I was S T R U C K if that word can describe my shock!
I checked the number over 6 times!!!
It was his number! Rakan’s number!!!
What happened to him?
He might be joking? Of course he was!!!
I tried to call him to ask him what was wrong with him?? And what the hell was the message he sent
He didn’t answer!!
I called him again and again but NO ANSWER!!!
AKHHH!!! Is he planning to kill me by that ignorance or what???
My eyes won’t tear! I was still under the shock!
And all of a sudden I received an SMS from him ..
“Don’t even try to call me again!! What do you want from me ha!? Ou chenna I told you to delete my
number not to call me 100 times!”
That was so rude!!
Ya zeft efham I love you!!!
I sent him back:
“Rakan shfeek?”
He ignored my message!
I tried to call him and he ignored my calls too!
And now I am crying ..
There was a river of tears on my cheeks and about million question marks on my head ..
Why??? What happened?? ..
Yesterday we were such a lovely love birds, yesterday I was a princess and he was my handsome man
but now he is turning to a handsome devil!!
It was hard to believe ..
My mind was stopped! I couldn’t think anymore!!
I was just crying until I fell asleep ..
Life is little bit hard but “enna ma3a el3usre yusra” make the hard become easier ..
That was my day ..
That was my bad day ..
Its Tuesday ..
I woke up at 10:00 am and I was too late!! I went to the bathroom change my cloths and ran to my car ..
I started my day with a big hope that Allah will bless me soon ..
Remembering ayat “enna ma3a el3usre yusra” make me smile against my will ..
I arrived to the college late ..
I ran to my class ou el7emdellah the Dr. dakhalny ..
I sat next to raghad ..
Me whispering: el7emdella dakhalny mu 3awayda
Raghad: 7adda yabakhtech
Suddenly a light was glowing on my head!
My mind was telling me “of course she is, raghad maku ghairha!! She’s the only one who was so jealous
from me! She is the only one who loved rakan with me! She is the only “neshba” belkwait!”
My eyes turned to fire and a reek was coming out from my ears ..
Me nervously: RAGHAAD!
Raghad surprised: shfeech?
Me: al7en 6el3ay jedamy ou al7egech!!
Raghad: haw laishh?
Me: la tnachfeen yalla jedamy!!!
Raghad: ou el lecture
Me: en ma 6ala3tay walla asawi shay ma tabenaa!
Raghad: besmella gmasha shfeechh? Hadday
Me: 6el3ay!!
Raghad: mabe a6la3 haw!
Me: met’akda???
Raghad: eee!
Chan agre9 raghad 3ala her thigh 7ail!
Raghad screamed loudly!
The dr.: what happened? Minu 9arrakh??
Me: she did
Raghad: la’anech gara9teny!
The dr.: how shame on both of you yahhal entaw? Yalla out lamma tekberoun come to attend my class!
Me happily: ok
Raghad whispered: khara 3alaich!
We both went out from the class ..
Raghad: entay 7maraaa???
Me: shoufay raghad! Mu entay elly tkharben bainy ou bain rakan fahma??
Raghad: gmasha! Ana mali sheghel entay eb nafsech elly tanazaltay ou geltay enna ley ba3dain ohwa
lail7en mu rathy ya36eny wayh 7etta kalam mu ma36eny fur9a akalma!
Me: raghad men elakher entay shgaylatla 3annyy????
Raghad: getlech ma kallamta ma kallamta kellesh shloun tabeny akalme 3anech ou 7etta luw kallamta
ana maynouna athakra feech yanaitaay??
That make sense! La’anna I didn’t tell her enna ana abee ou she didn’t saw us together 3ugub hathak
Me: ya3ni ma shawahty sum3ety jedama????
Raghad: maku sheghel? Ana khal a7a9la awwal!! La7tha shesalfaa? Ay sum3a elmetshawha? Ou entay
shaku feh??
Shakla mu ehyaa! Waaih al7en sharagge3?
Me: madry 3anna bs ewazze3 eb hanathrat 7aggy!
Raghad: waaaay! 7asbaly 3endech salfa m6al3atna men leclass 3ashan chethy 9ij ma teste7en ou by the
way 9ayra savage tkhar3een!
Me: ok
I turned and walk away from Raghad ..
Ufff shfeeh yarabbi sh9aaar! Walla enny san3a ma a3aref elghala6!!
I decided to search on Rakan and to talk face to face with him!
I searched everywhere in the circle , starbucks , the garden, the classes and every single place in the
collage !!
I gave up!! I saw a chair to sit on !
I drank a bottle of water!
Until the scent of an Abercrombie and Fitch cologne wavered under my nose!
I raised my head and sniffed it deeply ..
I turned my face to the right side and I saw him ..
My heart skipped a beat!
I followed him immediately without calling him!
I kept on following him silently until he arrived to his car ..
Me: rakan
Rakan surprised and gave me that scorn-amazing gaze and entered his car ..
You think I’m going to knock your window and pleading you or something? No darling I will not!
believe me I’m not that type of girls! I didn’t do anything wrong to be sorry about..
He should talk to me he should know the truth from me and not to listen to a nonsense things from a
jealous girl atwaqa3!!
I decided to skip all my next classes and left to home ..
Rakan disappointed me!!
I gave him love , I gave him trust , I gave him me!! But he didn’t appreciate that!
Please Rakan return my love back to me please Rakan I can’t stop loving you seriously I can’t!!!!
On my way to my car ..
Fay: 7aram 3alaich you become so skinny!!!!
Mu nage9ny ella entay 3ashan yakmel youmy!!!
Me: 9ij shukran!
Fay: wa mena el7ub ma tha33af!
Me: ok
Fay: lemtan ma yenfa3 ma3ahum ella el7ub 3ashan yeth3efoun ou ehedoun marag 3adas shwayya
Calm down gmasha calm down la tet’hawerain!!!
Me: fay thelfay wakhry 3any karahtech t3arfeen shinu karahtech mlaw3a chabdi mabe ashoufech!!!
And all of a sudden Reema came ..
Reema: shinu shessalfa minu elly ga3d eqeth gamousha????
Fay: 7aram 3alaich khawafteeny babchy banchy!! Ana sh3endech??
Reema: ma 3endi shay bs ma3rouf elqatheeth kella eqeth 3araftay?
GO REEMAA EDDEELU!!! Awwal marra ta3jebny reema:D ..
Fay: ohooo 3add na6aaq entaay haay tra gmasha mu murtech fa please khuffy 3alaina 7aram 3alaich
Kent nawya asakket fay bas 7asait Reema lazem tesma3 hal jumlaa ..
Reema: chaab la tyeeben esemha 3ala lsanech fahma?
Fay: ashouf 6alat ou shamakhat?? By the way still qazma don’t take it seriously
Reema: el7emdella weshekerr!
Me: lazem arou7 ta’akhart
Fay: laish 7abeeb elgalb yan6erech??
Reema: e7tarmy nafsechhh!! Hathy suwalfech brou7ech!
Ooooops!! Staghferuallah el3atheem!
Fay: maskeena entay khalech ma tadren wain alla ga6ech takseren elkha6er!
Reema turned her face to me ..
Fay Shabbat ethaw ou thlefat!!
Me: ra7 t9adgeenha?
Reema: never
Wainek ya rakan luw teyye eta3allam men reema!!
Me: a7ebech
Reema: ana akthaar!!
I left her and went back home ..
The days are passing ..
My life completely changed ..
I am losing weight more and more ..
I didn’t have an appetite ..
I am losing the hope slowly ..
I became a close friend to my tears ..
My mom didn’t talk to me about him maybe because she don’t want to pain me ..
Every day his amazing audio make me cry because someday I believed his lies ..
“kony men ghairech musta7eel” every time I hear that sentence I feel like HUH!!
temannaitek ma3y tuwasy madma3y hagaitek ma tkhalleny a3ani laken youm re7t ba3dek ana
the3t ta3al erja3 ana hammy thananyy
One day I was laying on my bed and crying “as always” ..
Suddenly my mobile rang ..
It was unknown number ..
So I ignored it ..
The number kept on calling me again and again!!
I became nervous!! Sakkarta eb wayhaa!
Once , twice , la ya’s ma3a al7ayat wala 7ayat ma3a elya’s!!!
I picked it up!
………: gmashaa!!
She know my name!
I calmed down ..
Me: minu???
……….: ana thurayyaa! Ekhet rakan, ur ex shesma!