Monday, June 23, 2014

The rushed decision .. Part18

Thiiis post is dedicated to the sweeeetest Aseeel Alnaqi<3333!!! and sorry for the late birthday gift:$


He was sitting right in front of me..
We were sitting in our guest’s room..
Me and him.. only us!
 I was not in the mood to talk to him..
Because I was still broken..
Ma nesait elly 9aar!!
Ma nesait kalam Bandar ou daniaa elly kan methel elsem!!
Kelshay 9aar theddyy!!
Lait elly 9ar ma kan!!
Hamad: shlounech?
Me: el7emdellah, ent shlounek?
Hamad: wallah eb khair, enty 3umrech 24?
Me: eeh
Hamad: bainy ou bainech 4 sneen atwaqa3 perfect 3ashann nefham ba3ath
Bainy ou bain Bandar 7 sneen ou ohwa akthar ensaan fahemnyy!!!
Me: age doesn’t matter
Hamad: 6ab3an! Wain teshtaghlain ou shinu 6abee3at sheghlech?
Me: eb sharekat al***** , auditing
Hamad: ou lai meta dawamech?
Me: 3
Hamad: met’akher! Ana akhale9 dawam elsa3a 1 ashaghlech 3endena?
Me: etha abe sheghel chethy kent agdar ashteghel 3end obouy bs ana ma7eb ashteghel eb mukaany a7eb ashteghel 3end naaas
Hamad: shaklech t7ebeen elsheghel
Me: kellesh! Bas a7eb a9eer nafs elnaas! Ma7eb akoun metmayza bel was6aa!
Hamad: uhm, shinu weddech etshoufeen eb zoj elmustaqbal?
Me smiled: elthegel ou elhedouu’ ou elhaibaaa! Ma7eba yetkallam wayed bs etha tekallam elkel yasket ou yesma3aa!! Mu lazem y3abberly 3an masha3raa bs kafy etha sheft 3youna afham shu3ouraa!! Ou ent?
Hamad: a7eb merty tkouun basee6a ehtemamat’ha ghair 3an elbanat elly b3umerhaa!! A7ebha tkoun sahla ou ma 3endaha takalluf
 Me: uh ok
Hamad: shloun wafaqty 3alay bedoun ma tqableeny?
I froze in my thoughts..
Agoulla enny maq9ouba? Agoulla enny mabeek? Agoullaa 3a6ny 7g Bandar?
Bs Bandar khalaa9!! Bandar ba3ny bdegeega!
A9lan his reaction was shocking!!! Ya9dem ma tewaqa3taa!!
Lazem akhally halmawthou3 etem 3ala khair 3ashan awarry Bandar ou akhalleeh yet7assaf 3ala kel sacheena da3as’ha bgalbee!!
I took a deep breath: your good reputation kafya!
Hamad smiled: enty ghareeba! 3aks ma tewaqa3tech
Me: ou shloun tewaqa3tny?
Hamad: ana msaweellech follow eb instagram fa I know something about you
Me: instagram is the biggest lie
He raised his eyebrows: shloun?
Me: it’s a pictures application ou kel elnaas t6alle3 a7la wayh 3endaha ou t7e6a bel9oura
Hamad: bs ashouf enech bel9ej wayed a7la men le9warr
Me: im not talking about Jamal!! Bs 9adegny ma7ad ra7 e7e6lek 9efata elshaina through pictures
Hamad: shinu betwa9leen ley?
Me: don’t judge me before you know me!
Hamad: laish a7esech dasha ta7addy!
Me: ta7addy? Laish!
Hamad: madry kalamech maygoul kalam wa7da tawha makh6ouba ou mjabla kha6eebha! Mafeech 7ayaa el banat elly tawhum makh6oubeen! Tra ma aq9ed shay mu zain bs mestaghreb
Me: I’m sorry bs hathy awal marra ajarreb feeha a9eer makh6ouba fa madry shloun lazem at9arraf!
Hamad: Ranaa come on I am your future husband!
I don’t know why or how but my eyes started to tear!!!!
Hamad: rana! 3asa mashaar!
Me: I don’t know 7amad maadryyyyyy *sniff*
He gave me a tissue..
Hamad: hach hach meshy dmou3ech!!
I started to wipe my tears..
Hamad: ehday ehdayy!! Enzain etha bechaitay shesawoullech? Tara madry, enzain shfeechhh!
Me: ethaher 3youni t7erny
He started to stare at me wonderingly..
Me: ee shkent tgouul?
Hamad: akeed mafeech shay?
Me: ee wallah don’t worry
Hamad: ok ana asef etha thayagtech eb kelma
Me: la wallah shaku ent magelt shay ethayeg
Hamad: el7emdellah
Me: ok enzain?
Hamad: Rana ana weddy en7e6 elneqa6 3al7erouf men elbedayaa
Me: what do you mean?
Hamad: abe akoun wathe7 ma3ach ou tkouneen wath7a ma3ay! Abe n7e6 shrou6na men elbedayaa! La’anny youm fakkart atzawwaj fakkart eb osra naj7aa
Me: go ahead
Hamad: entay ebdaay
Me: ma3endy ella shar6 wa7ed! Khaf allah feeny, 7amad allah ykhaleek la tathlemny
He froze in his place..
Me: please!
Hamad: rana entay khayfa menny?
Me: laa! A9lan shaklek muree7
Hamad: 3ayal shhal shar6 elghareeb? Tewaqa3tech tgouleen mabe asken eb bait ahalek aw abeek tmasheelly ma3ash aw mabe ayeeb 3yal ella 3ugub fatra aw abe asafer kel sennaa!! Ya3ni shay chethy 7alech 7al elbanat
Me: ya lait hal madeyyat ehya elly tyeeb elsa3adaa bs 9adegny laa
Hamad: 3umouman ana anam mathloum wala anam thalem te6amenay
Me: 3ayal tfathel goul shrou6ek
Hamad: fet7eelly galbech
I started to stare at him..
Hamad: 3ugub ma sema3t shar6ech ghayyart kel elshrou6 elly kanat eb baly ou khalait’hum shar6 wa7ed ohwa enech tefte7eelly galbech
Me: you should open your heart first 3ashan elly ye6la3 men galbe edesh galbek! Tra 7ettana mashoufek rayyal met7ammes 7g elzawaj wala ashouf enek mayyet 3alay
Hamad: sh3arefech shloun e7eboun elshabab?
Me: mayabeella ma3refa
Hamad: SPLIT IT!
Me: la etebballaaa 3alay!
Hamad: rana ana 7abbait! Ee na3am 7abbaaitt!! Ou 7abait bent esemha mu ranaa!! Bs youm qarrart atzawaj wa3adt nafsy enny makallemhaa! Ou gelt lazem ansahaa ou ansaa elmaathyy ou abda 9af7a yedeeda ma3a RANA!
Me: you got time! But I did not!!!
Hamad: shlloun?
Me: ma kan 3endy waagt eny ansa! Wala 7etta atnasa! Kelshay 9ar bser3aa!! Luw tdesh galbe btelga feeh Bandar! Yes Bandar!!
He froze in his thoughts for seconds and then he whispered: tewaqa3t!
Me: don’t blame me 7amad!
Hamad: luw baloumech aloum nafsy gablech!
Me: why didn’t you marry her!!!
Hamad: atzawaj minu? 9eba? A7laaamy
Me: whyyy!!
Hamad: agdar asolef 3an elsalfa? Atwaqa3 mayhemech ya3ni menty methayga!
Me: la kheth ra7tek
Hamad: I know it؛s too early to tell you this bs a7san gabel la yfout elfout
Me: 7ada 9a7
Hamad: sem3y ya 6eweelt el3umer, ana waa7ed 7ayatee kelha bar ou ba7ar ou mu fathy 7g shay thaany kella mjabel elrabe3 ou tlageena ya ray7een gana9 ya tashkhee6
That was my dream guy!!!
Hamad: bs ham kent mu sa7eb 3aldawam, ya3ni embala as7ab bs mu 6oul elcourse!
Me: and that’s where you met her?
Hamad: eyyeech el7achy! Ana kent eb edareya ou elbanat hnak taghreeban nafs elshay nafs el ashkaal kelesh makanaw yalfetoun nathary lanna fee menhum wayed, kent a7ther classaty ou amshy kelesh mu mazajy akhezhum
Me: ok?
Hamad: 3ad marra kent makheth madda eb adaab ou kent maly khelg nafsy lanna elwath3 eb kaifan khayess! Maku parking ou za7maa ya3ni ham mu fathy akhez!!
Me: enzain?
Hamad: 3ad marra eldektor wa9ana 3ala note nakheth’ha men elta9weer ou ana mu daal elta9weer fa 7est yemkin ne9 sa3a yalla 6e7t 3alaih ou 9affait dour! Kent mestaghreb enna elta9weer kella banat! Gelt ymkin hatha mukan kuleyat elbanat 3ad 3ugub galoully ena kuleyat elbanat bel 3daileyya
I giggled: mu men 9ejek!! Shyab kuleyat elbanat kaifan!!!
Hamad: shdarrany! Kho malyon kulleya eb kaifan!! Elmuhem chan wa7da tgoully “okhouy hatha ta9weer elbanat” ou hathy el wa7da esemha 9eba
Me: and you fell
Hamad: not really bs elfetat nathary!! Tannaaa7t! ou kanat hathy awal marra atane7 feeha eb bent
Me: shinu elly emayezha?
Hamad: elly emayezha enha mu m6al3a ella 3younhaa!! Ou lamma sheft 3younha 3ala 6oul yat eb baly ghneyat khaled elmullaa “fee 3younah se7r yaftek bel rejaal” jad hal maq6a3 3anha!!
Me: oh my god! Hahha Ou wayehha shlouna?
Hamad: madry! Talbes neqab elbent
My eyes popped out: kent a7aseb enna lemnaqebat maya3jeboun a7ad!
Hamad: rana elbent mu bs 3jebatny!! Elbent es7aratny bjamalha!!!ou tadreen shinu akthar shay 3ajabny feeha?
Me: shinu?
Hamad: enha ghaair! Shay mu met3awed ashoufa eb baitna aw bel zwaraa! Aw 7etta bel jam3aaa!! Kelshay feeha ghaaair!!!
Me: interesting!
Hamad: tadreen wain akthar mukan trou7 la?
Me: wain?
Hamad: elbairag!!
Me: what the hell is “elbairag”?
Hamad: getlech ehya ghaair!! Hatha mujama3 eb f7ai7eel
Me: uh!
Hamad: kent lamma awary ekhty qalb men swaroviski tgoully “wai3 halaga” ou lamma ayeeba 7g 9eba t6eeer men elwanasaa! Kanaat ghair bkel tefaa9eelha
Me: a7es 7ubek wayed sa67yy! Ya3ni lanha ghair 7abait’ha? Ghair eb ashya’ sa67eyyaa!! Luw tgoully laish 7abaity Bandar agoulek madry lanny 7abaita 3ashan 7abaita mu 3ashan ay shay thany! A9lan 9efata kent akraha gabel la a3arfa bs lamma 3arafta 9ert a7eb kelshay feeh!!
Hamad: el7ub yekhtelef men shakh9 lai shakh9 ymkin? Bs I truly loved her!!
Me: the question is why you did not marry her?
Hamad took a deep breath: okhouyy lekbeer tezawaj amreekeyya yengallaha Jennifer yabha weyya shahadta bedoun la shor wala mesteshar
Me: way laa mat7ammaal chethy!
Hamad: its his choice after all ou khathaha 3ala senat allah ou rasoula mashoufa sawwa shay ghala6!
Me: kho entaw kelshy 3endekum 3aaaady
Hamad: la jadd ana ma afham laish omy glebat eldenya ou ga3edat’ha! Ou kel kelmetain t3ayra feeha! Omy 7alat’ha 7alaa ou z3alaat 3alaih faaatraaa!!
Me: ok?
Hamad: fa men yomha wehy tgoully shouuuf ya 7amad tara ana 7a6a amaly feeek la tkharebha ou takheth men barra nafs okhouk
Me: enzain?
Hamad: 3ad awwal ma takharrajt gelt 7g omy yalla yumma khe6beelly ou la tshoufeeen far7at’haa bs awal ma getlaha minu e3tefas wayyehha ou shway shway bedat t3a9eb
Me: haw laish?
Hamad: etgoul enha mu nafsna ou mu nafs salkna ou khalait kel banat eldeera ou makhtart ella hathy ent mrn 9ejjek ent ou okhouk btajle6ouny 3ala hal7areem elly tekhtaronhum ou men hal 7achy
Me: way shaal 7aaala!
Hamad: enqamaat galbe! Mabe aza3el omy wala abe wa7da ghair 9eba! Ou 9ebart 5 sneen lain tezawejat elbent ou 3araft enna el amal raa7
Me: laaishhh raa7!!! Etha ent met’akked men 7ubha lek kalemhaa khalha ete6alag men ely khathaha ou 9adegny btesma3 kalamek!! Ou ekheth’ha!! Benehaya ent ely betezawaj mu omek!!!
Hamad smiled: la7ad yesme3ech!! Chethy kalam tgouleeny 7g kha6eebech?
Me: kha6eeby? T9adeg nesait?
Hamad: 7ettana! 7asaitech wa7ed men elrabe3!!
Me: 7amad laish ekhtartny ana bethat? Ya3ni ent t7eb 9eba ou mu omek ely mekhtaratny
Hamad: erte7t lech! ou ymkin enty awal bent 6ala3ty ebb wayhe 3ugub ma qarrart ansa 9eba ou aham men kel hatha enech men nou3 elbanat elly enasboun esmy ou yarthoun omy
Me: tagzouraaa
Hamad: la wallahh! Enty arqa men halkelmaa! Ou ba3dain ana getlech youm enny qarrart atzawaj wa3adt nafsy eny ansa kel ely fat ou akawen osra naj7aa ou musta7eeel athlemech
Me: elly 7abait’ha tezawejat and you have no choice!! Bs ana? Bandar ma tezawaj!!
Wala ra7 esawweeha! I know him 3adel ou adry ennah ya yetzawajny ya balaha
Elyoum raj3at Bandar men Dubai..
And I really want to meet him!!
Kalamy ma3a hamad 3a6any amal madry shluon!!
I wore those:

Tied my hair in a bun..
And went to his office..
I knocked his office’s door..
Bandar: tfathaal
*ou en 7akaa? Gha9ben 3alaaaihum yasketouuuunnn*
I slowly opened the door and got inside..
Me: elsalamu 3alaikum
Bandar slowly stood up and replied in a shocked voice: wa3alaikum elsalam


apositioncanchangeyourlife said...

Wakheraaaan���� morrre please

Anonymous said...

7amad eyaniin:(!! W great post!! Atmana mat3algena nafs thek elmaraax_x

Anonymous said...

OMG MB'3TAY U POST WALLAH 7RAM 3LAICH WALLAH YAL '9ALMA NA6RTENA HAL KITHAR W HAL CLIFF HANGER B3AD ALLAH W AKBAR 3LAICH YA BNYA;p bass shagoul 3ajeeee the best i swear u always suprise me with every post nothing less then the best comes from u w tslam ilaydee w 3afya 6labtich la 6awlewn 3laina a make them work will u;( w shino b3ad as always indmajat;$ bass tara still 3la kilmtey yal '9alma;p w loveu w love the post ya best blogger ever♡♡♡♡♡♡;****

Anonymous said...

ABI HAMAD!! 3a6ooni eyah pleaseee! Walla lw rana maa ta54a ana a54a! Bandar 5ays ma ystahelha!! YA GALBI YA HAAAMAAAD

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! plz plz plz make her forget bandar and fall in love with hamad! waaay eyanen hamad! mashalaaa w ana agra el post kelsh ma 7sait ena qesa 7asait ena 9ij<3 eslubch mashala eyanen plz post asap!!!! and lets be surprised by the new post with something romantic xxxx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

laih tahjerni w ana a7ebak ya slaaam! wowww! a7la blog bl history malat elblogs w elbloggers ya kitkataa! post 3ajeeeb!! jaddd eyanin ya a7la blogger!! yal mubdi3a<3:: getlich im addicted to ur blogs ya3ni jad! lazim kelyoum tkaf2ena ib post 3ala hal na6ra eli nan6erha:)</3 jaaaad enty naaar 3ala hal posts:: a7ebichh ya a7la blogger bldenya thee kelhaaa!-DalalJ

Anonymous said...

I love love love this post!! Please let her fall in love with 7amaad

Anonymous said...

plz let her and hamad fall in love and have a sexy love story!!!! ya3ni ena cute mu shay mu zain::: haha love u and ur blog<3

Anonymous said...

omg im crying right now :( its just amazing please post more please❤️

Anonymous said...

Y7mmmssss!!<3333 please nzly wa7d a6wll shwyy!:(

Anonymous said...

Im with loving bandar♡ hamad is a friend figure mw husband bass bandar is sooooo much so team bandar it is������

Anonymous said...

i like hamad

Anonymous said...

I've been an anonymous reader w i must admitt you are one of the best bloggers bdoon mjamalah!! I readd your entire blog in 2 dayss <3_<3
- 3liaa

Anonymous said...

Finallyyy thankyouu ya a7laa writter and blogger it was amazing-A

Anonymous said...

TEAM HAMAD ALL THE WAY!! a7s he's hurt and she's hurt so they can both help eachother and make a lovely love story :( mu bander el maleeq oo samj :p plz post soon <3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hamad hamad hamad all the way!!!! waiting on the next post <3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wayyyyy 7amadddd ishawigggggg team hamad

Anonymous said...

TEAM 7AMAD!!! Bandar 7adda 8atheeth, waaay

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

He isss:(!! Thank youuuuu<33

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Ya7aaafeth laish halkalam ely awal shay? Maywanes:(!!
Al7eeen wanasaaaa!!! THANKYOUUU WALLAH!! Allaaah ysalmech min elsharrr!! Thaaaankuou so muuuch im so glad you loved the posttt!!

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

He's all youuuurss😂😂😂!! Maskeeen laish??:::

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Hamaaad is so sweet!! Bs bandar 7aram e7ebhaaa:(!! WANASAAAAA! This made my dayyyy!!

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Shfeeee hamad maskeeeen::::

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Shaku hal paaart:::!!
Awwwwh uyabakhte yabaaakhteeee:'((((!! Etyaneneeeeenn❤❤❤❤!! Ana amouuut 3alaichhh walla zouqaa 7ail ou kalaaamech akhhhh❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

4 Ketakeet emfarzineen said...

Im glaaaaaadddd❤❤❤❤!! Lets see shbeseeer::