Monday, April 28, 2014

The rushed decision .. Part12

This post is dedicaaated to the beautifuuul birthday girlll "Noura Alotaibi"<333

Bandar: sh3endaha fara7 ga3da ma3ach?
Me: enta ely sh3endek yay el center? Mu 3awaydek!
Bandar: bent ekhty mwa9eetny 3ala shaghla ou yay adawerha
Me: allaaah shinuu?
Bandar: sh3endaha Fara7 tkalmech?
Me: nsolef!
Bandar: bs entay mat3arfenha wala t3arfech! Khair!!
Me: ta3arrafna!
Bandar: umm
Me: shinu?
Bandar: awa9lech mukan?
Me: la batsawag ma3ak shinu tabe bent ekhtek?
Bandar: tabe jouty tekremeen
Me: min wain?
Bandar: valentino
Me: ok, this way
It was an awkward silence..
6oul el6ereej kan saket..
Ok ohwa maytekallam wayed bs halyoum kan saket bezyadda..
We finally reached Valentino..
He showed me the shoe’s picture..
Bandar: hatha ely tabeh shayoukha bent ekhty se’leeha etha mwjoud
Me: sure! Chum sizha?
Bandar: 37
I asked the worker for her size and he brought it..
Bandar: goulella gyasech ba3ad
I smiled: mashkour, had it already
Bandar: wain tabeen takleen?
Me: abaaaaaihhh nesaaait la ashtery 9ogha 7g 6alaaal!!!
Bandar: 6alal?
Me: eee hathak elly ..
Bandar interrupted me: adry adry bs laish 9ougha mafahamt!
Me: ba3ad he's my friend!
Bandar: umm
Me: shayeeebla?
Bandar: shaba9a!
Me: shinu shaba9a?? Agolek shayeeb 7g 6alal tgoly shaba9a? Ayebla shaba9a? Yanait?
Bandar: aq9ed kaifech ou ana na6rech eb hal cafe'
Me: 9ej?
He stared at ma for seconds..
Bandar: la mu 9ej emshay enshofla shay men halma7al
Me: Bandar?
Bandar turned around: hmm?
Me: eshfeek?
Bandar: mafeeny ela el3afya!
Me: laish a7esek metthayeg?
Bandar: la la t7ateen!
Me: okk!
Bandar: bs ranaa
Me: yes?
Bandar: shlech eb fara7? Mu e7na mettafqeen enha tlawe3 elchabd? Shelly khallach trafjeenha? Men fara7 lai 6alal ya3ni laaishh?
Me: alllaaaaah! Look at that cap a7essa style 6alaaal!!
Bandar: rana entay weyyay?
Me: excuse me! I want a new one please
Bandar: rana?
Me: weyyaak shkent tgoul?
Bandar: salamtech
I finaaaally got Talal a “9ogha” from here!!
Ashwaanny thekartaaa!!
After a long day of shopping we went to a restaurant to eat our dinner..
Me: ahhh food!!!
Bandar smiled: ely eshoufech egoul mate6la3 menha haljumlaa
Me: minu may7eb el akel!!
Bandar: ee wallah el7emdellah 3alne3ma
Me: I cant imagine enna bacher benred lekwait uffff
Bandar: benred 7g el7aar
Me: im fine with el7ar bs uff mabe adaaawem
Bandar smiled: thab7ech eldaawam
Me: ent 6ab3an mu farga ma3ak teshteghel hny ou belkwait ou luw msafer elgumar ham bteshteghel
Bandar: la farga ma3aay min gal mu fargaa!
I raised my eyebrows..
Bandar: ra7 ashtag lech!
Bandar: ra7 ashtag 7g halga3daa ou 7ag shoftech kelyoum men el9eb7 lai elail
I took a deep breath: atwaqa3 7etana ra7 olah 3alaik
Bandar: la ana matwaqa3 3ayal
Me: laish?
Bandar: madry!
Me: 3ayal oshhh
Bandar: t3arfeen hatha elshu3our elly lamma tkouneen mendaf3a 7g ensan ou tshoufeena kel denyetech bs ohwa mgazer feech? T3arfeen shu3our ely t6aw3een galbech eb shay entay mu meqtan3a feeh ou tadreen enna nehayta mu 3ala mazajech bs still enty mkamla hal6ereej! T3arfeen shu3our lamma tehtamain 7g ensan mu mehtam lech wala 7eta me3tabrech refeej? Hatha shu3oury al7een!!
Me: musta7eeel shloun shu3ourek a6wal min 6ereeej amreeeka!! I didn’t get it Bandar!!
Bandar: like always!
Me: Bandar!! Ana mu fahma ent laish tgoul chethy!! Ma3anny ana 7ail astanes wana yammek! Shu3oury wana mjabletek 3umry ma7asaita men gabel shu3our 7elu ou mabe yogaf! Bandar!! I do caree!!
He smiled automatically..
Bandar whispered: rana!! You took my heart
Me: huhh you gave me it a9lan!
He smiled: yazeeenech
I don’t know if I really love him, or just I feel happy when I sit with him!
I love every single thing in him, a7eb hedou’a ou thegla ou shakla ou haibta ou 6eebat galbah, a7eb ehtemama ou nathrata ely men ta7at lai ta7at..
Bs madry etha a7ebba..
And all of a sudden my mobile phone rang to interrupt my thoughts..
I picked it up..
Me: hi
Bandar: hala rana 3asa mu nayma?
Me: laa mu nayma!
Bandar: 9akakty jna6ech?
Me: la ta3aiyazt!
Bandar: 7awly t9ekenhum mbacher 3ashan bamerech bacher 3alsa3a 11 enrou7 elma6aar
Me: Bandar 3ady arou7 ma3a taxi latkalef 3ala 7alek
Bandar: este7y 3ala wayhech trou7een weya taxi wana hny!! Ba3dain ana 7ajez nafs 6ayartech!
Me: khala9 enshallahh!
At Kuwait Airport..
Bandar: Allah y7afthech
Me: bs bagoulek enna hal esbo3 elly gathainah eb swaisra men a7la elayyam eb 3umryyy ou I will never forget them!
Bandar: testahlain kel khair
I smiled: I expected you to say “the same here”
Bandar: la mu the same! Ana met’aked enny estanast bgurbech akthar men wanastech eb gurby
I blushed: teslam
Bandar: minu yaylech?
Me: dana!
Bandar: mu zain tshoufny ma3ach ha?
I smiled: bs who cares?
Bandar: la may9eer
Me: ok bye
I went out of the gate to see Dania..
She ran toward me and hugged me that big hug!!
I giggled: danouyyyy allah y3eeen luw msafra shahaar
Dania: I missss you ya aklab makhlouuuqa bel 3alamm
Me: I miss you mooore 9adgeeenyyy
Dania: gouleeelly shloun gathaitay hal ayyam brou7echhh?
Me: umm maku yoga ou shopping eee ou masharait lech shay tara
Dania: nezlaay nezly reddy ma3a taxi ahuuuu!
Me: shut upppp!!
Dania: awadeech baitkum?
Mom: Asfaaaraat wanwaraaat westahaallat wam6araaat
I threw myself on her warm chest..
Me: I misss youuuuu!!
Mom: wallah mukanech faaathyyy ya ranouyaaa
I hugged mimi and fara7 ou elkalb fahhouuudi and sat with them..
Me: 3ayal wain obouuy?
Mom: mu hny hathy 6al3eta men el9eb7
Mimi: gouleellena shloun swaisraa??
Me: etyaaanneeenn!! Jaaaww ou sharaa7aa ou manaather
Mom: eee ya7elouuuha
Me: ya3ni 9eej relaaaxaation men galb!
Fara7: waay shawagteeny 9ej me7taja aghayer jaaww
Mimi: ehlekech hal fahouuudy
Mom: 7abeeeb yaddetaa hathaa ta3aal haak
Farah: waaay yumma ma7ad mkharba ghaireech 9ej yadda!!!
Mom: shfeeha etha 3a6aita ne9 kawkaw ya7afeth
Farah: yumma ana abeeh e9eer healthy wentay kharaaabbbo
Mimi: omy ayyamna kanat an7as om bedenya ou 3al 7afeed fallat’ha
Mom: shfeekum me7tarreenn khalouny adalela ma3endy ghaira kho
Mimi: RANOOO!! Elly wakhed albek yet’hannabo
Me: shetkharbe6een?
Farah: mjabla hal mobile ou etebousaaam
Mom: khal etebosam allah ydeem lebtesama eb wayehha esh 7arkummm
Farah whispered in my ears: rano
Me: hmm
Farah: deeery balech tamsheen 6ereejy
Me surprisingly: ay 6ereej?
Farah: 6ereej el7ub ou halkharabeee6!! Walla eb takleeenha ya ranouy ou luw tabcheen bu7ayra obouch muhu hazza reee7!!!
Me whispered: bafham laish chethy obouy?
Farah: hatha ne9eebna! Makhaby malyana ou gloub khalya
I sighed..
Talal: la t3edeeenha!!
Me: shfeeekum kelha sboo3 tara
Talal: sbooo3 wayed
Me smiled: you miss me?
Talal: eee shrayech?
Me: enzain I bought you something min swiss!
Talal: their weather??
Me: wee I forgot to can it sorry
Talal smiled: chum marra agolech latyebeeelly shay?
Me: may9eer bs ent tyeeeb
Talal: ana yebt lanny sheftech beltarcheyya mu bs abe ayeb ou khala9
Me: elmuhem hatha ely sharaita lek
He looked inside the bag and gasped: OBEY cap!!!!
Me: yeaaah!!
Talal: 7ayaaaateee thank you so muchhh! 
Me: wallah talal you deserve more bs madry shayeeeb
Talal: radetech belsalama a7la hadeyya
“Good morning”
I smiled and replied: “morning”
“Will you believe me if I tell you that I miss you?”
I replied: “of course I will, because I miss you even more”
“3ayal lezoum nshoufech”
I replied: “when?”
“Now! If possible.”
I replied: “sorry I cant”
“meta you can?”
I replied: “tomorrow morning”
“at caribou coffee”
I replied: “deal”
“be on time, please”
I smiled and threw my mobile on my bed, and rushed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and then I changed my clothes into these:

I went down stairs..
Me: besmellaaah shfeech
Mimi: yourrr skirttt! Meta sharaiteeehaa
Me: sharait’ha men swaisraaa
Mimi: etyannennnn t’hagain etdesh feeny?
Me: amalechhh! Mara7 talbeseenha
Mom: haaa wain 3ala allah?
Me: ba6la3 weya refejty
Mom: allah ywansech bel3afya wekaber 7athech
Me: waaay mama cuuuute
Mimi: wain allah ykabr 7ath’ha wehya matghayer eltasree7a ya bun ya pony tale ya pony tale ya bun
Me: la7tha la7tha entay shakuuu??
Mom: ee ta3alay laish matfelleen sha3rech
Me: al7een shyab 6ary sha3ry akhartouuuny! Byeeee
I got inside my car and went to the avenues mall to meet farah..
At Coco café ..
Farah: enty t7ebbeena?
Me: I don’t know!
Farah: shinu elly I don’t know t7ebena wella laa!!
Me: I just love the way he loves me!
Farah: shdarach enna y7ebech?
Me: excuse me?
Farah: eshdarrach enna y7ebechh??
Me: his eyes told me!
Farah: tha7akteenyyyyyy!! Shahar kamel tshofena kel youm wala staw3abtaaay enna nawy 3ala shay ghair sheghel men ghabaaa’ech wal7en tgoulelly men 3youna?
Me: eee!!
Farah: ok wala mara galech ena y7ebech?
Me: ummmm, et9adgeen laa!
Bandar: your coffee
Me: thank you!
Bandar: 7athreen
Me: a7eb jaw el9eb7 ou the coffee’s smell weyya the sun’s rays
Bandar smiled: zeedy 3alaihum ga3detech jedamy
Me: shinu ya3ni?
Bandar: shoftech bne9 haljamal ely tgoleen 3annah ezeed eljamal jamal
Me: Bandar taadryyy?
He gave me that face elly 7ail meshta6 and said: goulay!
Me: men dashait eljam3a wana an6er a7ad y7ebny wayed en3ajbaw feeny bs kent an6er 7ubb! Shu3our enek tkoun ma7boub she3our 7eluu! Ou kent kel youm ashouf nafsy wagoul anna shnage9ny? Bs al7een fahamt enna the best things come for those who waits!!
He grinned: rana!
Me: hmm?
Bandar: entay bta36eny fer9a?
Me: Bandar ana we9alt 7g mar7ala eny magdar agoul la
Bandar happily: 7abeeeeeeba
Don’t ask me what was he meant by “7abeba”..
But I was happy though..
Bandar: SHFEECH???
Me: 6alal dag 5 marrat ou ma7asait!!!
Bandar: rana!
Me: wait khal ashouf shfeeeh!!!
Bandar sighed and turned around..
Me: elmamsha akher ehtemamaty bs madry sh6ary 3alaik?
Bandar: ghareeba ma3anech wayed mehtamma bel fitness
Me: laaa ent fahemny ghala6 ana 7addy yoga ou jogging 3alba7ar
Bandar: ana lazem kelyom arou7 elmamsha 3ugb elsheghel
Me: ok bs mamsha elrotha yaqmet
Bandar: yam baitna
He jumped in his place: shinuu?
Me: nagazeyyaaat khanerkaaabb
Bandar giggled: ensy elmawthouu3
Me: Bandar yaaalla 3ashaaanyyy
Bandar: ana arkab nagazeya? La yuba laaa
Me: baaandar pleaaaase eb khaaaa6ry arkabhaaa!!!
Bandar: rana shfeech 6efoula met’akhraaa?
Me: allah ykhalleeekkk!!!!
Bandar giggled: yallah yallah
Me happily: tara ra7 terkab ma3aaay!!
Bandar: betfasshleena jedam hal yahhaaal entay!
Me: emsh emsh emsh abe marra t6ale3 elmaynoun ely feeekkk
Bandar: ana men sheftech ou hal maynoun ma rekad
I blushed.. 
We enjoyed our time to the max!!
Jad menzeman ma tha7akt halketherrr!!
Nashabna ellyahhaal 3adelll!!!
Then we went back home, makan weddy ared kan weddy elwagt yogaf wala ymer..
Me: men 9ejjech?? Khalaita yerkab weyay elnagazeyyaa!!
She gasped: BANDAR??? Nowaaay!
Me: i know right???
Farah: ta'theeerech qawy!
Me: laish jana ma yannenta nafsy?
Farah: getlech eny madry 3n jana laish mu msadgatny??
Me: adry! Bs i mean gabel lamma kanaw e7ebon ba3ath!
Farah: bafham!! Shaku 9abra 3alaih wentay tadren ena kan 3ala 3elaqa weya jano??
Me: i dont care about the past!!
Farah: bs still magalech a7ebech!
Me: entay laish wayed meshta6a?? Mu lazem egolhaa ana mabeh egolha entay sh7arech?
Me: taraa ma7eb hal esloub akrahaaa!! 7eta ma medany atsaba7 3ala ra7ty!! 
Bandar: ana asef!
Me: atmanna ykoun 3ndek salfa!
Bandar: mayebtech hny men 9eba7 allah khair ela 3endy salfa!! Salfa mu mkhaletny anam nafs elnaaas!

Me: ta7achh!

***Kindly leave a comment***

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The rushed decision .. Part11

Hellooo beauties<33

Thaaank you so muuuch for your patience I reeeally appreciate it<3

And im really soooorry for the delay:(!

Enjoy the postttt atmanna ya3jebkum<3

His words kept on repeating in my mind over and over..
I was staring at him surprisingly..
He was trying to avoid my stares..
I took a deep breath: hny bard! I need to change my clothes
He bited his lips and nodded..
I accelerated my speed to my room..
I got inside and sat down my bed..
Oh my god!
Men 9ejjjaaaa??? Men 9ejja he has all of those feelings for me wana maadry!!!!!
That was shocking!!
7ettaaa friend ma kent a3tebraaa!
Kent maa ashoufa ella boss!!!
I wokeup early , took a long warm shower and wore those..

I wasn’t ready to meet Bandar after what he said last night..
I met lots of guys bs ma7ad feehum tejarra’ e9are7ny eb shay nafs hatha!!
His words were shocking!!
I was walking slowly toward my hotel’s starbucks only to check on him..
I sneaked a peek inside the coffee shop to notice him sitting down with his laptop in front of him..
I acceleratd my steps to leave the hotel before he could notice me..
I went to the closest café to drink my morning coffee..
I took my late’ and sat down, opened the cup’s lid and started to stare at my coffee’s smoke ,and sniff..
I really adore the coffee’s smell specially in winter, it makes me feel warmed..
My mobile started to ring..
I picked it up..
Me: MAMA!!!!
Mom: halaaaa wallaaah! Shlounech mama?
Me: everything’s good! Enty shlounech?
Mom: tamaam eb khair damech bkhaair
Me: ha yummma bashray ra7 tzoureeeny hny?
Mom: laa wallah bared 7g mimi maskeena 6agga chabd’ha!
Me: laa laatgouleeeen!!
Mom: ee wallahh! Shfeeech 3asa mashar? Chenna thayeg khelgech?
Me: la mu thayeg khelgy bs eshtahaitech ma3aay!
Mom: enshallah bel 9aaif kelena nrou7 yemee3
Me: enshallaahh!
Mom: yalla mama akhalleech ana! Lazem nerkab el6ayara al7een
Me: ok belsalaama ou salmay 3ally ma3ach
Mom: enshallaah
I closed the line and raised my head to see Bandar..
I jumped in my place and gasped: besmellah!
Bandar pulled a chair and sat down..
My heart’s beats accelerated..
Bandar: rana
I was staring at him silently..
Bandar: ana asef! Yemkin akoun takha6ait lekh6ou6 el7amra?
I rolled my eyes away from his..
Bandar: makent abe a3aqed el omour! Kel ely abeh enech tefhemeen shta3nelly eb kel basa6a!
Bandar: ou etha enty 7aba 3elaqatna etem chethy 6oul el3umer ou ma ete6awwar ana mwaafeq!
I nodded: eeh, it would be better
Bandar: ok
And he left..
He left me alone..
I laid my head back and took a deep breath!!
This is just too much!!
I really cant hold all of this in my heart!!!
I really NEED to pour it out and just relaaaax!
Ohh my coffee!!
Laaa bredat before I could drink it uffff!!
I grabbed my mobile and left the coffee shop..
I started to run along the street..
I was running to nowhere!!
Until I stopped in the main shopping center..
I was breathing so fast..
The world became muddled and I felt weakness in my legs..
----: helloooo
I slowly opened my eyes..
----: la t’hayteen rou7ech bel ghurba
I  was trying to recognize her face..
Abaihh minuuuu!!!
----: 9a7aaaitay??
I nodded..
----: tara 6e7tay ghashyaanaa
Me: thank you
She giggled: shinu elly thank you! hach sharaitlech hal baskout ekleeh 3ashan tred lech 6aqtech
I grabbed the biscuits and started eating..
----: el7emdellah 3ala salamtech yal m9argaa3aa
And she went away..
I tried to call her to ask her about her name because im pretty sure I met that face before but she couldn’t hear my voice 7asafaaa!!
I ate some biscuits and I went back to my hotel..
I ordered some melons from the hotel’s restaurant and I started eating them while watching a silly german movie..
Kellesh ma kent mendamja bel movie a9lan kent mu fahma shaaay!!
I was thinking of that girl..
Minu minu minu?
I jumped and wore my coat..
I went down to starbucks..
Bandar surprisingly: hala?
Me: awal shay ent yay swaisra 3ashan starbucks?
He smiled..
I pulled a chair and sat down..
Bandar: eeh?
Bandar: ee!
He interrupted my sentence: META?? OU WAINN??
Me: Bandar laatgaaa6e3!
Me: I was running men galb ou makent makla shay ou kent shayla ham eldenya eb galbe ou..
Omg! Faj’a tethakkaart sh9aar el9eb7!!!
Waaay shaabe yayyaatlaa afashel!!
Bandar: ou shinuuuu? Ou laish shayla ham eldenya 3asa mashar??
Me: lamma 6e7t ghashyana hatheech elbent elhailegeya sa3edatny ou sharatly baskout she’s so cute men dakhel bs GOD she’s om ou obo eldefasha!!
Me: anyway! Shesemha?
Bandar: mate7tajain t3arfen esemha ou mate7tajain trafjenha ok?
My eyes popped out: Who in the world said enny barafejha!!!
Bandar: shekarteeha?
Me: ofcourse!
Bandar: khosh! al7en goulelly laish shayla ham?
Me smiled: rakkez eb sheghlek!
He lowered his voice’s tone: rana 3afya goulelly shfeech latkhaleeny a7aty aw aloum nafsy!
Me: maku shay!! Mayhemmek!
Bandar: ehemny kelshy feech yhemny!
Me: bandaar, Please!
Bandar: just tell me!
Me: Bandar la t3alleg nafsek eb shay mu lek! Allah ykhalleek!
Bandar: sam7eeny 3ala halsu’al bs a7taj a3aref enty makh6ouba?
Me: la!
Bandar: enzain metzawja? Aw on a relationship?
Me: no!
Bandar: entay matabeeny?
Me: Bandar ent kel elnas etemannaak!! The problem is with my father! Obouuy maraa7 yertha eny akheth shakh9 ghair ely  ohwa yabeeny akhthaa
Bandar: ou laish met’akda enna obouch ma yabeeny!
Me: lanny a3aref his type!!!
Bandar: rana khalleha 3alay!
Me: Bandar elmawthou3 mu bhalsehoulaaa!!
Bandar: rana entay tabeeny wella la?
I froze in my thoughts for seconds and replied: I don’t know!
Bandar: ah ok!
Me: what?
Bandar: wala shay!
He collected his things and stood up to leave..
Me: heeey! En6errr!
He froze in his place..
Me: shfeek?
Bandar: mafeeny shay
Me: embalaa! Mala da3y tez3al ana gelt “I don’t know” ma gelt “la”!
Bandar: ranaaa you don’t have to explain wallah 3ady maza3alt wala shay ou hathy wejhat natharech ou ana a7teremha *he smiles*
Me: enzain wain betrouu7?
Bandar: wanna join?
Me: yallah!
Bandar: shrayech ta36eeny a yoga session?
I grinned: with pleasure!!!
Bandar: wain?
Me: wee bs ana labsa jeans shloun?
Bandar: 7ettana 3ady nsawy ely negdar 3alaih
Me: okay
Bandar: wain?
Me: ummmm, have you ever visited Interlaken?
Bandar: la
Me grinned: follow me
We went to the train station and headed to Interlaken..
One of the BEST areas in Switzerland!!!

Me: Shraaayekkk?
Bandar: 7ub men awal nathraa!
Me: exactly nafs my feeling awal ma sheft’haa!
Bandar: only if it was “sheftk”!!
Me: what do you mean?
Bandar: I love the place!
Me: who doesn’t!!!!!!  yalla nag wain tabe nsawwy yoga
Bandar: entay naggay
Me: ummmm!! .. allaaaah parachute!!!
Bandar smiled: tabeen?
Me: eeee please!!!!
Bandar: matkhafeen?
Me: laa! Ent tkhaf?
Bandar smiled: etha akhaf tardefeeny?
Me: hahha la ra7 akhalleek wara mudarreb a7sann
Bandar smiled: la makhaf bs wala marra jarrabt
Me: yallaaah 3aayal
I enjoyed my jump to the maaaaaax and Bandar did too!!
This was the best dayyyy men yeet swaisraaa ma3anna el9eb7 it was the worst!
Me: amma 9arkhetek? Awwal maarra ashoufek chethy t9arrekh *laughs*
Bandar: elshu3our kan khayaaaly! Allah y3afeeech el9ara7a
Me: 3ad ent 9ej me7taaaaj enek takser routinek elkhaayessss hatha
Bandar smiled: 9a7
Me: 9ej ta3aaal
Bandar: hmm
Me: ma ashoufek re7t sheghel men yeena hny! 6oul elwagt mjabel laptopek ou ga3ed b starbucks!!!
Bandar: ella 9ej meta tkhale9 ejaztech?
He smiled: atghashmaarrr
Me: qashmartek thegeeela jadd
Bandar: as7abhaaa bs the7kaay
I smiled: waaay ma3aref athgel bdegega ath7ak khu9ou9aaan eb hal mawaaqef asra3 shay teyeny eltha7kaaa
Bandar: ta3jebny eltha7ka
Me: hahhaaa
Bandar: enzain menty mwaklatna?
Me: emsh bawaddeek an amazing coffee shop etro7la eb telefreak ou el view malah y6el 3ala kel Interlaken 3ajeeeeebbbb
Bandar agreed and followed me to the telefreak ..
We were enjoying the view and the delicious food..
Me: 9ej ma jawabtnyyy meta trou7 sheghlekkk
Bandar: ok bagoulech el9ej
Me: goul
Bandar: walaw eny mefteshel men nafsy bs walla madry shloun sawait’ha I was just following my heart!!
Me: shfeeeeek? 7asaitek msawy munkar haha goul
Bandar: ana yeet hny 3ashanech! Gelt let it be a chance 3ashan t3arfeeny akthar!! Ou etha 9ara7tech etaqabelain!! Rana ana asf 3ala hal 7araka el6efouleya ely sawait’ha bs wallah makent ga3d afaker 7azat’ha!

Me: I swear enna he’s the cutest creature!! Tekhayelaay enna he came here bs 3ashaaany! Minu esaweha? Ou la wa9el gably 3ashan yestaqbelny bel ma6aaar! He did a lot to me bs elmushkela eny magdar at3allag feeh ou khayfa yet3allag feeny akthar!
Me: fara7! Maybe you know him better than me! ne97eeeny!