Hello everyone..
This post is dedicaated to every beautiful soul includin Washiyb98 and A246_ A7ebkuuuum waaayeddd<33
We were walking along the champs elysees..
He was hugging me from the side..
Hamad: 9ej lay galaw jaw barreesy!! Mu 6abee3y
Me: Paris ou bs!
Hamad: jawha yaster 3youbha
Me: mafeha 3youbb
Hamad: yabakhat'ha!! Tadreen laish?
Me: lanny a7ebha
Hamad: lannech matshofeen 3yobhaa
Me: haha
Hamad: teyyen burj eevel?
Me: 7ADDAAA!!! I miss that place
Hamad smiled: 3ayal yallaa nakheth taxi?
Me: no the weather is too good to go by a taxi
Hamad: yallah ma3ndy mane3 bs akhaf tet3ebeen?
Me: la kelly leyaqaa haha
Hamad: yalla min hny
Me: lamma asafer mukan a7awel astamte3 feeh chenny akher marra bayellah
Hamad: enshallah ma tkoun akher maarra
Me: enshallah bs in case ella ana mestansa ou m7allelta
Hamad: enshallah neyyyellah wenty ba6nech jeddamech
My heart skipped a beat..
Me: um tabee crepe wella ice cream? I want them both!!
Hamad whispered: abeech
And he left a peck on my head..
Me: 7amaad!!! Can you please stop it?? Kabber 3aglek shwaaay!! Mu ke kelma tghazelny ou enta tadry enny mu bhal mood KELESHHH!!! Just wait ou kelshay bwagta 7eluu!!!
I accelerated my steps to Tour Effiel..
Hamad didnt say a word..
I sat on a bench and looked straight..
He went closer to me..
Hamad: rana! 3ala fekra entay ensana qaleelat adab ou luw a7ad ghairy chan raddech lekwait min awal youm!!! Ou la tgooleen wait!!! MANY 9ABER AKTHAR!! 9abart zyada 3an el lezooom ok? Walla en ma tesana3tay ou tekalamtay methel el awadem wallaa tarany mu majboor 3alaich!!!
My heart's beats accelerated..
Hamad ignored my sentence and went to the crepe kiosk..
7asait im losing him..
Madry faj'a 6araw 3ala baly kel mawaqfa!!
6eebta ma3ay ou 9abra!!
He doesnt deserve this from me!!
Maskeen, he deserves the best ou mu thanbaa enny a7eb ghaira!!
Mu thanba enna ma daraa eny a7eb refeeja!!
Mu thanba ena obouy wafaq 3alaih!!
I went closer to him and whispered in his ear: 7amad!
Hamad: tra 6alabt lech crepe nutella ou farawla zain?
Me: 7amad im sorry!!
Hamad: ka hathy maltech hach
He gave me my crepe..
Me: 7amadd!! Give my apology some of your attention!!
Hamad: entay ma tabeen my attention 9a7?
Me: 7amad wallah ta7assaft 3ala kel kelma gelt'ha!!! Adry my words are always harsh for you bs Wallah enek testahel elkhair ou ma testahelny wallah!!
Hamad: adry ena bandar lail7een bgalbech ou 9a3ba elgalb yensa wa7ed gentle nafs bandar bs entay mu ga3da t7awleen!!!
I brought my mobile out: ka hatha raqam bandar mesa7taaa!!! Bs please same7ny!!
Hamad: ana 3umry ma shelt bgalbe 3alaich 3ashan asam7ech bs lazem t7awleen ma terbe6een sa3adtech eb ensan!!
I dont know why or how but I threw myself on Hamad's chest and cried my heart out!!!!
Kent ga3da abchy methel elyaahel!!!
Theeegat kel lesh'hoor ely 6afat 6la3at bhal bachyaaa!!!
Hamad was really shocked and didnt know what to do!!
But he ended up hugging me that tight hug and running his huge hand on my back..
Hamad: la yuba la tabcheeen!!! Shebachy al7een walla mu za3lan menech!!!
Bechait la'anny mu gadra a3eesh!!
Bechait lanna galbe 3a6aita bandar ou ga3adt b3eed 3annah!!
Bachait lanny walaht 3al ayyam elsa3eeda..
He hugged me from the side and walked me with him to the bench..
Hamad: yala 3ad felleehaa
Me: dmoo3y mu rathya twagef!!
Hamad: tra kelesh mu cute tabcheen wenty 3nd burj eevel!
I giggled: 9edagt!!
We enjoyed the delicious crepes with the amazing weather under the Effiel Tower..
Hamad: la reja3na mara7 akhaleech tredeen baitkum
Me: haha 3ayal wain betwadeny!!
Hamad: Neg3ad eb hilton wella movenpick 3ala ma n'atheth sheqatna
Me: et9addeg? 3umri mafakart bhalmawthoo3
Hamad: min galb a9adg
I smiled: sa3edny ansah!
Hamad smiled back and nodded..
Me while moaning: STOP DOING THIS banaaaaam
Hamad while opening the curtain: goumay shoufaaay
I tried to open my eyes wider: shinuu?? Shashoufff
He gave me some papers: tfathelay
Me: a trip to cannes????
He smiled: ee na3am
I wasnt exited for that trip to be honest but I tried my best to fake excitement..
Me: yaaaaay!! For how many days?
Hamad: thalatayyaaam ba7ar ou wanasaaa
I smiled: meta?
Hamad: elqe6ar yamshy elsa3a 2!!
Hamad: fa goumaaay badlay ou zahby jan6etech khantarayag ou namshy elma7a6a
Me: okk!!
I jumped to the bathroom, took a quick shower, dried my hair, tied it and wore those:

We ate our breakfast and went to the train station..
Inside the train..
Hamad: tabeen anzel ashtery akel 7g el6ereej?
Me: no the train's trolley is enough!
Hamad: 3ala ra7tech! Enzain sem3ay!!
Me: hmm?
Hamad: taraa gharamy elsha3ar elmaflouuul!!
Me: raddaaina?
Hamad: eshfeehaa etha falaiteh? 3n kha6er raylech!!
Me: walla 7amad ma3aref nafseyan magdaar!!!!
Hamad: ana ella akhaly hal 3uqda tenfaach!!!
Me: wallah i'll be appreciated ana 7ail wedy afella bs i just cant!!
Hamad: 7e6y eb balech ennech 6oul ma entay ma3ay kel omneyatech bete7aqaq bethn allah!!
I smiled: 7abebe!!
He smiled back and pulled me closer to him: akhhh yazen halkelma menech!!
I threw my head on his chest: yabakhte
Shway shway ga3da ashoufa elgalb el7anoon!!!
A7es bgurba defa ou amn ou amaan!!!
He started playing with my ponytale..
Hamad: esh yafreg luw shelt elshaba9a?
Me: al7een maku safa ghair sha3ry?
Hamad: weddy asolef eb jamal wayhech bs adry mara7 akhale9!
Me: tadry? Elly eshofek ma yte9awwar ena ye6la3 minek hal 7achy!
Hamad: min ashoufech ye6la3 kelshay! Ranooo
Me: hmm
Hamad: qasaman bella a7ebech!
I smiled in a shyly way: teslam!!
Hamad: tra ana baly 6eweel ou naa6er lain tan6egeen methel el awadem
Me: haha keep waiting i feel there will be something soon
Hamad: OOOOOOHHH!!! La la enty elyoum chethyyy *thumb up*
Me: akhh finally!!
Hamad: ee eldarb eta3eb!!
Me: tara mafeeny arou7 mukaaan
Hamad: 3ala ra7tech
Me: I'll take a shower ymkin atnasha6
Hamad: ok bs la t6awleen
Me: desh gably lanny 6wala
Hamad: la mabe adesh bs abeech jedamy
I smiled: dayman ta9demny eb romanceetek
Hamad: 7athreeen
I went to the bathroom, did my job, wore my pajama and went out..
Hamad: na3eeman 7ayaaty
Me: yen3am b7alek
Hamad: ta3alay
Me: shinu?
Hamad: ta3aly abeech!
I went closer to him..
Hamad: legait lech 7al 7g mushkeltech
Me: haw ay mushkela?
Hamad: elsha3ar
Me giggled: walla im used to it 3adyy la tsheel hamha
Hamad: agoolech a7eb elsha3ar elmaflouuul
Me: hahha ok ok shinu el7al?
Hamad: tabeen agoolech wella tghamtheen ou afaj'ech?
Me: gouuul!!
Hamad: maku rou7 mughamaraa! Estabye3ay ba7el 3uqdetech
I giggled: abad maaku!! Gouuully mara7 ahaytek
Hamad: ok bage9 sha3rech
Me gasped: NA3AM???
Hamad: eeh 3ashan ma tarbe6eena
Me: laa laa a9lan sh3arefek!!
Hamad: kho shyabeella bage9a seeda many metfannen
I kinda liked the idea of cutting my hair!!
Lanna jadd its really annoying lamma you reaaally want to pull down your hair but you cannot!!!
I took a deep breath: you think ena this is the solution?
Hamad: eeh!
Me: do you have scissors?
Hamad: ee yabolly el reception
I took another deep breath, closed my eyes: go ahead!!
Hamad: la7tha khal ayeeb foo6a
He brought two towels from the bathroom, i sat on one of them and he wrapped the other one around my neck..
He applied some water to my hair..
Me: akhhh dont act as a professional t7er
He giggled: lazem a7asesech bel amaan
Hamad: okk!!
I closed my eyes..
I felt him pulling my hair down..
My heart's beats accelerated..
suddenly a tress of my hair fell down, a really long one..
Hamad: shelfaayda age9 we9la 9gheera? Elhadaf enech ma tarbe6eenaa
Hamad: shfeeech kela sha3ar ou be6oul ou 3ala ma y6oul ella el3uqda menfacha
I started to laugh so hard madry min elqahar aw men burouda aw gemt ma ahtam madry!
Hamad continues cutting my hair!!
Omg wallah he's unbelievable!!
Me: ABAIH STOPPP IT!!!! This is too short!!
I was touching my hair maaaku shay maku sha3ar the tresses ely eshofhum egoul "extension" min 6oulhum!!!
Hamad: ge3day yuba thebtaay 3ashan y9eer metsawy!!
This is really funny wallah!!
He continued cutting my hair lain sha3ry 9ar netfa!!!
Hamad: khala9na! Al7een etha feech khair reb6eeh
Yatny elbaaachyaaaaaa!!!
Hamad: goumy shoufy elga9a walah naar metsawy!!
I went to the mirror to see eltabdee3 ely sawaah!!!
I tried to tie it bs may9eeer kelesh may9eer!!!
It was too short lai darajat enna part of my neck is showing!!!
Me: 7amaaad!!!!!
Hamad: wallah te7tajain halshay!! Ou 3ugub you will thank me!!
And all of a sudden my tears went out!!
Me: my haiiir!!
He hugged me tight: laish tabcheen!! La eta7asefain entay chethy chethy tarbe6eena why do you need it!!
Me: shouf shouf i cant even tie a low tiny ponytale!!
Hamad: you dont need to!!
He started to play with my hair: 3ajeeeb!!
Me: wallah i really need to tie it!!!!!
Hamad: does it pain?
Me: no bs maaa3areffff!!!! Abe mashaat!!
Hamad: ensy salfat sha3rech ou ta3ay!!
We sat down our bed..
Hamad: goulleelly shhal jamal?
Me: i think i need to cut a bang
Hamad burst into laughter: 7athreen
Me: la testanes bel salon bag9haa
Hamad: shyabeellaha
Me: shinu shyabeellahaa!!
I dont know how but I agreed!!
Thaba6t kelshay ou 7a6ait my finger and i told him to cut under it lanna ma yethayyat!!
I liked my look after the new haircut but im still not used to the short hair!!!
A7es ethaaayeg!! Hair on my forhead and hair on my neck and cheeks!!
A7es eqazez bs Hamad is loving everything in it!!!
I can see happiness through his eye..
Not because of the new hair cut but because he felt my trust..
After playing with my hair we slept men elta3aab..
I slowly opened my eyes to see Hamad's laying right next to me and playing with my hair..
I smiled..
Hamad: 9aba7 eljamaal!!
Me: allah y3eenny!!
Hamad: laitech etshofeen nafsech eb 3ainy!! Eb teghtarrain!!
I smiled: you are so sweet!!
Hamad: and you are so beautiful
Me: mabe athakkar enny tawni ga3da min elnoium
Hamad: el7elu 7elu luw tawa ga3ed min elnoum
Me: 7amad ana wayed merta7aa!!
Hamad: men shinu?
Me: madry bs khalaitny arta7 menek! Makent atkhayal enna lamma taf9elny 3anek inchat bakoun merta7a! A7es enna we are really married!!
He giggled: ou ana mestanes!! 7ail mestanes enna you are being mine!!
I smiled in a shyly way..
Hamad: ma tet9awerain shkether ana mayyet 3ala galbech! Abeeh!! Abe amleka!!
I blushed: its all yours!!
He smiled and hugged me really tight and whispered: allah yes3edech!!
Hamad: ranaa!!
Me: hmm
He sat down..
Hamad: et7ebbeeny?
My heart beats accelerated..
And I sat down..
Me: 7amaad!! Ana maytaaa 3alaik! Madry sh9ar bs 7aleyan abeek abeek 7aggy brou7y ou martha a7ad yakhethk menny!!
Hamad whispered: yabakhty!!
I whispered back: a7ebeek!!
He went closer to me, places the front tresses of my hair back my ears and whispered: ya jameeaa!!!
I blushed: hmm
Hamad: gouly walla enech t7ebbenny?
I blushed: walah!!
He kissed my forehead and whispered: allah la y7remny!!
He left the bed and changed into his swimming shorts..
Hamad: yalla gomy badlay bentesabba7
Me sadly: ma3endy mayoo
Hamad: deshay el7amam wana al7een ayeblech min ta7at ebee3ounn
Me: and i need a cover up
Hamad: enshallahh
He brought me a swimming suit and we went to the sea..
We enjoyed our time swimming and playing..
Hamad: t7ebbeen elba7ar?
Me: minu ma y7ebbaa!!
Hamad: 3ayal beshry belkhaair enshallah la reja3na lekwait bawadeech jazeera jazeeraa
Me: yaaaay ou n9eed semach??
Hamad: ba3aad? Tabeen t7adgeeen?
Me: eeeh
Hamad: kafu wallah! Taaam
I smiled: bs malait ba6la3
Hamad: beteshamesain?
Me: la basawwy yoga!!
Hamad: yalla 3almeeeny
We went out of the sea and sat on the beach to do yoga..
Me: awal shay eg3d chethy 3ashan you breathe
Hamad: shhal ga3daaa
Me: this is yogaaa!!!
Hamad: enzain sa3deenyy
Me: okk
I helped him sitting well..
Hamad burst into laughter because he couldnt hold it and opened his legs..
I suddenly remembered Bandar and his first yoga class in Zug!!!
His reaction was exactly the same!!!
Oh my god!!!!
What am i doing!!!
Im cheating!!
Hamad: rana shfeeech??
Me: mafeeny shay! Estabradt ba93ad atsabba7
Hamad: 9ej enech redeyya wain ely bet3alemny yogaa!!
I ignored his sentence and ran to the bathroom..
I opened the shower and started to cry my heart out!!
Walla it was too short 7eta i dont know how to dry it!!!!
When I have done I wrapped myself with my towel and went out to get me something to wear from my bag..
I jumped in my place: besmellah!
Hamad: shfeech?
Me: khara3tny 7asbaly enta ta7aat
Hamad: eshfeech faj'a 9a3adtay?
Me: told you estabraddt
Hamad: ana adry enna shay thany bs mabe afta7 mawathee3 ou ntehawash
I ignored his sentence and opened my bag to take my clothes..
I was wearing my clothes in the bathroom..
*knock knock knock*
Me: khalla9t
He said while opening the bathroom's door: dania ga3da tdeg 3alaich
Me: 9eeej?? Wain wain mobily!!!
He gave me my mobile to answer her call..
Dania: ahlaaaian ya kaalba i misss you!!!
Me: ana akthaaar wallaaah!! Cant wait to go back to kuwait just to meet my bride!!!!
Me: CHATHAAABAA!!! I totaaaaally forgot!!
Dania: bemaa enech mjarbaaa shinu lazm ekoun shu3oury lannaa maaaku shu3ouuur!!!
I froze in my place..
She brought all the memories the bad memories back to my head..
I sighed: danouy la tes'eleeny tadreen b7alty shinu kanaat!!
Dania: 9aa7!! Enzain shlouna 7amad weyach? Aq9ed shlounech ma3aah!!
I whispered: 9ara7a ga3da a7ebba bs kel ma athakkar Bandar anqemet! Ya3ni a7es nafs ma 7amad malah thanb ham ohwa mala thanb!! Ou awal ma getla ekh6ebny kha6abany ma3anna thurofa ma kanat tesma7 ma63ema kan still mu wagef!!
Dania: 7amad waina?
Me: restroom
Dania: ashwa!! I know i totally agree with you bandar rayyal ou 3al3ain welras ou malah thanb ou 7amad ba3ad bs 9adgeeny entay zojat 7amad and 7amad wins!! Bandar mara7 e3a9eb etha 7abaitay zojech ely ohw refeeja lanna he knows everything and he wants you to be happy more than anyone else!
Me: dania youre making it difficult traa
Dania: ee nesait anyway keep going!!! Lanna el9a7 enech t7ebeen ely 3ndech
Me: i asked you for a favor did you do it?
Dania: yes! Khallait reeemu trou7la bema enny makh6oubaa ou temaila7at 3ndaa ou she was like men 9ejjy abeeeh
Dania: heeey! Calm down!! Awalan he's not yours khal t7ebbaa kaifha!! Thaneyaan ma 3a6aha way wala 7ettaa 6ala3haaa!! He's gentle!!!
Me: wefy!!
Dania: anyway et'hagain shbekoon wath3y ma3a khaled?
Me: esma khaled??
Dania: eee!!
Me: yakhte!! Atwaqa3 begolech wesh tha ellethy 3ainy teshoofa!!
Dania: laaa ma7esa romancy!! Hal group rabe3 elba7ar t7esenhum dafsheeen
Me: na3aaam? Se'leeny 3anhumm!!
Dania: yahh yahhh!!!
Our honeymoon is done..
It was 3 weeks but only one of those three weeks was a honeymoon..
And we're going to go back to kuwait..
I miss my mother the mooooost!!
And I just dont want to meet my father!!
Hamad: du3a' elsafar
Me: shnu ohwa?
Hamad: 3ala halsafrat ou mat3arfeena?
Me: shdarrany sometime lamma y7e6ona i read it ou lamma may7e6oun agol du3a' elsayara
Hamad: 9ej enech khwaraaa!! Hach egray
He gave me his iphone to read from it..
Hamad: tara 7ajaazt
Me: shinu?
Hamad: suit bel Raya!! Courtyard
Me: haha men 9ejek? Ma malait menny?
Hamad: entay malaitay??
Me: bnasken eb baitkum? Tra madry shessalfa
He giggled: 3ayazt agoulech ou wafaqtaay ba3ad ma tadreen wain allah ga6ech!!
I smiled: ent ma tadry my great mind fee wayed ashyaa' aham
Me: hahah only if I am single!!
Talal: walla i miss you like sooooo so much eldawam elaawe3 elchabd bedoonechhh lat3eedeenha ok?
Me: la 9adegny mara7 ag3ad 6oul 7ayaty bel kwait!!
Talal: at least enthabe6 ejaazatna weya ba3aathh
Me: enshallahhh
Talal: ou mabrooook zawaaj daniaaa
Me: bs emlechaat
Talal: its the same mu kel elnas tsawy 3ers nafsch mathalaan
Me: entaa meta nefra7 feeek!!
Talal: mewakheethy shwayya maku variety
Me: wallaah entaa bed3aa! 9eeer nafs el awadem byaktheroon muwakheethek la ou 3asahum yerthon feeek
Talal: this is me i wont change myself for the sake of marriage ma a7taaj
Me: i knew it!! Uff 3asa sawait sheghly?
I was checking my inbox..
"Hello mrs. Rana..
You are invited to The Real Food new menu's event, which will be held at AlDeera new branch on Saturday at 7:30 pm..
Hope to see you there..
Event hosted By Fahad AlFlani
Restaurant's owner: Bandar AlFlani"
My heart skipped a beat the moment I read his name..
I know that bandar knows nothing about that invitation..
And I know that i should not go to that event!!
Hamad: Rana 7ayaatee
Me: hmm
Hamad: refeejtech dania bent Alflani 3adel?
Me: eeeh! Laish?
Hamad: mashallah 9ej lekwaait 9gheera tadreen minu makheth'ha??
Me: minu?
Hamad: 9a7by khallouuuud alflani
Me: laa? Mashallaaah wanasa
Fake reply!!
Hamad: 3rsa elsabt 3aadd!! Oooo elsabt fee event bma63am bnaaider
I smiled a devilish smile: weeh
Hamad: el3ers awlaa!! Entay betro7een el event?
Me: la shaku! A9lan mu 3azmny
Hamad: wehga wallah
I chose those to wear them..

I entered my car and went to his restaurant..
I was too afraid to meet him!!
Khayfa yerja3 7ubah bquwaaa!!
Khayfa 3elaqty b7amad tred tetdahwar!!
I left my car and went inside..
I was a bit late..
I arrived at 8 pm!!
The place was crowded..
Too many people, so much of instagram celebrities..
I walked between them to search for Bandar..
I dont have anything to tell him but i just want to meet him..
And all of a sudden the place became quieter..
----: masa' elkhairr
That voiiiiiiiceeeee!!!!!!!!
The guests: masa' elnoor
Bandar: mashkoureen 3ala 7ethorkum nawartouna ou sharaftouna ou 3asa elyayyat akthar enshallah
I tried to go closer to him until he saw me..
Our eyes met and we smiled automatically..
وافترقنا غصب عنّا من شهور..
افترقنا و محدٍ من الفرقا شكا..
ان تصادفنا ابتسمنا دون شعور..
بسمه غير، بسمه باحساس البكا..
Bandar: tashjeee3kum ley sebab naja7 halma63am ou bedounkum makan ra7 ykoun!!
Bandar: 3umry mara7 ansallekum haljemeel!!
He lowered his voice: a7bkum
My eyes were gleaming from tears!!
I went closer to him..
Me: mabrook the new menu
He didnt say a word..
He was staring silently..
Me: i know i shouldnt attend this event bs shay dakhly yabeeny ayye!! Ou yeet
Bandar: the new hair cut fits you
Me: 9a7 enny tezawajt ou khalaitek bs walla mukanek bgalbe ma yanzel
Bandar: shhh!! Ana adry ou enty tadreen dont say it out loud! Ou lelmarra el alf agolech 3eeshy 7ayatech ou hathy akher marra teyeny bedoun 7amad ok?
I swallowed my tears and turned around..
And that was the end..
And the beginning of my new life..
My relationship with Hamad is getting better and better..
After 3 years of our marriage I hardly brought a cutie pie and called her 3azeeza..
Yes I love my mother and I love every detail in her..
Bandar did not get married and he did not want to!!
Im still in his heart and mind..
Its my fault!!
I am the one who accepted to talk to him!!
His name in business is getting more famous and everyone wants to do business with him, i dont blame them he has a great mind and he's smart!!
My dad wanted to sign a contract with Bandar so badly but he refused after my permission!!
كما تدين تدان..
Anan: akhh sheftaw ranaaa? Tezawejat 7amad alflani!!!!
Mneera: eee sheft yalla erzegnaaa
Samar: jameela ou khathat jameel she9eer?
Rawan: mayenlamon eb ba3aath! Egouloun khathaw ba3ath 3n 7ubb
Mneera: akeeed 3n 7ub 7asbalkum e7na? Zawaj ahal ou belyallah!!
Anan: fachethy 6awelat 3ala ma tezawejat ashkaraaa kanaw haymaneeen
Samar: eee mu fatheen 7g zawaj
Rawan: a7es shabkat'ha 6aqmain min a6qum a7lam
Mneera: hahha layegg
Anan: khannabchy 3ala 7thooothna lem9aynaaa
But they know nothing..
The End.
Thaaaank you for your supportinggg<333
Thank youuu for waaaitinggg!!
Thaaank you for filling my 2014 with happiness by reading your SWEET words!!
Love youuuuu!!!
Yours: Katkouta