This post is dedicated to the beautiful birthday girl "Dania AlJehma"<33
Sorry for the late birthday gift bs wallah enech 3ala baaly ou thayg khelgy 3alta'kheerrr!
Enjooooy beauties;*
"ana khayef elshai6an esawed'ha akthar min
chethy! Please leave!"
"rana nazly tanourtech shway"
"Ma7eb aroo7 dewaneyat el flany kelhum ydakhnooon"
His words were repeating on my mind over and over!!!!
What happened to him!!!!
My thighs were shaking min hawlat elmawqef!!!
Hatha bandar???
Hatha ely kan elsana3 kellah!!
Elly kella ykhaf men elghala6 wala yertha feeh?
Sh9ar lah!!!
Msafer 3ashan hal houla???
3ashan ekharbe6 ma3aha!!
Hamad: entay thelfy 3an wayhy la a9ennech kaf
Farah: bandaaar!! Khal ye7terem nafsah!!
Hamad: 6a3 men yetkallam 3an el e7teraam bs!!! Entay
luw feech tharat e7teram chan ma ga3adtay halga3da!!!
Bandar: shinu tabe menny ba3ad?
Bandar: fara7 goumay khal ashof shyabe!!
I couldnt talk, I couldnt walk I couldnt do
I was SHOCKED!!!!
Farah: ok 7abebe bagoum bs 3ashanek
Hamad: bnaider ent shga3ed t'habbeb???
Bandar: shinu!
Kalam bandar ou burouda buroud wa7ed yaa'es men
eldenya ou kelshay beldenyaa!!
Hamad: msafer 9arlek dahar ma7ad yadry 3annek 3ashan
hal sheefa?? Ou mhayyet sheghlek?? Bandar ent shfeek yannaaait!!
Bandar: et9adeg? Yalait ayen ou afqed 3agly ou
e7sasy!! Ra7a ma ba3ad'ha raa7a!!
Hamad: la la la mant bandar!!! EMLABBAS ENT WELA
SHFEEK!! Waaain bandar elly kel 7ayaata sheghlaa!! Wain bandar elly ma yfakker
ella b3aaglaa!! Waina ely ma yartha belghala6 ou mashy seedaa!! Shfeeekkkk!!
Bandar: esh nefa3ny feeh?? Kak ent!! Mestahter ou
fashel bderastek ou bsheghlek ou elghala6 3ady 3endek kak 3ayesh eb jannaaa!!!
3ayesh 3eesha elkel ya7sedek 3alaihaaa!!
walla eny ana ely a7sed el houla fara7 3alna3eem ely
ehy feeh!!
Temanaitny mukanhaa wala ashoufek bhal 7alaa!!
Temanait elzeman yerja3 ou akhally obouy yertha feek
luw shinu!!
Temanait ely 9ar ma kan!!
Hamad: ent men 7a6ait hal zegara went gaathy ou
el7achy ma3aak thaaye3 bs 9adegny bacher lamma yenhedem kel ely banaita ou
takhser ma6a3mek ou ta3abek eroo7 theek elsa3 beta7assaf!! Khalek ez7ar ou
kharbe6 ou ekelha taalyy!! Faman allah!
Hamad turned around..
I took few steps toward them..
Bandar's eyes met mine..
He froze in his place..
And I can feel his heart's beats in my ears!!
My eyes started to tear..
Bandar lowered his head and my heart broke again..
*Ashoufak magdar a7ky lak, laken fee suwad el3ain..
Nouren yathwy b7ubbak ou 3ashek ya6leb w9alek..*
Hamad: SHFEECH!!!
Me: 7ashara dashait b3ainy efff!!
Hamad: el3aintain?
Me: ee 7ashartain!!
Hamad: rana golelly shfeeech!
Me: jad akalmek
Hamad: enzain laish wagfaa!!
Me: 6awwalt..
Hamad: eeh! Yabaw el6alab?
Me: Eeh!
We sat down..
Hamad started to eat but I couldn't!
Hamad: ekly yuba shfeech!
Me: mabe!
Hamad: ha!! 3ayal 7g minu 6albeen kel hatha!!
Me: ekel 3alaik bel3afya!!
Hamad: ekly ma3ay shda3wa!!
Me: maa abe!
Hamad: e3awrech shay? Men mesa3 manty 6abee3eya!
Me: la!!
Hamad: eldenya ghareeba!!
I ignored his sentence..
Hamad: mu ma3qoul shloun elnas tetghayyar!! Mu bs
tetghayyar ella tengeleb mabade'ha fog ta7at!!
Me: elthuroof ya 7amad!
Hamad: ay thuroof!! Shefty ely mesa3 re7tla!!
Me: la!
Hamad: bandar alflani! Ely re7na efteta7 ma63ema thakelyom
Me: emm!
Hamad: tadreen shinu kan ou shinu 9aar!!
I was really not ready to hear anything about
Jad ely feeeny kafeeeny!!!
Ou elbachya 3nd 3ainy!!
Me: allah yhadeeh!
Hamad: rana tadren enna ma eye dewaneyatna 3ashan
feeha shabab edakhnooon??? Tadreen ena musta7eel yeg3ad ma3a a7ad edakhen??
Tadreen enna kan kelyom yen9a7ny lamma kent akalem 9ebaa?? Tadreeen enna kan
sheghla aham 3nda men naafsa!!! Al7een shinu!!! Ma ashouf ela ensan saye7 ga3ed
bedon 3agel bedon mabade' bedon wala shay!!!! Ensan hopeless lamma tkalmeena
chenech tkalmeen 6ofa!!
Me: ared ou agool matadry shinu thuroofa
Hamad: entay ymkin t7esen eny wayed menfe3el bs walla
shofta bhal7al eqmetatny!!! Mahma kan lah mukantaa!!
I froze in my thoughts for moments..
Me: allah yes3eda!!!
Hamad started to stare at me for seconds then he
replied: allah yahdeh!!
I couldn’t stop thinking of him..
His scenery kept on repeating on my mind!!!
His love is still alive and my heart is still beating
for him!!
I cant leave him like this!!!!
Yama ou yamaa wegaf ma3ay belwagt ely e7tejtaa!! Magdar
ahedda magdaaar!!!
Hamad: rana?
I turned around: laish ma nemt
Hamad: entay ely laish ma nemtay?
I was thinking of him!!!!
I was thinking of Bandar ou 7alat Bandar!!!
I was blaming myself a7es eny ana elsebba!!
Me: ma yany noum!! Enta shfeek?
Hamad: mafeeny shay! Khala9 namay mabe a3awer rasech
Me: etfakker eb refeejek?
Hamad: ee wallah! M3awer galbe!!
Me: ymkin zojta ely kanat ma3ah!!
Madry shloun gelt eljumla ely foug!!!
Bs fee shay dakhly khayef enha tkoun 9ej..
Hamad: et’habaaa!!!
Me: ohwa galek enna mu metzawejha?
Hamad: ma sa’alta!! Bs ana met’aked
Me: en7a9art!!
I left our bed and went to the bathroom..
Hamad: enty lail7een takhtheen telephoech weyaach!!
I smiled and ignored his sentence..
I got inside the bathroom and called Farah..
She picked it up..
Farah: enty ma teste7een dagga hal7azza?
Me: aste7y bs men ely yeste7oun
Farah: esh qasdech
Me: hah aim joking!
Farah: 7asbaly ba3ad
Me: I miss you! shrayech ashoufech bacher?
Farah: enty tadreen eny yayya ma3a Bandar 9a7?
Me: umm Bandar Bandar ay Bandar?
Farah: Bandar alflani!!
Me: ah shakhbary! Eee ok dah?
Farah: ya3ni awal abe asta’thenaa
Me in a shaking voice: tezawajtaw?
Farah: la2! Bs el7ub mawjoud
I smiled automatically the moment I heard “la”..
Me: ya3ni magdar ashuofech? Meta elwagt ely
matkouneen ma3ah?
Farah: mu meshkela nteshawaf kelenaa!!
Me: la ma abee I miss you entay mu ohwa!
Farah: shoufay ohwa el9eb7 yamshe brou7a bel chanzz
bs ana bakoun nayma! Bs 3ugub kella ag3ad ma3ahh ma akhalleeh
Me: umm, khala9 ana bafaker etha agdar a6la3 weyakum
entay ma3ah ou I’ll let you know ok?
Farah: okk 7ubi
Matwaqa3 fee a7ad beldenya yolah 3alaiha!!
Umm morning..
I went out..
Hamad: ha men tkalmeen?
Me: ga3da aghany
Hamad: shda3wa sam3eenna
Me: la wallah my voice is awful!!!
Hamad: 9adgeeny kelshay ya3jebny feech
I laid down..
Me: meta nawy tnam
Hamad: rano qe9eely qe9a
Me: la please don’t bring the child version of you
out please
Hamad giggled: kelena 6efel etemanna ay shakh9
ya7thena bs minu ely yefham
Me: 7amad!! You should sleep jadddd
Hamad: mu gader wallah!!
Me: ana ma anam??
Hamad blew a fly kiss: te9be7een 3ala khair
I smiled and turned around to sleep..
Its 6 am..
Mu mzahba el7achy ely agoula bs abe ashoufaaa!!
I wore those:
And I went down..
Champs elysees hmmmm..
Ohwa ma y7eb el loya!
Ashkara he’s walking there 3ugub Abercrombie!!
I rushed to that place and walked like a lost lady..
“Thank you”
I jumped in my place the moment I heard the word “thank
you” and turned around to see Bandar’s taking a bottle of water from one of the
I started to stare at him until he reached a bench
and rested his thighs..
I went closer to him and sat down the same bench..
I can feel his heart’s beating faster than ever..
Me: good morning!
Bandar: halaa!
Me: shlounek?
Bandar: el7emdellah!
Me: Bandar If my love in your heart died tra my love
to you is still alive!
Bandar: lamma amout theek elsa3 fakray ena 7ubech
Me: Bandar I still care about you ou ytheeeeg khelgy
lamma ashoufek bel7ala ely ams!! Bandar ent shga3ed tsawwy!!!!!
Bandar: rana ana men ba3dech the3t!! tabeen el9ej? Ta7aasaft
3alyoum ely 3araftech feeh!!
Me: madam kent 3ayesh bkhair gabely bet3eesh bkhair
men ba3dy! Do not lose hope ya Bandar!!! Matadry ymkin fara7 tkoun a7san
Bandar: esh yab elgumar lel thurayya ya ranaaa la
Bandar: shlouuuuuuun!! Shloun wana shayfech ams ma3a
7amad eb shahar el3asal!! Goleeelly shloun a7lem wana 6aaayer elnoom men
3ainy!! Shloun a3eesh ou elhawa ely atnafesa raa7!! Rana elmara men tesma3
kelma 7elwa tethoub ou te7eb bs elrayal la 7ab ma yensa!! Rana walla ana mu
nasy shay!! Kel ma a7awel ansa teyyeen eb wayhe!!
Me: tetwaqa3 elzegayer ou mwa3ad fara7 benasseek?
Bandar: fara7 estaghalat wagt tha3fy ou yat!
Me: ou gedart tensany? Estefadt shay? Enzain yout
work? Yout life sh9ar 3alaihum!!!
Bandar shook his head: la!
Me: Bandar I hate this version of you!!! a7eb Bandar el rayyal elly mahma kanat thuroufa ytem rayyal yet7ammal elmas’ouleya ou y7eb sheghla!!! Y7eb omah ou yhemma rethahaa!! Bandar im really disappointed
Me: Bandar I hate this version of you!!! a7eb Bandar el rayyal elly mahma kanat thuroufa ytem rayyal yet7ammal elmas’ouleya ou y7eb sheghla!!! Y7eb omah ou yhemma rethahaa!! Bandar im really disappointed
Bandar: you don’t have to love me
Me: la jad what happened to youuuu!!!! Etha bettem
chethy 7etta ahal faraa7 mara7 yerthon feeek!!!! You are just a hopeless piece with
no manners!!!!!! Goum fez eshteghel ejtehed erfa3 man9ebek 7er el3ethaal ethbet
7g obouuuuy enek gad elmas’ouleyya khalla yet7assaf 3alyoum elly erfethek
feeh!!! 3a6ny amal bel7ayaat shaje3ny at6alag min 7amad ou akhthek
Bandar: salmeelly 3ala hamad ou 3a6eeh khadech bedaly
He stood up and walked away..
*a7bes el3abrat ou yeghrag dakhely.. laiteny aghrag ou
yeghrag bey ghalak fee themeerk ley 7aky ma gelta ley.. ou fee themeery lek 7ky
gelta warak kel laila 3eshtaha manta ma3y .. ghayaratny ou el3umer yamthy balak*
and all of a sudden..
“Etha 3adda nafsech thakeyya bhal 7arakaa
tara ana athka ou betshoufeen!!!!!”
OMG OMG !!! Mino? W shino? W khala9 bass hopeless case hal bandar 9ij 3war galbii bass khala9 mafey bil yad 7eyla;( thanx for the post w plz la 6awleen 3laina wallah 7ram 3laich 32 comments w nshta6 m3ach 3a6ena wayh eshweya lamlam;(
7aaail!!! Nobody knowsss;///!!! Eee ythayeg elkhelggg:'(!! No neeeed deaaar❤❤❤!!! Shasawy feekum mat7e6oun initials 7g dedications!!! Bs ma hanaly galb mared 3alaich ka radait ou gad magdar bared lanna you really deserve the best❤❤❤
Waaay tkfaa ppooossttt
Ambaaai shnu hathaaa laa2 please Bandar lay9eer chethy :(!!!! Waay khayes leish ysawe bnafsa chethy atmana ena klam Rana athar fee , please khale farah tmout eb car accident aw shay elmouhem nftak menha g6a3 -.- 7amad 7ada 7ada yshaweg bs still Rana 7ag bandar:( please post soon loveyouuuu❤️❤️
Waaaaay shd3wa bandar sh59yta waaaayed fake maku rayyal yswi b3mra ch4i 3shan mara walla musta7eeeeeeel.. Y3ni it's so not real, tra elryayeel mu mthlna :( ....
Rt the1st comment :((( ihateee waiting!!
Ambe laykon farah!!!!!!!!
Al9j al9j idont remmember her bs ihate her!!!!
BANDAR ::Speachless 3alley ysawi!jad wallla ohwa shayef ena 7ayata bt9er tamam la swa kel halaghla6??? Tra eley ysawe akbar ghala6 law tam mthel ma ohwa chan 9ar aqwa w aqwaaa!!
hamad halwalad th'haba mamethla a7ad!w a7es shak b rana and bandar
rana mo 3ajbatne b enha mo mqtan3a ena kel shay khera jad kaf �� w a7s if she followed bander with thouse words a7esa byred mthel gabel w khygulub 7g hamad!
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