghalia: mu 7elwa 3ala halkhabba tendagrain ou faris maykoun mawjoud!!
Nouf: 9adgeeny mawjoud nou3ha khalty nabela lazem 7eta sayeq'hum eyye yam3at eltakharuj
Ghalia: ou ta3alay bas'elech khaltech hathy laish ma sawat 7g 6aweel el teela yam3aa ya3waintyy!!
Nouf smiled: 6aweel el teela takharraj meny ou taqaddam ly menny ma kan aku wagt
Ghalia smiled: kan 3ad nafsa sharokh khan!! Tathkereen youm yallena Italy??
Nouf: chubbay!! Faris wain ou sharoukh wain!!!
Ghalia: 3eshtaww!!
Nouf: enzaaain golay shalbes!!
Ghalia: ya3ni shakaih shtalbeseen!! Jeans ou blozaa
Nouf: ya3ni ay jeans ou ay bloza al7een bardd kho
Ghalia: ba3dain ta3alay mu thoqy hailegy? Shaku takhtheen rayeee!!
Nouf: waaay ghalia!!!!
Nabola and sultan: asfaraat wanwarat westahallat wam6araat
Nour: golololooooshhhh
Khaled: mabroook mabroook hala bel dektor 3adel haaalaa
Faris kissed Adel's cheeks: alf mbroook yal 3atheeed
Adel: allah ybaarek feeekum ma ga9artaw
Adel just came from the airport with Abdullah..
He hugged his mom and dad and kissed Khaled's cheeks..
Adel: nour shlouunech!!
Nour: hala wallah 3adel tamam bkhair ent shlounek!
Adel: walla bkhaair!! Ou 7addy mayet ashouf omy wubouy le9ghaar
Nabola smiled: way ya7elouhum nabola kahy beldar nayma ou saltoty zayer yaddeta
Nour: bs la tkhaf getlehum eyeebonaa hny 3ashan ysalem 3alaik
Adel: ee wallah lah wa7shaa
Khaled: yalla tfathelaw 3al 3ashaa msaweelekum aqwa 3ashaa
Sultan: 3uqbal ma tefta7 ma63emek
Faris: mashroo3 7ekomy mu ma63am 3 sneen went t3abel feeh shda3wa!!
Khaled: min el waahy ely feek
Faris: ethlef bas
Adel: ella ta3al wain mertek?
Nabola: mertaa? Khalf allah 3alaih bs
Sultan: qaddar allah wela elbent th'habaa
Nabola: ee la 7abbetek 3ainy ma thamek eldahar
Adel: shessalfa!
Faris: maku salfa bs enfe9alna
Adel: laaa latgoool
Faris faked a smile: kheera
Khaled felt Faris's sadness: enshallah telga ely a7san minhaa
Faris faked another smile and went out!!
Nabola: ya jema3a la7ad eyeeeb hal 6ary jedama allah ykhaleeekum ye3tefes mooda 189 daraja weh!!
Adel: elsemo7a walla bs kent as'al 3anha ma7ad gally enhum enfa9law!!
Abdullah: mu meshkela 9ar ely 9ar!
Faris lit a cigarette and started to smoke..
After seconds..
Abdullah: ebleees maku ghairah! Tra elzegayer mhy raddatlek nouf!!
Faris: wedy aqameth afate7 algaha eb 7ethny!!
Abdullah: madam ent faris ou ehy nouf mathanety t9eer! Kel wa7ed fekum rasa aybas min elthany! Yuba galek khaled telga ely a7san menha enshallah!!
Faris: entaw 3abalkum hal kelma trayye7?? Traaa wayed t3awer waayed!!! 7eta luw nouf aswa' bent bhal denya ana ma abe ella ehyaaa fahem!!!
Abdullah: enzain ehda!! Ou emsh dakhel ta3asha okhouk men el3a9er wehu ysawy hal3asha
Faris: yalla akhale9 ely beedy ou adsh
Abdullah: allah yfekkek menha!!
*I was counting the seconds to reach that day!! I cant wait to talk with him!! I cant wait to sit with him!! I cant wait to live with him..*
At the chalet..
Nabola: 7ayyalah men yannaa!!
Faris whispered to his mom: yummaa khalty khaleda ma3zouma?
Nabola: malek sheghel!! Shouf sh7alat mahouya bent khalek beyath ou jamal ou sana3 ou menna ou feena tezawajha ou ensa hal nouf!!
Faris nervously: yumma men 9ejech wela etaghashmerain??? Bs ay a7ad wel salaamm!!!
He went outside..
*kel rub3a eb mina 3abdallah ethakerny feeha!! Ou hal karasy bethat akhhh!!*
He sat down the same chair he sat on before four years..
He put his headset and started to listen to "kha6ak"..
He couldn't stop smiling..
*Ahh allah yjeeeb hal ayyaam!!*
And all of a sudden..
-----: halaa wallah faris shlounk??
He turned around to see "maha"..
*walain!! Laykoun omy gaylatlaha eny abeehaa!!*
Faris: hala hala
Maha: egoloun 6allagt nouf!! Thag khelgy wallah
Faris: la ma 6alagt'ha ehya ely 6lebat el6alag!!
His ears could not accept any word that might hurt nouf's ego!!
Maha raised her eyebrows: ehya elkhasrana! Wain telga wa7ed nafsek!! Jamal ou haiba ou akhlaaq
Faris smiled: 3ad el akheera balaghtay
Maha giggled: laish tgool 3n nafsek chethy! Akhlaaq ou ne9!!
Faris: be3yonech!!
Maha: abaih madry shfeeny tesabbaht nesait abarek lek 3ala takharuj 3adel okhouk
Faris: shda3wa 7eta luw ma baraktay 3ady
Maha giggled: waay khef 6eenaa!!
Faris: entay bent khaly 9arlech sneen sh6ary 3alaich yayya tsolfeen? Min el akher shinu tabeen!!
Maha: way faris!! Kho ana wain ashofek 3ashan asolef!! Ou 3ugub lamma 9ert ashofek kela ma3ak mertek fa 3aib 3alay
Faris: bs mu 3aib tgolellaha kalam ythayg'haa haa??
Maha: mu qasdy athayeg'ha bs atnarfaz lamma ashofha ma t7ashmek!! Shayfa nafs'ha 3alaik el9ara7a ma artha 7eta luw mabainy ou bainek theech el3elaqa bs tthel weld 3amety!!
Faris: ma tadreen enna shofat el7al hathy m7alleet'haa!!
Maha: staghferallah!! Sa7retek? 7eta went m6aleg'ha aq9ed m6algetek tdafe3 3anha?
He smiled while staring at the sea: lai akher la7tha b3umry mara7 athkerha ela belzaina ou ra7 athel a7ebha ou amout feehaa
Maha nervously: ghala6 ely ga3d tsaweeh!!! Lazem t3eesh 7ayatek nafs ma ehya 3ashat'haaa!!
Faris: etha 7ubby lahaa 6oul el3umer ou wafa'y bwu3oudy laha ghala6? Ya hala belghalaa6!!!
And all of a sudden maha placed her arm on Faris's shoulder..
He wondered her action!!
Faris: shfeech?
Maha: em3awwr galbee!!
Nouf with her eyebrows raised: hi maha?
Faris's heart jumped from its place the moment he heard nouf's voice!!
Nouf was really angry from their scenery!!
Maha bedon nafs: hala! Shyaybech? Maku 7aya wala mesta7a? Yayya shalaih elwalad wenty 6alba men el6alag? Shhal wayh el3areeeth!!
Nouf smiled and gave faris a stare..
Faris's tongue was heavier than ever!!
He was happy so happy but shocked!!
Nouf: walla ely wayha 3areeth elly yay etalazzag eb fathlat ghaairaah!
Maha: shhal qellat adab!! Faris esma3ha tgol 3anek fathlaa!!
Nouf smiled: bs ma tankereen enech lazga haa? Waay cheap cheap!!
Faris stood up and started to stare at nouf..
He was shocked and wondered!!
She gave him that admonition stares!!
Faris whispered to her: laish yeetay!
Her eyes became wet from the tears..
Faris: emshay ntfaham belsayara!!
Nouf walked in front of faris and he followed her..
Maha: FAAARIS!!! Lat9eeer kharooof please!!!
Faris turned around and gave her a death stare: ekly teben la kaf 3ala 3ainech!!!
They entered faris car..
Faris: shfeech!
Nouf: mara7 atkallam hny! Ro7 ay mukan!
Faris drove to an empty area and parked..
Faris: gharday!
Nouf went out of the car..
Faris did too!
She went closer to him..
Faris: nouf shfeech!!
And all of a sudden, her tears started to roll down her cheeks..
Faris was staring shockingly..
Nouf: FARISS!!
*kent sh3ara ou alemha!! Mu gadr ashofha bhal manthar wayed 9a3ba 3alay ashofha tabchy ou asket bs kent 9amed!!*
Faris: na3am!!
Faris: laish? Mu entay ma tabeeny!!
Nouf: enta akthar wa7ed watheq enny abeek!! La testa3be6
Faris smiled and opened his arms..
Nouf took a big step and threw herself on his chest..
He wrapped his arms on her skinny body and started to kiss her in everywhere..
*YE7LAMON YE7LAMOUN ELY FEEK EFAKEROON YAKHETHONAK ENTA MENNY? WALLA LUW YETJANENON!! YAKHETHO BGALBAK MUKANY? AW YENASONAK 7ANANY GOLEHUM HATHY AMANI WELA HUM MA YEGDEROUN!! Luw yeghayroonak 3alayya aw tejamelhum shuwayya khally baaalak enta leyya ghairak enta aydawerooon maa a7ad yegdar ye7ebbak wella yakheth menny 7ubbak luw yshofo shwayya galbak feeh esmy yelme7ounn!! Yekteboonak? Yersemounak? Wella hum yetkhayyelounak la 7asha ma yelmesonak feel la lay7awelon lo yemeddolak edaihum tha7ketek ra7at 3alaihum ou 7atta luw enta tabeehum enta ma3hum te7lamouuuun*
Nouf: i miss you a7ebbek abeeekkk!!!
Faris: mu kethry nouf muuu kethry!!!! Bs laish tawech tyeeen!!
Nouf: kent na6retek teyeeny!!
Faris: chum marra agolech ghurorech mu bainy ou bainech!!
Nouf: 6uz bel ghurouuuur wallah!!
Faris kissed her head: allah la ya7remny!!!
Nouf: laish ga3ed ma3a mahaa!! Ma legait ela mahaaa!!!
Faris: walla ehy ely yat weg3edat ma3aaay wela ana kent ga3d athakkar ga3daty ma3ach
She smiled: a7ebbek!!!
Faris ringing tone interrupted their talk..
He picked it up: hala bolbolaa
Nabola: wainek yalla ghadaa
Faris: 7ather kany yaay
Nabola: wainek?? Mekhtefy malek beenaa!! Ou bent khalloda malha beenaa ou elnafseya fouug sh9ayer???
Faris smiled a naughty smile: wath7a elsalfaa
Nabola: ya 3al allah ygharbel bleeskum ent ma3ahaa!! Entaw shinu maku 7aya maku deen m6alegeeeennn ou etaghazelon este7o 3aala wyoohkum!!
Faris giggled: bolbola shfeech m3a9ba? Ana m6aleg'ha 3ala shor fa raddait'ha!!
Nabola: la teg3ad tkharbe6 3alay!! Emshaw taghaddaw ou ley 7achy thany ma3ak!!
Faris: enshallah
Nabola: ou yawailek en a7ad shafkum weya ba3ath sema3tny!!
Faris: absher men 3yony elthentain ya naboly
She closed the line on his face..
He returned his mobile back into his bucket and gave nouf a smile..
She raised herself to reach his cheek and placed a peck on it..
Faris: hala ou ghalaaa!!
She hugged him the tightest hug ever!!
Nouf: MU M9ADGAAA!!!
Faris: 3umri entaaay!!! Enzain tra omy daga tgol emshaw ghada ou la7ad eshofkum weya ba3ath
Nouf: weddek luw mayshofounna khair shar?
Faris: 7aaail!
Nouf: 3ayal emshh khana7der ou nakshet feeehum please please life is too short to eat on the same table with maha!!!
Faris: ou life is too short to stay away from nefaneeeefy
Nouf smiled: TEFHAAAMM
They rushed to Faris's car, took mcdounalds meals and went to their apartment..
Nabola called again..
Faris: hala belzainnn
Nabola: WAINKUM!!!
Faris: mara7 neyye 3alaikum bel3afya!!
Nabola: faaris la tyanneny ou ta3alaaw!! Ga9ait wayhe jedam elawadem!!
Faris: yuma 9adgeeny mara7 ahed nouf 3ashan aye akel machboos
Nabola: faris!! Esta7 3ala wayhek ou e3gel!! Elmara mu mertek efreth rabbek khatha amantek shbetgoolla ha?? mayjouz ely ga3d tsaweehhh!!
Faris: yuma lat7ateen bared'ha bait'ha
Nabola: way way hatha ely beyanneny FARIS 3allaqal jedam el awadem ta3alaw ga9aitaw wayhe kho khalloda mestansa ma3ndaha feehaa!!
Faris: men zeen el awadem 3ad! Yuma men elakher etha a7ad galech shay golella hathy merta ou rad'ha 3ala themmeta faman allah!
He closed the line and switched his monile off..
Nouf: abaih 7aram 3alaikk refa3t thagh6 khaltyyy
Faris: la omy ma rtefa3 thagh6ha bs wayed ehemonha elnaass elmuhem ta3alay bs khal ashba3 menech!!
Ghalia: matgolelly wainech!! 9arly sena adeg 3alaich matredeeen!
Nouf: sorry mobily silent!!
Ghalia: ou laish silent? Lahya ma3a minu bshalaihhum???
Nouf shyly: guess?
Ghalia surprised: 6AWEEL ELTEELA????
Nouf shyly: eehh!!
Nouf giggled: abashrech hadaina elshalaih ou yena elsheqqa ou tejabalnaa
Ghalia: Khafeeefa 6a7atlaha eb khafeef she9eeer?
Nouf: goly ely tgoleen ana 6ayraaa
Ghalia: yallah! Allah yhanny s3eed bes3eeda! Akeed lebastay tanora men tananeerech lemzagleba ou zawaghty galbah!
Nouf giggled: la walla metsatraa
Ghalia: enzain wainah??
Nouf: bel7ammam!! Feech legafa ennama aihhhh
Ghalia: la bs sheftech hadeta ou tsolfeenly gelt elsalfa feha enna yallah mabroook elzawaj hahha
Nouf: allah ybaarek feech ou yalla bye 6aala3
Ghalia: 6oul 3umrech 3addatny tagzooraa byeee!
She giggled and closed the line..
Faris: ha minu t7acheen?
Nouf: ghalloooy!!
Faris: 3abaly omech
Nouf: omy fileeem ma s'alat feeny a7es ma 9adegat radaina 7g ba3ath
Faris: ana ely mu m9addeg!! Yawailech en 3edteehaa
Nouf blushed: musta7eeel!!
Faris: betnameen hny?
Nouf: la wain ma3ndy hdoom!
Faris: yebeehum?
Nouf: la magdar lazem agol 7g omy ou obouy ou tfahem omek enek ma6alagtny ou ared
Faris: khala9 tam!! Bainna telephone
She smiled..
Faris: shfeech?
Nouf: Late phone calls?
Faris: sleepy voice?
Nouf: 2011?
Faris smiled: aayyaaammm!!
She smiled: yazeenha men ayaamm
Its Sunday morning..
Nouf already talked to her parents about her relationship with faris and that they are officially back but she's waiting for faris to invite her to their apartment again..
*ma3qola lail7een ma kallamhum? Kent metwaq3a ena men bacher begolly ta3alay bs ma yab 6ary!! Kan 6oul elmukalama ytaghazal feeny bethab6 radaina 2011 bs ma3a kelshay 7alal!! Bs mayab 6ary ahala wala raj3ety bait'hum ghareeeb!!*
She drove to her work..
She entered her office room to see faris's sitting on her chair..
She smiled automatically: ashkara mwaa9el!!
Faris stood up and went closer to her, stretched his hand holding a ring box: will you marry me?
She smiled: ou hathaa su'aaal? YES Wana mghamthaaa
He placed the ring on her finger and placed a peck on her face: a7ebech!! Waq3ay este'than ou emshay a3arfech 3ala ahaly
She couldnt stop smiling: men 3youni!!
They left her work and went together to Faris's house..
Sultan: hala ou mas'halaa
Nouf: hala 3amy shlounek!!
She said the previous sentence while kissing his head..
Sultan: tamam nes'al 3anech wallah!!
Nouf: 7abebee! Khalty shlounech??
She kissed her head..
Nabola: walla tamam bkhair!
Nouf: adry 7adech karhatny bs wallah
She interrupted nouf sentence: la latgoleen chethy tthelleen benty ou lech gadrech bgalby
Faris raised his eyebrows: men meta??
Nabola: o9 yalla 3ad wala kelma!! Alla a3lam belly fgalbe! Ou ba3dain kafy ena wujod'ha b7ayatek mfare7 glaibek shaby akthaar?
Nouf and faris smiled..
She was laying her back on his side waist and his arms were wrapping her body..
He was playing with her hair and repeating the word "الحمدلله"..
Nouf: wath3na al7een ohwa ma3na elra7a elnafseyya
Faris: ee wallah!! Allah lay3eed theek el ayyam
Nouf: ee wallah!! Enzain men 9ejha khalty kanat btakh6eb lek mahu??
Faris smiled: ma khala9na men swaira yatna mahaa ensaaay khala9 ta7assaft eny getlek!!
Faris: halnaas enqarthaw men 7ayatee ou mabegaly ghairech! 3uqbal ma yenqereth s3oudoooh
Nouf giggled: shakhbaary!! Obouy addeba ou ekhtefaa
Faris: kho 3ady hatha methel elfage3 faj'a ye6la3
Nouf: la la allah laygool
Faris: elmuhem, a7ebech!
She blushed: enzian traa ghalouy ou wahhab 3azmeenna 3al 3ashaa
Faris: ay wahhab? Rayelha wela okhoha?
Nouf: la rayelhaa
Faris: welne3em! Tam enshallah
Nouf: ou beyeeboun dalolaa y7erooon
Faris smiled: allah y7afeth'haa!!
Nouf: ee 3ala hal6ary tara nathretek 7g dalola eb somu thakelyom khallatny a7taaar tefarfat wana bmukany
Faris giggled: yakhe etdawreellech a7ad tghareen menna ghaa9ebb!! Yuba entay bkom ou eldenya hathy kelha bkom ya nafnoufff!!
Nouf smiled: adry wallah
Nouf changed her clothes into these..
They went to Murouj, b+f to meet with Ghalia's small family..
They spent a great time together..
Wahhab: wainek manshofek beldewaneyaa
Faris: 9ayer ma aro7 walla lanna 3ndy dewaneya thanya bnafs elyom
Wahhab: esbo3 lena sbo3 lehum shda3waa
Faris: enshallah a7awel amerkum
Nouf: 7ady mkayfa ena khalainahum y9eroon rab3
Ghalia: ee 7adda chood te6la3 lena safra yemee3
Nouf: way chan zainn
Faris: shouf shouf teth7ak ya7alat'haa!!
Nouf smiled: katkouut!!
Ghalia carried Dalola and gave her to Faris..
He kissed her cheeks: ya zeenha
Wahhab: nouf sheddy 7ailech shakla faris wedda eb bent
Nouf smiled: shashed 7aily ba3ad meta ma allah ketab betsharref halbent
Ghalia took Dalal from faris's arms and he pulled nouf to his chest and kissed her head..
Faris: wllah ya whayyeb enna wujod'ha bedenya yeswa elbanat ou el a7fad ba3ad
Nouf blushed..
Ghalia: ta3allam ya 7athyy
They laughed so hard..
Wahhab: 3ayyaara shaylech be3yooni
Ghalia: adry wallah 7aram tra atghashmr
We lived our life and enjoyed it to the max!!
Every couple of weeks we travel to a far place and lose ourselves in it..
We loved each other and feel that love and gave it a value..
We enjoyed the moment without thinking of the next one..
We asked Allah to bless us, please us and to give us happiness without thinking of the way that leads to it!!
We did not think of reasons we just lived each moment happily..
Simply, tewakalna 3ala allah bhal 7ayat!!
Ou khathaina ely nabeh ou akthar..
Khaled: bema enna elkel mejteme3 bagollekum khabar befarre7kum
Nabola and sultan smiled..
Faris, abdullah, nouf, nour and adel: gouuul!!
Khaled: kha6aaabt!!
All of them: 3al baraaakaa, alf mabroook
Nour: minu khathaait??
Nabola: kha6abnalla sama alflani
Nouf smiled: mashallah hathy bent refeejat omy 7aaail!!!
Abdullah giggled: ekmalaat!!
Faris: 3ayal sem3aw khabarnaa!!
Nabola: bashraaaw!!
Nouf blushed..
Faris: nafnouf 7aamel
Sultan: alf alf mabrooookkk
Nabola: yazeeenah men khabaar!! El7emdellah bafra7 eb weld faris
Abdullah: wallah enha mafra7at bsel6an halkether!!
Nour giggled: alf mabroook
Khaled: ee frais ma yanzel wala ye93ad 3nd omy! Mabrook ou allah eyeeba belsalmaa
Nouf: allah ybaarek feekum!!
*khallait kelshay b7ayate 3ala allah sub7anah, ou da3ait en kan bel baby kheera lena yarab tyeeba ou en kan la ba3da 3annah!! Ou nesait eldu3a' ou 3esht 7ayate lain rabby yab elbaby lai 3ndy!! Ou matet9aweron shkether fara7t la'anny ta'akkadt enna byayyeta kheeraah!! El7mdellah*
*alf el7emdlah, 9ert bo Fahad!! Ta7aqaq 7elmy ou 9ar 3ndy walad, hal walad khallany a7es belmas'ooleya!! Khallany asawy shay mara7 t9adgoonah!!*
*surprisingly!! Faris ge6a3 elzegayer!! Tekhayelaw!! Ma 9addagt athony youm gally!!! Awal ma 6ala3t men el 40 gally hal khabar ou 9ar feeny akh luw walda menzeman!! Jad 7ail estanast ou wethaqt enna ykoun obo ou qedwa 7g fahoudy dehn el3oudy!!!*
*ma ye7tay agolekum far7at nabola ou khaloda b fahody!! 9araw kelyom yshofoun ba3ath eb sebbat enhum kelyom yro7oun ma7allat yahhal ou yshteroon ashya' 7g fahoudy!! El7emdellah*
*ou alf el7emdellah enna fahody 6ala3 yeshbah eljameel elthegeel elhaibaaa faaaris, el7elm elly 9ar a7la waqe3!! Ou 3uqbal ma ygoul "khair" lamma yekbar! Mu met7asfa 3ala wala la7tha 6afat!! La'anna kel 7ezen ou theega thafat 7alat 3ala 7ayatna ou kelshay kheeraa*
*el7emdellah eny 9ert obo weld nouf!!*
*el7emdellah enny lail7een bgalb faris ana nouf ely shafny gabel 4 sneen, kel ma yshofny galba ydeg ou y7ebny akthar ou akthar!*
*meste3ed abous letrab ely tamshy 3alaih wala akhserha*
*meste3edda atnazal 3n karamty wala agom el9eb7 ou ma algah yammy!!*
*amout 3alaih*
Thaaankyou so much for spending time on my blog❤️❤️❤️ thaaankyou for waiting thank you for supporting thaaankyou for everything raaa7 olah 3alaikum ou 3ala your comments ou 3al jumla elshaheera "meta the next post"!!
A7ebkum kelkum❤️❤️❤️