This post is dedicated to every beautiful reader sent me even a tiny compliment about my blog, I really appreciate it!!!
Magdar a3added asamy mu 3ashan khayfa ansa a7ad la ana mansa ay a7ad wannasny byoum men el ayyam bs mara7 akhalle9..
I loooove youuu all, I truely doooo!!!
Enjoooooy it ya a7laaa readers ou 3asa allah ywaffegkum bdenyatkum ou akhratkuuum<3333
I was too afraid!!
Ma 3endi ay fekra 3an shinu bekalemny!!
I was staring silently with my thighs
Aziz: awwal marra sheftech feeha kanat bel
6ayyara lamma kenna ray7een America
I nodded..
Aziz: sheftech ou khathaity galbe men awwal
Ma kent mestansa wala 7etta mesta7ya kent
an6er elzebdaa!!
Aziz: shaikha ana marraw 3alay banat
eldenyaa!! Bs methlech ma mar 3alay!
Aziz: jethabny feech shaklech el basee6 ou
jamalech elnader! Jthebatny 3younech!!
Aziz: kent akrah shay esma 3youn mshakhe6a
bs menech 7abait’hum awwal marra ashouf bent 3ainha mshakhe6a ou 7elwa!!
Aziz: akthar shay jethabny feech welly ma
kent algah 3end ghairech ohwa theqatech bnafsech ou aham shay enech lamma
shefteeny ma tedodahtay wala bayyan 3alaich el e3jab nafs bajy elbanat!
Thanks god!!!!
Aziz: fa halshay khallany abee o9allech
akthar ou akthar!
Aziz: 3afwan! Shteshrebeen?
Me: kammel!!!
Aziz: eb America kan 7ubby lech 6aaag
el3abaraat!! Ou lamma kalamtech ou sheft mennech quboul kent 6aaayer belsemaa
ou kent ad3y 7g dektor fai9al elly jema3naa!!
Aziz: 7abbaitech men galbe ou kent mkha66e6
3alzawaj!! Men youmha gemt ayamme3 ou afakker be3yalnaa ou wain bnasken!!
Aziz: kan kel hammy entay ou mustaqbely
Aziz: shaikha ana men 3araftech ou
3arafteeny wana ma sheft mennech ella elkhairr!!
Theleeemtech shainaa bss..
My heart skipped a beat and my body froze in
its place..
Bs shinu???
Aziz: 7ubbech we9al neq6a ou wegaf!
I couldn’t believe the whole thing!!
I mean, was that really my aziz?
I don’t think so!!
I was too shocked to talk and it’s shown on
my face!!
He took a deep breath..
Aziz: ou men yomha 3araft enna elly bgalbe
lech kan crush mu 7ub!!
My eyes started to tear..
I lowered my head and started wiping them..
Calm down shaikhaa!! Akeeed he’s joking or
lets hope he is!!
Aziz: shaikhaa!! Shaikha sem3eeeny!
I wish I could excuse myself and just
Aziz: 9ej enna elly kan bgalbe crush bss ana
a3zzeech!!! Ou marethait enny aheddech chethyy!!
Aziz: lanny kent adry ennech 7abaiteeny men
Aziz: kent age9 3ala rou7yy ou agoul laa ana
a7ebha ou ra7 akh6ebha enshallah bs elyoum 3araft enny magdar!!!
Aziz: magdar atzawejech!!! Magdar a3amlech
zoujaa!! We are not meant to be together!!!
I don’t know why but the previous sentence
brought all my tears out and I started to cry so hard!!!
That was not expected at all!!!
Bhaaalsuhoula yanheeeha??
Byouum ou elaila eqarrer enna ygoully his
hidden feelings? Ou ana an9edem??
I thought he loved me!!!!
I thought he adored me and he would do
anything for me!!!
I thought he would marry me!!!
Aziz: shaikha bs la tabcheen wallah 3awarty
galbeee!! 9ej enna manegdar netzawwaj bs negdar nebga rab3 ou khwan ba3ad!!
Aziz: men ma3azetech wallah!!
Me: AY MA3AZZAA!! Ay ma3azza hathy elly
faj’a 3ugub ma 3ashamtny a7la ta3sheema tgoully hatha kan crush ou tge6ny 3ala
Aziz: kaan 3endy amal enny a7ebbech!!
Me: 3azeeeeez!! Ana kallamtek raghm enny
thed hal fekra kharrabt sum3ety bain ahaly ou rab3y bsebbetek!!! Refaatht
akthaaar ensan e7ebny ou mumkin enna y3ezny ou erezny 3ashaaaanek!!! Laken
shagouuuul!! Eldenya ta9dem!! Ou ma7aaad theqaaa!! Ma7aaad 9aaaaj!! Ella jaazi
youm galatly mayabeeech!!
Aziz: shaikha qasaman bellah enny ma
chathabt 3alaichhh!! Wala la3aaabt!! 7awlay tefhemeeeny!!
Me: adry 3aziz adryy!! Adry ena galbek
9demek ou gallek tarak mat7ebha ou yeet elyoum ta9demny! Bsss ent ma tenzalt ou
gelt atzawajha 3ashanhaaa laa!! 6e3t galbek ou bkel suhoula yeet tballeghny!
Aziz: 7aawalt atnazzal bs mabe athlemech
weyyay! Mabe atzawaj wa7da ana adry enny mara7 agdar a3eesh ma3aha ta7t segaf
Me: ma3alaih! Mant majbour!!
I stood up: ma3assaalama
I turned around to leave..
Aziz: shaikha!!
I froze in my place..
Aziz: khantefarag 7abayeb!! La ta7remeeny
I turned around: dest 3ala karamty bema feeh
elkefaaya! Asfaa
Aziz sadly: ana elly asef
Me: ra7 olah 3alaik!!!
His eyes started to gleam from tears..
Aziz: I will stalk your twitter account
I smiled and went to my car..
*Ayyaaam 7elwa kanat ayyam 7ubbek .. Kent
fee rou7y tasry kent bejnoun a7ebbek ..*
Madry agoul kheera wella agoul dars!!
9a3ba n7eb ensan ou net3allag feeh ou
nakhsera faj’a ..
Bs el a93ab enna ykoun khayar elfarga ekhteyara
El7ayat kel malha ou te93ab!!
I was shattered. I was depressed and sad!!!
Kanat theegty ma tenwe9ef!! Ou 9admety ma
Luw galoully mat bekoun ahwan 3alay men enna
yhedny braghbeta!!
E3awwer 7aail lamma n7eb ensan ou nothaq
feeh ou y3oufna faj’a!!
Kanat ledmou3 tarsa wayhee ou eltheega malya
Kan youm aswadd!!!
7asait feeh ena eltheqa tha3at!!
Ou ma7ad kafouuha!!
Ou 7asait feeh enna el7ub mu mawjoud ella
bel aflam wel rewayat!!
And all of a sudden I found myself in KRC..
I left my car and rushed to Loza..
I needed herrr!!!
Loza is the only one who understands!!
She doesn’t judge!!
She listens!!
I threw myself on her neck and hugged her
really tight..
Me: looozaaa!!! 3azeez left meee!!!
Me: 3azeez elly getlech 3annaaa!!
Me: 3azeeez elly kan makheth galbeee 3azeeez
elly rethait akhheth saye’at 3ashanaaa!!
Me: hadny bkel berouuuud *sniffs*
Me: 6alaaa3 may7ebny 6ala3 ematheeel!!!!!
I couldn’t stop cryinggg!!!
Kent ga3da abchy chenny yahel makhtheena men
Kent ga3da abchy b7ergaaa!!
Me: loza Enqahaaart!!!!
Me: Qahaarrr!! Qahar enny lail7een
Me: Qahar enna 3ashamnyyy qaharr enny
tha7aait 3ashanaaa!!!
Me: madry laishhhh!! Madry laish elly nabeeh
mayabeena welly yabeena manabeeh!!
Me: laish chethy el7ayat 9a3baaa?
----: el7ayat a93ab men ma kena metkhayleen!
Ou ma7ad yakheth ella ne9eebaa
I slowly raised my head to see Othman
standing in front of me..
I wiped my tears and replied: sema3tny?
Othman: 3azeez haddech?
I burst into tears and nodded..
Othman: ma 3enda nethar
Me: anaa elly ma3endy nethaarr!! Ana elly
7abaitaa wana
Othman: shaikhaa la tthay3een wagtech bel
bachy wel te7eser tara ma yfeed!! Se’ly mjarrebb!
I am not that kind of girls who spend weeks
in their beds because of their depression!!
No, I am a life lover and I hate crying!!
But I have no choice!!!
Kel ma a6la3 ma3a a7ad net’hawwashhh!!
Ou etha 6ala3t brou7y faj’a abchyyy!!
I still didn’t get over him!!
I mean, I still love and want him!!!
Raghad: tabeen ketchup?
Me: testa3be6aain?? Tadreeeen enny ma7eb
ketchup shhal as’ela elghabeyya!!!
Raghad: ok nesaait
Me: 6ab3an tensaaiinn khal tenfe3ech ur new
best friend
Raghad: elgheera sebayeb
Me: laaishh aghaarr 3ala shinuuuu???
Raghad: hahha elmuhemm feech movie?
Me: la mafeeny
Raghad: shayouukh pleaaase khandesh movieee
feee wa7ed tawwa nazel eyannen
I sighed: sorry
Raghad: 3ady
I hate myself for loving 3azeez jaaddd!!!!!
He destroyed my liffeeee!!!!
Two months later..
Shaikha shlounech? I miss you!
Kel ma agouuul nesaitaaa ya ydezly message
ya ysaweelly retweet la3at chabdy many gadra ansaaaahh!!!!
Im fine el7amd lellah
How’s everything?
Kelshay tamam
Bs kent bagolech el7emdellah i officially
I smiled automatically..
Wentay ma3zouma 3la my graduation
umm meta?
Next tuesday
Sorry, i cant make it!
3endi 3ers
Actually I made up the reason..
Mu lazm t3aref
Im sorry
La its ok!"
Jazi: agouul shakhshakh?
Men hadait 3azeez ge6a3t lezwara lanna adry
ena mawara zwaratna ella elham bs hal marra omy qasebatny ayye 3ashan ashouf
yadety ou khawaly ou khalaty..
Me: goulay!
Jazi: chenna 6awwalha? Ma sema3na la bmelcha
wala bkhu6ba
Me: minu ohwa?
Jazi: 3azeez!
Me: falaina
She giggled: 6ala3 nafs'hum?? Yel3aaab?
Gelnallech mafeeehum san3 waaay tfa6seeen wentay kenty wathqa feeeh abaih
kesarty kha6ry!! Wainech ya yasoum ma tesme3eeennn
Me: khallastay?
Jazi: madry wallah ymkin ba3d shway akammel
Me: 3azez mu player ana ely hadaitaa!
Jazi: 3eshtawww? Ashouf ta3allamtay
t'heddeen elreyayeel!!
I ignored her sentence and went outside to
Othman: shaikha shlounech?
I raised my head to see othman and his
Me surprisingly: zaina!
Othman: akeeed?
I nodded..
Wath7a: hii
She's too cuuute!!!
Wayyehha sam7!!!
And her smile was killinggg!!!
She has a long wavy hair and a mshakhe6a
eyes ou 6oulha zain ou th3eefa she looks similar to me!!! Bs 3ala abyath..
Me: hala wallah
I kissed her cheeks..
Othman: hathy shaikha bent khalty wedad
She smiled: 3ash men shafech!
I smiled back: 3ashat ayamech
Othman: ha wain?
Me: tadry hathy lezwara matyozly
Othman smiled: allah y3eenech
Me: ma3asalama
Othman and wath'ha: allah ysalmech
Madry laish 3ugub masheft wath7a erte7t!!
7amadt rabbe enna rezag 3ethman mara nafs
Ehya elly teste7eqaa mu ana!!
Wath7a a7san menny bmalyon marra bs atmanna
3ethman yefham halshay..
Kent lail7een met7ab6a ou madry shasawy
Madry wain arou7 madry ma3a minu a6la3!!!
Me: yumma basafer
Mom: ou rmethan?
Me: arammeth barra!!
Mom: shoufellech a7ad tsafreen ma3ah ana
wa7da ma7eb arammeth ella bdeerty!!
Me: waaaay ya3ni shlouuun ballaaah!!!
Mom: shfeech chethy 9ayra chabreeet??? Ana
omech kalmeeny 3adel ba3dain shfeech 9ayra mhatmela chethy rou7ay el salon
yumma ro7ay jably rou7ech shkubrech maraa!!!
Me: WAY FARAGHAAAAA!!!!!! Babchy babchy
6ab3an omy 7garatny ou 6awwalat 3al akhbar..
Walaht 3ala ayyam awwal..
Ayyam ma kent ath7ak men galb!!
Ayyam ma kan kel hammy asawy shay
Walaht 3ala elbasa6aaa elly kent feeeha..
Walaht 3ala ayyam elthanawy ou gabel la
a3aref 3azeez..
Ayyam 7elwa yalait'ha ten3aad!!!
Bseee6a ou akthar shay ythayegna darajatna
aw touch bain refejatna..
Me: ahlaaain
Abyar: wainech minzeman 3annech
Me: sayra ma6la3 wayedd
Abyar: waaay 6el3ay 3eeshy 7ayatech
shetsaween belbait!
Me: akel!!
Abyar: mbaayenn 7addech matnana
Me: 3ayal ma takharrajtay??
Abyar: la enshallah kors awwal
Me: yallah hanat enshallah
Abyar: ba3ad shemsawya??
Me: maku la jadeeda ta7t elshams
Abyar: shlounha raghad refeejtech??
Me: wallah zainaa
Abyar: eeee ta3alayyy daraitay 3an shain el7alaya
My heartbeats accelerated..
Me wonderingly: shfeeh?
Abyar: malaaachh!!!
My eyes popped out!!!
3 months malach feehum??!
Wana sarly ma3ah 11 shahar 7etta ma
Maaaa mdaaah y3eeesh 7ayaatah!!
Ma mdaaah yetzawwaj!!!
Abyar: shaaikhaa?? Shfeeech!!! Shfeech
My eyes started to tear..
Abyar: abaihh shfeeech???
She pulled me to the closest coffee shop and
it was caribou and sat me down..
Abyar: ekhthy nafas 3ameeeq ou gouleelly
Me: abyaaar ana bagollech bs dont judge me
Abyar: i will not bs ta7achaaay!!
I told her everything..
Abyar: awch!!!!
Me: 7ail awch!!
Abyar: bs jad men 9ejjech? 3 ashhur 7arma
nafsech men elwanasa 3ashan shain el7alayaa??
Me: abyar 7addy mu fahma laish tsammeenah
shain el7alaya wehwa JAMEEL!!!!
Abyar: i hateee himm!!! He always searches
for perfection shhal malaqaaa?? Nobody's perfect!!
Me: sayerlech mawqef weyah?
Abyar: mawaqef mu mawqef!
Me: ugh!!
Abyar: 3eeeshay 7ayatech jaadd!! Estaaansay
shoufay ohwa ma hammaaa!! Ou tara allah fakkech mennaahh ra7 tet3ebeeen ma3ah
etha tezawajteeh!!
Me: la abyaaar mara7 at3ab ma3a ely a7ebbaah
Abyar: ok al7een shinu? Elrayyal hadech ou
khatha ghairech shbetsaween? Tandeben 3ala 7athech sneeen jeddam??
Me: madry shasawwy!!
Abyar: 3eeeshay 7ayatech!!
Zawaj 3azeez athar feeny!!
Khallany ensanaa aqwa ou watha7ly el7ayaat!!
3azeez kesarny!!
Bs bel muqabel khallany aqwa men
3allamny wayed ashya'!!
Mara7 at7assaf 3ala ay degeega 3addat men
Bs bat7assaf 3ala kel degeggaa ra7 teyye
wana makha6a6t laha 9a7!!
Mara7 a3alleg sa3adty eb ensaan!!!
My goal was to marry aziz..
Bs 3ugub masheft sh9ar 7ag 3ethman ou 7aggy
3araft enna elzawaj 3umra makan hadaff bs elzawaj qesma ou ne9eeeb!
3araft enna eldenya mu 7ub ou zawaj ou 3yal
eldenya mukan yan6er menny ba9ma..
Khalait halshay 3ala rabby ou 7a6aitly hadaf
yeddeeed ohwa enny atkharraj eb a good gpa ou akammel ou a9eer doctor
3araft enna my happiness is my choice and I
decided to be happy ou 9ert as3ad ensana beldenyaa..
Ma rethait 7g ensan ekharreb 7ayatee marra
thanya ou ta3allamt enny ashouf eljaneb el eejaby eb kel mushkela amer feha..
kellena nmer bmawaqef 9a3ba 3ashan net3allam
menha ou kelshay bhal denya men warah 7ekma..
Luw enny rathya b3ethman ou metzawejta chan
ma qaddar ne3meta ou chan ma3araft qeemat elsa3ada ou ma ta3allamt men
Luw 3azeez makhethny chan ma 7asait b6a3am
elsa3ada ou chan ma we9alt lelly ana feeh elyoum..
Elyoum Ana dektora fee jam3at lekwait..
Ou zouja
7g el mu7amy Watha7 Alflani okho Refeejat 3umry ou ekhtee Raghad Alflany and I wouldn’t
ask for more..
La tan6eroun elly etemannonah, ne6raw elly Allah khasha lekum
lannah dayman ajmal!!
و تبقى كلمة الحمدلله هي المعبره دائما..
Ambaaaaaaaiii 3ajeeebaaa 😭😭😭 fe b3d story?
LAAAAAISH???:'( kanaaaw yshawgoun weyaa baa3aath!!!!!!!! 7araaaam:(!! Mu m9adga ena hatha akher post w khale9at qe9aat shayoukhaa:(!! Yaa3ne ma ra7 adesh dailyy w ashuf fe new post wla la2! Mara7 adesh ashuf rdaitay 3al comments aw la2!:( gonaa miss shayoukha w malaqat'ha w raghad w 3azeez!!!! SUUUCH AN AMAAIHZIING, PRETTY AWESOMEE, GORGEOUS, ZOUUQAA WRITTER!!!!! ET'HABLEEEN, ETSHAAWGEEEN, NAAA63AAAA!!! JAAAAD 7AAADECH NA63AAAA W NAA63AAA SHWAAY 3LAAAICH!!!!! I can't describe you in words!! Gonnaa miss your amazing, gorgeous posts!! Jaad a7eb eslubech blstories, etshawgeen elreader 7ata law elqe9a mu 7lwa bs kel shay mnech 7lwaa!! 7baaait the end, bs ksaraw kha6re 3azeez w shayoukha:(!! Ya raait taktbeeen new story wallah ra7 tjebeen elsa3adaa!! I love youu lamlaaam-Hk
Couldn't think of a better ending. ♥♥♥♥
Enty 3jeba wayed bs please la t9krein your blog khleiha ana wayed a7b a3ed your stories etha 9krteha agra q99 mnu ?:(
You know what??
You have made me cry (I don't cry easily)
Oo fata7ti 3yoni 3la alot of things that if I live ten years more I would have not notice them at all.
I swear to god, my mum always like ALWAYS keep telling me these things but I would not have botherd to consider them.....
BUT NOW !!!!!
I found it shocking like, this is absolutely right.
And while reading the last paragraph, I completley forgot about that Aziz.
I Love you because you are different, I have learnd alot from your blog.
I Love you because you are trying to convince us that allah will lead you to the best.
are you gonna leave us???
Abeer khaled*
3ajeeeeeba 3ajeeeeeba mashalla tkhaleeeeni eb 3alam thani lama agralich andemeeej wala jaad qesetech mufeeda tara
I loooove u to the moon & back♡
Thank you wayeeed wayed
This is so amazing!!!!
Please don't ever stop writing stories.
Love u!!Xxx
What an amazing post, totally loved it! Ya36ech el3afya,,
You touched me! You always do, that why i love reading the blog and i never miss a post, mashkoura wayed 3al ne9aye7 ely ta36ena eyaha, 7ata lo ma kanat wath7a bss nefhamha ma bain els6our, you were one of the factores that made me a better person;*
I hate goodbyes thats why im gonna say see you late lama, maybe why not?
Im happy to know you and you should know that i will never forget you, allah ywafgech wain ma kentay w wain ma re7tay w yfta7 3laich, and remember were always there for you❤️ Because we love you
Galbi matrous kalam bss mu 3arfa a6al3a;p
I tearing!
First of all, Hello beautiful lama!:D
You're such a beautiful person inside and outside.
And you have the cutest/prettiest smile ever!
haha hatha mu mawthou3na:p
elzibda I'm a silent reader I NEVER comment on any blog because of my laziness:(
I would like to say I'm from Saudi Arabia:D see?
you have lots of 5aleeji readers!
from Qatar, Bahrain, Emirates etc...
you spent 3 years writing posts 7ram tsakren el blog faj2a o yrou7 kl t3bk:(
your blog became my one of my favorite blogs!
you're creative.
7ram tru7 mawhbtik ketha:(
y3ni ymkn if you complete in the blogging world you will have more followers and more readers o 9adgeni inshallah ymkn they support you to write a book? or do something that it would make you proud of yourself! o mashallah lama you have lots of readers 9ra7a!
3n nafsi? I just can't live without your stories:( y3ni law matnazlen lfatra I go back to your old stories o re-read them oh by the way Flashbacks ahhh it's the most amazing story I have ever read!!!!
O your stories laha hadaf y3ni o ana agra I know that it will end up with a different way that I would learn from!
y3ni hathy a5r story ktabteha? I CRIED!
the last part of the story made me realise that I shouldn't get attached to anybody!
o ma abny 6mu7i 3la sha59 ymkn ymout aw ytrkni byoum mn elayam.
see? fee hadaf mn elstory!
I just learned a lot of things..
you may see it a pointless love story!
but as a reader? ga3da ashuf hadaf!
not only a love story..
but a story you could learn from to live your lifee!!!
haha I said a lot of things:(?
Lama, Please don't close your blog!:(
You can post whenever you have a free time o this time we mean it! 3adi elwagt elle yray7ik nazli post! PLEASE think about it ok:(? I LOVE YOUUUU!!!!
- Nouf
wallah el3atheem a7la sentain maraw 3aley!!! katkouta jad jad mugadra a9adeg ena khalla9 ba3ad katkouta btrou7:'( la trou7een tekfaaaainnn!!!! wallah jad jad jad talented!!! hal comment mn zman afaker feha shbakteb!!!!! enty shay 3ajeeebb!! wallah bs ashof katkouta mfarzena abtesimm tyeben rls3adaaa!! ham esloubich ghair 3an elbloggers elthaneen! esloubich ghair ghair ghair!! enty ghair, ur personality khyaaaal, w ketabtich ghairr ghair!! lma agra blogich eyeni sh3or ena enty special!! eeh eeh special ya a7la katkouta, madre shagoul jad 3adi abchi w ana akteb:'(, kel shay feech w bblogichh ghair!! afkarichhh tyeb el7maaaas, wallah ma ansa shkethir eshta6ait 3ala elposts w akoun garet'hum mn gabel:: w cham mara 3edt kel ur stories w ma ameeel lo sheenu!!! esloubich ma ymalel elwa7eddd!!! bl3aks y7Messsss!!! akthar ensana ashta6 3Laaa blogha ehya enty!!! jad ma ameeeell!!! enshallah ared agra shayoukha♥♥♥ el7een khal netkalam 3an blog التي حطمت العالم ♥♥♥♥::: jaad a7la blog!! kelha 3ala ba3ath'ha 3ajeeebaaaa!!! 6ab3an 3ajeeba l2nha mn a7la katkouta!!! elmuhem ena elblog tyaneeen!! w khoush nehayaaa jad,... eeh w tra ana team othman bs kent atkharba6 w a7ed aziz.. :'(:'( kefkum la t9adgoun magam achathem, jaad jad wayed th7akt w ana agraa blogich!!! jad jad jad wallah sentain musta7eel ansahum sentain w ana agra blogich w mu nafs ay blog!! jad jad waah a7la ayaaam!!! hal blog 3ajeeeeeeeeba!!! shayoukha msechena sh9ar fehaaa!!! 3aziz 7aywan! w 9a7 kalam jazii!!! lo sam3a menha!!!!:'( w ya7llichhhh ya katkouuta yaa 3asaaal ya om rlktakeet!! ya a7la deyaya bl3alam a7la mn eldeyaya eli bl machbous ya gameeeeel ya entaaaaaaa ya om a7laaaa kdtakee!! yal takenteddddd yaaa dalal's happinesssss!!!! jad el7een shsawi? next summer shasawi ag3ad agra eeshh!! maaliii elaaa entaaaaa:'( eeh eeh barid agra la tems7een elposts!!! jad madri shagoul wallah a7la ayaaaam maraat w ana agra blogich!!! kent bs mn akalmich astanaaas!!!! no words can describe u!!! enty shaaay kbeeeerr:(w raheeb wallah raaaheeb!!! eeh w dont stop writing u r talented wallah!!! jaad jaad ya bakhht ahaliichh fechhh!!! allaaahh ykhaleech lehum a lena 6ab3an:$;'(:: JAAAD TALENTED WALAAH MARA7 AKHAALLEE9!!! w allah ywafgich bdenyetich w akhretich ya a7la lamiuya bldenya!! w dersay 3adil!!:: jad ya bakht'hum fechh!!! getlich eni mara7 akhalle9 elmuhem eni A7EBICHHH MARRA-dalaljassem
Ambaaayh amazing walah can't stop loving your stories jad a7la blog keep going w allah ywafgechb dnytich w akhrtich w good luck b derastich a7biich waydddd♥-RR
Dearly most beloved, we know we're a couple of months late for commenting but we hope- inshallah- you read this. We want you to know that you are as every other commenter mentioned unique in every way and that the morals of your stories send shivers down our spines. You make things so exciting yet a lesson to all of us, so reading your story isn't a waste of time bl3ax we're all benefiting from it because it has a message that means something. And this message could change us in some way, whether small or big, this change will make a difference. You are so talented mashallah and please do not leave us here, perhaps a short post telling us how you are or what you've been up to. We never wanna lose this connection we have between us, we feel somehow bonded to you :(<3! We want you to know that we absolutely, hands down l-o-v-e your posts, every bit of them and they mean a lot to us, just like the rest of the readers. We wish you all the best in whatever you do, wherever you go, Allah ywafigch <3 And we love you LOADS :*
Lots & Lots & Lots of Love from Dubai!
katkouta! forever my favourite person wallah! Best blogger in the world! Best writer! The bestest!! your writings dayman ghair! Ib isloubich w "el7iwar" you have your special way!! kalami ma3yud 9a7? Bas shasawe im speechless!! ya3ne kel qe9a a7la men elthanya madre shagul wallah il3atheem! fahmtay qa9de?:'( i cant describe your blog a7s mabe at7cha 3ashan manage9 ibshay! Akhaf ansa shay wallah! Bas youre the best!! Youre amazing! Kether ma sara t7eb faris w s3oud y7b nouf w jarah y7eb shahad w mayar t7ib ya3goub w yousef y7ib sara w ghena t7ib khaled w gamousha t7ib rakan w bandar y7eb rana w OTHMAN y7eb SHAIKHAA! Blcapital 3asha haha me7war el7adeeth::
shaikha tyanen 7adha twaness a7s shaikha w dania w ghalya w ragahd lazim y9eerun elruba3i ilmari7 damhum khafeef::: W cousins shaikha mu bas y7irunnn " jaz w yaz " y a k e r h i !! Wala khallat'ha abaih na3am la jadddd!! Jazi 7aratne akthar men yasmeen bas both qathetheen jedan jedan!! W raghad 7ayaaate wallah!! Othman kesar kha6re bas please get over urself la t9eerle saud 2!! W aziz mal kafff!! Shinu eli its just a crush? Tabe kaf a3almik shlun ilcrush ykun!! 7arnee!! Athker 2013 youm garaita bichait akher post kent blshalaih 7attaa!! W i was like " shloun mayabeeeha not fair akher shay crush ynarfezzz!! W shlun katkouta btsaker her blog" athker ma3a ilbachya!::: bas wallah kan wanasaaaa!! Ba3dain you surpriseddd us:'( w you always doooo❤️ wedi awareech shkether i love ur stories w shkether they made me happy!!❤️ mafe kalam ywafe w ykafe b7agich wla b7ag ur stories! I love your way of thinking w i love your personality w shlun taktebeen! Unique wallah il3atheem abe blogger taktib nafsich? M a f e e kelishh!! Wedi ayami3 lech kel ilkalam eli ib galbe w agulah lich bas madre shagul w shakhale! I love talking about u and ur blog! Not fair fe nas mayegrun wedi abarwez ur stories ib kel mukan!! I will try me best to shooow youuu!!
I love your talks w ur random posts! A7is wayed yfeduni w jad a7re9 eni akhale ghaire ygrahum! Lana 7adhum 3ajeeben w yfeedun wayed w theyre ispirninggg! akthar shay a7ibah elshay eli yu9al lena w e7na negraa menich!! Ya3ne lama agra a7is mu tafeh i know that theres a point! W your points ghabe eli mayefhima!! You helped me ib wayed ashya! Wallah mansa halshay!! Youre amazing! Youu mean so much to me❤️ w i love rereading ur stories! 3ashan mansa ilpoints w wallah kel magra blog ilpoint ekun yaaay ib wagta jad! W astanas lama agra jad! lama astanas agra ur stories w 7ata lama athayg! A7is ysa3dun w ywansuni!! Jad ywansuni wayed!! W magdar math7ak 3ala suwalifhum::: astaaaamti3! My top 1 blogger❤️ bt9eer 4 sneen w intay ourrr best blogger!! Sena mafeha ur stories manaabeeha! Ya3ne lama agra shay aw abe adawer blog! Y9eer feni! Men9ijich tdawreen? Read katkouta lana jad YA KATKOUUUTA AW BALAAAHA! thankyou for being the best blogger! Thanku for always being here! Thanku for helping us!! Thankyouu for writing!! Thankyou for everything!! Thankyou for posting!! Thankyou lanich matga9reeen!! Thankyou lanich matrdeen lena 6alab!! Jad madre shagul! Ya36eech alf alf 3afya! W allah yes3edichh s3adat eldenya kelha! W maythayeg khelgich yarab! Matga9reeen 3ala hal posts w 3asaach 3al guwa!❤️ و غلاك يا كبر قدره�� - DalalJ
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