ana fee entethaar ya 7abebyy ..
And suddenly ..
Manour and shosho entered my room ..
Mnera: yaaawwww nezlay bser3aaa
My heart was beating quickly .. I was really afraid!!
Shosho: hal bent kella qatlatny eb buroudhaa
Kan weddi asakket shosho bs ma gedart kent metwatra 7ail ..
I looked at the mirror ou ashwa makan aku shay mekhtereb ..
I went down stairs ..
Ree7at elbukhour etyanneen ..
Mom: ta3alayy kahma bedeshoun
I stood beside my mom and my grandma and waited them to entered the house ..
I saw him .. it was like a dream coming truth ..
His look was AMAZING!! Akhh wallah wllah jameeel! He was smiling ou his qamaza was glowing
and these adorable eyes saraw shkhouuu6 his smile 7aail tyanneen weyya his teeth eshawgouuun bss
shway 9ufer bs it doesn’t matter eshawegggg!
7uthourak sayyedi 6aghy wehu ye6gha 3alay ana men hawlat elmawqef kha6ar yughma 3alay
They entered the guests room ..
His mom and grandma sit with my mom and grandma ..
There was two arm chairs separated by a small table , me and Rakan sit on them ..
Rakan whispered: mumkin net3arraf?
I smiled ..
Me: la ma akallem 9bayyan
Rakan: ahha nethamech?
Me shyly: mu 3alaik
Rakan: kafu wallah 3ala rasiii
I smiled ..
Rakan: gmashaa
Me whispered: amer
Rakan smiled: ma yammer 3alaich 3adu, fechy bluetoothech
Me giggled: shinuuu??
Rakan: badezlech shaghla
Everything from him is special!!! Wella minu yesta3mel Bluetooth al7een ..
Me: ok
Shinu bedez ya3ni? I was wondering .. bs most likely ehda’;$
He sent me the file ..
Rakan: la tefte7ena al7een 3ugub fechee brou7ech ok?
Waaaay jameeeeel!!! Walla jad etha bettem 3ala your “ok?” I will definitely melt!!
Me shyly: enshallahh
Rakan: enzain khantekalam gentle to gentle ya3nii
DAMMA KHAFEEEF!!! Abaaihhh ma age6 menna shaaay!!!!!
Me: shlounnn?
Rakan: ya3ni meta elmelcha wel 3ers? Tara ana dammy 7aar mu t6awlenhaa yuba!
Me giggled: waaayy 3yal hal wagt 3yelaaa 3yelaa khannestamte3 bel la7thaaat
Rakan: walla banat hal wagt elly 3ayara ema6e6oun mu 3ashan shay bs teghelly aw 3naad 3ad entay
naggy wa7da
Me shyly: meta betakharraj?
Rakan: su’al 7eluu , la atghashmar wallahh “he was laughing” hal course enshallah
Me: wanasaaaaa
Rakan: entay meta?
Me: ana bagelly sena ou ni9 weyya el9aifyy
Rakan: entay sana thaltha 9a7?
Me: eehh
Rakan: accounting?
Me: eehhh
Rakan: eeh nafsy
Me: men gaddii
Rakan: 9ij el7emdella el7emdella a7esny 6e7t 3ala kanz youm 3araftech
Ana elly lazem a7med rabbee EL7EMDELLAH!!! Wella ana shfeeny zouuuud wain elkanz fel
mawthou3 gouul ana elly 6e7t 3ala kanz!!
Me shyly: 9ij rakan?
Faj’a he smiled and looked at the ground ..
Rakan in a calmed voice: ete3amedoun?
Ahhaaa abaaaih loooool eshaweegggg!!
Me shyly: la nesaawww
Rakan: shlounech weya el accounting 3asa mashya?
Me: foug ma tet9awwar
Rakan: afaa2
Me surprised: laaishhh
Rakan: gelt algally 3ether ou adarsech
Me giggled: mee7 ana meee7 ma afhaaam a7taj tutor
Rakan laughed ..
Me: shinu burjek?
Rakan: shdarrani, mu taba3 hasuwalef ana
Me: aana ba3ad ma agrahum bs sheft ana ay burj
Rakan: 3abali ba3ad
I felt happy because I felt his caring ..
Suddenly he received an SMS he looked at his mobile screen and smiled ..
I felt curious to know what did he read!!
I looked at him and smiled ..
Rakan smiled back: thurayya dazatly basher
Me shyly: shradait 3alaiha?
Rakan: ma radait bs eljawab ma3rouf afa 3alaich
I blushed ..
The time passed FASTER THAN FERRARI!!!
And he leftL ..
Awal ma they left tejabalna ana ou omy ou mama 7essa ou manoura ou 7essa ..
Mama 7essa: bayen 3alaihum san3een
They areee san3eeen!!!!
Mom: eeh
Mnera: mama 7essa shlouna elrayyal 3asa hotie?
Mama 7essa: manour youzaay sh’hatoya?? Haa?
Me , hessa and manoura laughed hardly ..
Mom: yumma ba3ad mat3arfen manour tkallek wayed
Mama 7essa: ha gamousha shrayech feeh?
7essa: ma yabelaha su’al mama 7essa
7essa sayra malgoufa wayed!!!!
Me: madri!!
My mom looked at me and shook her head “yes yes”
I didn’t understand her ..
And all of a sudden I remembered the bluetooth he sent me ..
Me: tesbe7oun 3ala khair dekht
I left them and ran to my room ,closed the door, laid on my bed and open the Bluetooth file ..
OH MY GOD!!!! That was too much!!!!! I was opening my mouth and eyes while listening .. I couldn’t
believe it! I felt like a princess .. I LOVE HIM!!!!
Here’s what he sent me ..
“9otech eldafy fee sam3i terannan .. eltefatty wagbal elnour men elwajh eljameel
wajhen abda3 elkhaleg fee 9un3ah ou tefannan .. luw baw9efah ma yekaffeni kalamen 6eweel
en jeet lel3eyoun elsa7era welkhad elly bel a7mar telawwan .. wela sha3raha elaswad elly malmesah
men 7areer
weddi enny ateghazzal ou eb kalam eshe3r atefannan .. bs etetha7 enna elkalam eb 7aggaha jeddan
men kel hatha abgha tefhemy shay wa7ed wateshakkar .. efhemy ya bent khalg allah tara kony men
ghairech MUSTA7EEL
hatha eshe3er ehda’ menni lech ou ana m’alfa khe9ee9an 3ashanech”
My eyes couldn’t stop tearing ..
I replayed it more than 10 times ..
I never dreamed of such amazing thing before!!
His warm voice was gorgeous ..
Everyday I discover a new adorable thing in him that make me love him more and more ..
He is perfect!!
I can’t wait for that big day!
I can’t wait to be under his wings and fly awaaaay ..
I sent Rakan an SMS:
“ gorgeous , amazing, adorable, beautiful LOVED IT!! I loved every single word in it YOU ARE
AMAZING RAKAN!!! I would never find like you! Thanks a lot;* and yes your voice was amazing
He didn’t reply back .. but probably he smiled ..
I went to the bathroom , changed my cloths and happily slept ..
That was my day ..
Its Monday ..
I woke up at 9:00 am ,I looked at my mobile and so his amazing SMS ..
“ happy ena 3jebech testahlain akthar”
I smiled ..
I went to the bathroom to take a fresh warm shower ..
I wore my missoni cardigan with my H&M pair of jeans ..
My hair was tied into a pony tale ..
I went to the college ..
My first lecture was with Raghad ..
I sat with her el omour kanat 6aybaa la’anna madarat 3an el engagement ..
After the lecture ..
Raghad: teyen sandoug enajma neshrab shay?
Me: ok
I went with her ..
We ordered hot drinks ..
After a while ..
Raghad: oh reema , ghareeba ma yat tsalem
Me: akeed ma shafatna
I went to reema ..
Me: reemaaa
Reema: na3am!
Me: shlounech?
Reema: tawech tes’eleen? Wainech 3ani bel weekend haa? 3ayazt adeg ou adezlech wentay 7agratny!
Me: sorry 7ayatee
Reema: khalas 3adi! Bs ana kel elly abe ehtemam ehtamy feni methel ma ana feech mehtamma!
Stop the drama!!!!
Me: enshallah 7abebty
She smiled ..
I am getting my friends back .. walaw enny adri enna 3elaqty ma3a raghad mara7 e6awwel!
The time passed without any action .. I didn’t see Rakan today!
I went back home , ate lunch and took a long nap ..
I woke up ..
I looked at mobile wella its 7:30 pm I shocked! But receiving an SMS from Rakan calmed me down but
not so long ..
“mu entay elly tel3ebeen feni chethy ! athbatty enech waq7aa wana elly ta3abt galbi b7ubech 9ij 7asafa 7asafa 3ala wagty 3ala 7ubi 3ala eny 3araftech!! Fashalteny jedam ahaly 9ij ma teste7een! Mes7ay raqmmi luw sama7ta!”
laaa2 laish el cliff hanger!!! abi a3aaarf, may9eeeer!!
loving the story more and more
so2al hathy reem el de3la shnu salfat'ha? lesbian? wai3 et8ith
b3dain akeed wara salfat rakan, Raghad
maku ghairha eli yabi ekharb their relationship
cheni wayd eshta6ait
can't wait for the next post ;*
Raghad...... Ofc
La2 la2
Plllz la yeg6e3oon il 3ela8aa they were perfect yhabloooon plz noo !!
7ddiiii interested o can't wait for the next part plz don't be late ;*
Cant wait for the next post ): please post it
I dont want to wake up at 4 am to read it :p
oh it looks so nice! i can't wait for the next read to come out:)
cant wait 4 the nxt post!!!!!!!!!!
Darliam: sorry loool;$ .. mu lai darajat lesbian ya3ni! bs she is De3la:D! hmm maybe;p astanes 3al she6a wallaahhh<3 ou thankyouuu;*
Warood: ee ehablouun:( .. thaanks aloot;* enshallah i will try;*
Madliar: i will try my besstt;* .. lool laaish?;p
Deema: thankyouuu<3
Anonymous: enshallah sooonnnn;*
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